Ch 27 I'm Fuming

The King, Queen Ealhswith, And Princess Judith stood in the courtyard along with most of the nobles present in Newcastle as they looked at the horrific sight.

The King's men moved forward and cut off the bonds of the men and released them from their duty as draft animals.

The One eyed Captain was cut free from his bindings and was carried off and toward the King, the man slumped to his knees since he didn't have the strength to stand after his experience.


Soon enough one of his men moved to the cart and pulled off the stained sheet to reveal two hundred and fifty severed heads, most had their right eyes plucked out.

""Ahhhhhh!!!"" Several noble women who were present screamed and some even fainted while the King looked solemnly at the severed heads with hatred in his heart.

The Queen fainted but was caught by Judith who looked at the hellish cart with trembling hands and a deep fear in her think the Man who did this was only a few miles away made her want to leave Newcastle as soon as possible.

"WHERE IS MY BROTHER!!!!" The King roared at the one eyed man who couldn't bring himself to speak, but he reached into his clothes and withdrew a clean crisp rolled parchment.

The King snatched the scroll and handed it to his Chamberlain to read.

The man cracked the seal and unfurled the parchment.

[King Aelle I have your brother Aethelwulf, he is currently alive and mostly well.....I am open to discussing terms....send your court Priest to swear upon Christ and your cross that our negotiator will not be harmed during the visit to your Keep when we Negotiate.... -Thenn Odin's Eye"] The Chamberlain spoke and King Aelle fumed.

"SEND THE DAMN CARDINAL!!!" The King roared and stared at the cart of heads as none made a sound.

Before long he stormed off after yelling at his men to clean up the mess outside.

Judith escorted her Mother back to her room, that horrendous sight made her hands shake in fear.....Someone from that demons camp would be here soon....she wanted to hide away in her room and lock herself in....

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(A few hours later)

I stood outside completely naked while I bathed from well water, I had cleaned off most of the blood and gore from my armor as well.

A man has to make a good first impression after all.

Before long one of my men ran up and spoke. "There's a cart coming down the road Captain, two guards on horseback as well...." He spoke excitedly.

"It is a representative of the King, let them through so I may speak to them." I spoke and continued washing my hair and beard in the water with some lye soap I had made a few months ago, this one had a honey scent which reminded me of Althea back home....

Soon enough the gates opened and a cart carrying the fat Cardinal dressed in his full white, red, and gold regalia rolled in....the man even had the huge hat as well.

His assistant helped the fat blob get off the cart as my men laughed at the pompously dressed Cardinal in his silly clothes.

My men pointed toward me as i was still washing out my hair.

The Cardinal looked hesitant to approach but I called out to him in Latin. {"Come closer Cardinal So I may speak to you."}I called out and the fat man hesitantly approached while clutching his ornate golden cross around his neck.

"I...I...I am Cardinal Oswald...I come in the name of K...King Aelle and under the Protection of God....." He spoke with a trembling voice.

I wringed out my hair and turned to face him, as soon as he gazed upon my Milky Eye I sensed that he pissed himself a bit as his entire body trembled.

{"Worry not Fat priest...You do not die today...."} I spoke and he breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from his fat face.

{"Although I wouldn't mind trying your flesh, I wonder if it would taste like Pork."} I spoke in perfect Latin and his bladder let loose and a stream of piss ran down his leg and stained his robes as his body trembled.

Then I laughed out loud. {"Hahahah...Worry not Fat Man I was Merely are not worth eating.....tell me, will you swear upon your God and Cross that my negotiator shall not be harmed?"} I asked and he nodded as his fat face jiggled.

{" I swear it, it would be a great Sin to kill a man under parley....I Cardinal Oswald as a representative of God himself and King Aelle Swear That No One Shall Harm Whoever Is Sent To Negotiate....In the name of the Father the Son, and the Holy Ghost...."} He spoke while clutching his cross tightly and closing his eyes.

{"Very well, we have spare food for you while I go and get dressed."} I spoke and his eyes widened.

{"Y...Y..You Will go???"} He asked I'm confusion.

I didn't respond, instead I turned to one of my Men. "Feed the Hog something." I spoke and my men giggled at his nickname.

Floki scurried off and returned with a plate of horse and donkey meat from inside one of the houses.....

the smile on his face would make anyone weary of eating from the plate but the Fat Cardinal began eating the food ravenously while moaning in men looked at Floki stealthily giggling and felt bad for the Hog in fancy clothes.

I donned clean clothes and my scrubbed Armor, Hasta had cleaned it thoroughly.

Soon after I tied everything down and donned all my weapons.

I donned my most fancy sword from my inventory, it would probably be considered a two handed sword for a regular man but for me it fit in one hand nicely.

After it was holstered I threw my shield over my back and equipped my veiled helmet and Bearskin Cloak that added an entire foot to my height with it's menacing head used as a hood, the hundreds of bloodstains we're clearly visible on the huge beasts fur.

I stepped outside and then the Fat Cardinal saw me he dropped his plate of food and yelped in fear.

My men laughed at the Hogs antics as I approached My Horse and mounted it.

{"Go on Cardinal I don't have all day."} I spoke and he rushed to climb onto the cart, the bastard had to be pushed on by his assistant.

I turned to my men and called out. "TOSTIG IS IN CHARGE WHILE I AM GONE, ANYONE WHO STEPS OUT OF LINE WILL ANSWER TO ME WHEN I RETURN." I spoke and everyone nodded and agreed.

Soon after we headed out the gate and toward the Fortress of Newcastle.

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(....{XXXXXX} Will be removed when no other Vikings are present even though West Saxon or Latin is being spoken)

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(Three hours later)

We moved along the road to was definitely imposing with it's Roman walls still standing.

There was a town outside the walls which would be easy pickings if I ever wanted to raid but to conquer the castle would be hard work if it were an all out assault..

But I could already spot weakpoints with my Odin's Eye which granted me far more than just long distance views.

I could sense numerous tunnels under the town, they might just be Aqueducts and Cisterns but I was sure some of them were connected to the Castle....I just had to get closer and sense them out that way.

As we rode onwards the citizens scurried into their homes and peeked through cracked doors while muttering prayers.

The guards held their crosses and prayed silently as I passed the walls into the Castle Grounds.

Theyd all heard of my destruction and all had seen the two hundred and fifty heads on the cart that arrived a few hours ago.

Half a hundred men killed two hundred and fifty....only the devil's work would cause that.

And the King had sent out most of his force to attack the Heathens....only a hundred of the Kings warriors remained, any other ones he could call for were scattered around the Kingdom.

This was a precarious position and none dared to even look at my eyes as I looked around from under my veiled helm.

Before long we reached the inner courtyard and a chubby boy with Trembling hands approached me as a dismounted.

He was a Stableboy who can't to take my horse.

I extended my hand toward him and he closed his eyes and cried before feeling something cold in his hand.

He opened his eyes and found a solid gold coin glimmering beautifully, he looked at me through his water eyes and bowed while still Trembling In fear, I handed him my reigns and he scurried off with my horse while holding on to the coin as is it were his precious.

I waited for the fat Cardinal to get off his Cart.... The man had a yellow stain running down his robes and the stench of piss emanated from him but the gluttonous man didn't seem to care.

He turned to me and spoke in Latin {"Please Follow Me, Dont Kill Anyone..."} He spoke with a shaky voice and I just nodded.

I followed him up the castle steps and toward the front door where two heavily armed and armored men stood.

They opened the heavy double doors to reveal a long hall with thirty men lining each side.... The hoped to intimidate me I guess.

I could carve through them like cutting a cake...

My heavy bootsteps Resounded steadily and slowly as I made my way through the hallway that was lined with soldiers.... I breathed in and could sense the fear emanating from every single man present as I made the walk down the long hall.

They heard horror stories of how I killed dozens against Wigea and now the men who returned without eyes had time an even more gruesome tale..... They didn't know if they could even kill a demon that roamed the earth.

We reached the end of the long hall and stood before the huge double doors, the Cardinal spoke to a servant and the doors creaked open as a royal yeller called out our names.

"His Holiness Cardinal Oswald.....And T..Th..Thenn Odinson T..The One Eyed!!!!....."

The man yelled out and I could instantly sense the fear that washed over the room..... None expected for the enemy Commander himself to make his way here and negotiate.... It was madness...

All the Courtiers eyes were glued to the doors as they finished opening to reveal a huge beast of a man....

His armor glistened beautifully but the blood stained Bear Cloak over his shoulders and head made him seem a for taller than his actual seven feet in height.

For some of the ladies present it was too much as they hyperventilated from the fearsome sight of the famed Heathen Butcher of monks and soldiers.... They all have heard the stories of how Thenn feasts on human hearts like a ravenous beast.

I walked forward alongside the shirt far Cardinal toward King Aelle and his family who stood to greet me, the Fat King gazed at me with wide eyes of wonder his men were being chopped to peices when sent against the Heathen.

Just beside him was The Good Queen Ealhswith who's hands trembled in fear upon looking at me but my senses noticed her immediate arousal.

I turned to take in her figure and she moaned almost silently when my eyes locked with hers from under my helmet....

She confirmed it then and there that I was the Demon who ravaged her when she dreamed, her mind wanted to run but her dripping hole wanted to get split in half by my monster cock....she responded by grabbing the cross around her neck tightly and giving out a silent prayer.

Just beside them was The Gentle Princess Judith who literally closed her eyes to avoid looking at my terrifying figure as I approached, I noticed her shaking legs with every step I took toward the Royal Family.

The King's royal guard's stood nearby lining the walls with swords and shields at the ready should anything happen.

There were archers lined on the walls and their arrows were already knocked just ready to draw back and fill me with holes if I tried anything.

Before long I reached within a few feet of the King and looked down at him and his beautiful family, I noticed his youngest son was absent for the meeting.

"Greetings and welcome to my Castle, I am Aelle, the King of Northumbria, This is my Wife Ealhswith and my daughter Judith..." The King spoke while looking at my eyes through my veiled helmet.

I nodded and slowly unstrapped the leather binding under my helmet and slowly pulled it off as everyone in the court gazed to see what the one eyed Demon looked like under his evil helmet....

When it finally came off I saw a few eyes widen at my this era a person's beauty was equivalent with how pure their souls were, and I was undoubtedly one of the most good looking men they had seen.

Queen Ealhswith's face flushed at the sight of my face while her daughter Judith only glanced once and looked away in fear.

I stuck my hand out to the King and he jolted for a second before realizing I was only after a handshake.

He hesitantly extended his hand and clasped mine as I spoke. "I am Thenn Odinson The One Eyed, It's good to meet the King of these Beautiful and Bountiful Lands." I spoke and he gruffed.

"I can't say it's good to meet the man whose been butchering my people...but we must all do what Is necessary." King Aelle spoke with a snarl on his upper lip....but anything would be better than losing another army of men or have his brother stay their prisoner.

I turned to his Queen and extended my hand, she hesitated before the King Spoke. 

"Give him your damn hand Ealhswith, don't be rude to the Man."

The King ordered and she extended her dainty hand toward my huge and rough one....The King wished nothing more than to see me ripped apart by hounds but he had to pretend in being cordial.

He ordered everyone else to be respectful including his wife and daughter, of course he thought it would be a Captain of the one eyed monster and not the Heathen Commander himself.

Soon Queen Ealhswith's hand neared my nose and I took in her scent of mint and cloves...milf scent for sure.

I brought her hand to my lips and gave it a soft kiss then spoke.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Queen Ealhswith....should your husband ever die I shall be the first to make a claim for your hand." I spoke and her face went pale while others in the court gasped at my words.

I just insinuated that I'd fuck the Queen after the King was Dead...they weren't too wrong.

She pulled her hand away and glared at me softly. "It is not polite to say such things sir." She spoke in her gentle voice while trying to sound intimidating but it just made my cock throb.

"My apologies Queen Ealhswith but in my homeland it is the greatest compliment to give a lady, after all it takes true beauty to attract a Man after the woman has been previously married." I spoke and grumbles Resounded throughout the was deeply insulting to say such things to a noble woman let alone the King's wife in front of so many, but they understood that my culture was nothing like theirs.

Then I turned to Judith who was trembling as she looked away as if trying to diasapear.

"I congratulate you on your beautiful daughter King Aelle, I hope she becomes as beautiful as her mother one day." I spoke and Judith immediately turned to look at me for a split second.

I just implied that her mother was more attractive which would harm anyone's feelings, she was always referred to as the beautiful gentle lady but now this evil one eyed brute was calling her inferior to her mother....

She looked into my white eye for only a moment before quickly turning away as she felt a deep a lion was standing just beside her ready to pounce.

She wanted to run away and hide but etiquette dictated that she remain in her place.

I didn't even bother asking for her hand which confused both her and those in the room, I kissed the Queens hand but not the beautiful princess after all.

Pretty much everyone in the room disregarded the Queen while finding Judith attractive but my goals(Urges) were beyond their understanding.

King Aelle spoke next. "We were about to eat Thenn, I hope you will join us for supper." He spoke and I nodded, King Aelle wanted to poison my food but he had made an oath before the fat Cardinal to he could only imagine as I swallowed a gallon of hemlock.

"Aye, I think I will join you for supper....when will we discuss our business?" I asked and he scowled for a second.

"We can discuss during our meal or after, it is of no consequence." The King spoke and I just hummed in agreement.

On our walk to the Dining room I gazed at Queen Ealhswith's beautiful milfy curves and took in her unique scent.

Queen Ealhswith could feel my gaze which made her legs quiver beneath her out of equal parts terror and was like being locked in a room with a beast that wanted to rip off her clothes and rape her for hours just like in her dreams.

Before long we entered the dining hall and an old Woman walked forward with a small boy of five and a girl of four.

They both hid behind their caretaker before the King called them over.

"This is my son and heir Ecgberht, and this is little princess Blaeja they are too young for court so they remain in the Royal quarters." He spoke and I nodded and knelt down to eye level and looked at both the children.

"They remind me much of my own children...." I spoke and the Kings eyes widened.

"You seem a bit young to have children at your age Thenn..." He spoke with a raised eyebrow.

"I have twin daughters that are six years of age, One Son who is Three, And two daughters that are one and a first child was when I was fourteen years of age." I spoke and all of them looked at me in shock.

"So many children....since when have you been married to your wife?" Queen Ealhswith asked.

"I have two wives and two concubines...I married the first at thirteen." I spoke and they looked at me like I was some sort of sinning monster.

"They allow marriage to more than one woman in your lands?" King Aelle asked. 

"Few practice having more than one wife, but the Gods do not forbid it." I spoke and I saw their faces balk at the mention of more than one God.

Queen Ealhswith spoke out however. "There is only one God, I hope you allow Christ into your heart Sir...."she spoke but the King interrupted.

"No talk of religion now, let's sit and eat so we may begin our discussions..." He spoke and we all moved to sit at the large table.

Before long trays of food were brought out and our pitchers were filled with wine.

I took one sip and my eyebrows scrunched....wish it were mead.

Judith saw my face and asked. "D..Do you not like the's imported from Italy..." She spoke meekly.

"In my home we drink Mead from honey since no grapes grow In the cold north, wine has never been to my taste but my Wife loves it, reminds her of home." I spoke and they nodded.

"You say it reminds her of home? Where is she from?" Judith asked cutely while still avoiding my gaze.

"She Is from Italy, My sweet Althea will give me another child in a some months...the fourth from her." I spoke and they smiled and nodded.

Before our second course the fat King looked at me and asked.

"What do you want in exchange for my brother?"

He spoke seriously and immediately both of the youngest children were led away.

"One hundred pounds of Gold, Two hundred pounds of Silver." I spoke coldly and stabbed a morsel of meat from my plate and brought it to my mouth.

"IMPOSSIBLE!! THAT IS TOO MUCH!!!" He shouted out as his eyes glared at me.

"I will trade your brother for your beautiful wife then." I spoke and he grew even angrier.


"She has already given you an heir, you can just hand her over to me....I want her more than you do." I spoke and looked at the offended but horny Queen Ealhswith as she was horrified at the idea of being sold off like some cheap farm animal.

"IM NOT GIVING YOU MY FUCKING WIFE YOU HEATHEN!!! SOMETHING ELSE!!!" King Aelle shouted and by now there were guards outside of the rooms and one knocked a few times before heading in.

The door opened and the King yelled at them. "WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF DISCUSSION!!! IF IM NOT BEING STABBED THEN STAY OUTSIDE!!!" The King roared at the door and it was quickly shut.

"Fine....Fine....I can settle for that daughter of yours if you don't want to give up that beautiful wife." I spoke dismissively like the Princess was barely worth my time which made Judith glare at me while her Mother felt all sorts of indecent desires welling up inside of her.

"TWENTY POUNDS OF GOLD AND FIFTY SILVER." The King spoke with barely concealed rage.

"Seventy pounds of gold and one hundred and fifty pounds of Silver, this is more than fair for your own flesh and blood..." I spoke and he fumed even more.

Eventually he calmed down and I saw a glint in his eyes. 

"Fine...Fine...I can pay that much....but I need some time..." He spoke and I could sense the deception in his voice.

"Three days King Aelle, not a moment later." I spoke and he thought about it before nodding.

"I will try... But it might take a bit longer, we have bad roads after all..." King Aelle spoke and I could see the conniving gaze in his eyes but I didn't give a shit, I'd smash whatever force he threw at me.

Then I smirked before speaking again.

"Very good now that your brothers ransom is settled, Let's speak about the matter of leave your Kingdom alone...." I spoke and immediately I saw the rage light back up in the Fat Kings eyes...