Ch 54 Sacred Hall

(Short Chapter)

I walked into the temple and walked slowly toward the front as people wisely parted a path for me and my warband.

Eventually I reached the front where the Head Priest of Uppsala waited with an ancient copper bowl full of human blood, in his other hand was a human ulna with Eagle feathers tired to one end.

The head Priest had his eyes closed, as everyone piled in. 

The man had white skin pained with ash, his mouth, ears, and eyelids were blackened with soot which made him apprear haunting.

On his bald head were nine ritualistic scars in various that ended at his forehead.

People piled In as the bells continued to roll for another few minutes then the creaking of the heavy wooden doors was heard before they thudded closed.

The Head Priest opened his eyes wide and looked deep into the crowd for a few moments then began to chant 

"!!!Hail to the Aesir and the Vanir!!!"

He spoke aloud and everyone bowed their heads as he began spattering the blood from his ancient bowl on peoples faces.

"!!!Hail to the gods and goddesses!!!"

He sprayed Balgrud whith the blood and he licked it once from his lips and made a disgusted expression.

"!!!Hail to Odin, Thor, and Freyja!!!"

He sprayed Jarra on her face and she didn't flinch or move in the slightest.

"!!!Hail to Vali, Sif, and Heimdall !!!"

He sprayed My face then looked at me for a moment and stopped his chanting then dipped his hand into the bowl and painted half of my face with the crimson blood while looking at me.

"Open Your Eyes..." The Head Preist spoke softly.

I looked up at him and I saw his expression change completely while looking into my Milky Blue Eye... 

The Head Preist bowed his head once then continued on down the line spraying faces with his feathered Ulna.

"!!!Hail to Njord, Ran, and Tyr!!!"

He spoke and spattered Bjorns face as the boy flinched at the sensation before the Priest move to Athelstan.

"!!!Hail to the mighty fecund earth!!!"

The head Priest froze for a moment as his eyebrows furrowed for a moment then he sprayed Athelstan on his face....almost as if he could sense something deeply wrong with the Semi-Eunuch.

"All...All hail...." The Priest finished and everyone in the Hall spoke aloud.

""!!!ALL HAIL!!!""

Their voices resounded for a few moments then the Preist set down his bowl of blood and allowed everyone deeper into the temple to speak with the God's.

I was about to walk off when he motioned to me.

I walked toward him and he scurried off deeper into the Temple, My Entourage wanted to follow but I made them stop as I delved deeper into the Dark Temple.

Before long we reached an old wooden door and the Priest made his way inside as his Gray robes Billowed.

When we entered I found myself in an ancient stone room with a cracked statue of a God, it was only ten feet tall but felt entirely different to the ones outside.

"The most sacred figure of Odin in all of Midgard....It is said that Odin Himself carved it thousands of years ago...." The Priest spoke and bowed to the statue.

"Please enjoy your time here Thenn Odinson." He spoke and walked out of the room closing the door behind him.

I walked up to the eroded statue and felt something strange on my I was being pulled like a magnet toward it.

I walked slowly to the statue as my heavy armor jingled with every step.

When I reached only a few feet away from it I kneeled and removed my veiled helmet and set it down on the cold damp stone floor.

My Odin's Eye seemed to be inundated with blinding signals from the stone and I tried to look away or close my eyes but I only felt my hand being pulled by an invisible force toward the statue.

I tried to pull back but the force was too strong and soon my hand laid against the stone figure but it felt as if it were searing my flesh.

I let out a pained grunt while trying to fight it.

"RAHHHHHHH!!!!!" I roared out while trying to pull back before everything went completely white...

 . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . ... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . .

I found myself floating in the same place I'd been in before arriving in this world all those years ago.

Before me was a collosal stone throne with a shadowy figure seated atop it.


The figure spoke and pointed it's huge hand as a thick black mist slowly made it's way toward me.

Before long I was entirely engulfed and felt myself being disintegrated in moments....


. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . ... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . .

(Sometime Later)

I awoke to sounds of chanting around me as Nine Priests bathed my body in incense and smoke from bundles.

I groaned out and stretched my body out before standing up slowly as they finished their chant.

They all stared at me in amazement before one spoke. 

"Blessed be he who meets the Allfather....Blessed be Thenn Odinson....Blessed be his lands....Blessed be his Wives.....Blessed be his Children...Blessed be his Warships.....Blessed be his Harvest...." The head Priest Chanted.

The other eight repeated after him.


I looked around and found that I wasn't in the same room anymore, I picked up my helmet from the ground and spoke.

"Holy ones, how long have I been unconscious..." I asked respectfully.

"Hours Thenn Odinson, but that is of no matter....your companions await." The Priest spoke and I bowed my head and walked down the dark hallway toward the Great Hall where the Statues of the Gods stood.

I found all of them sitting in front of a Priest as he told a tale to them in hopes of keeping them entertained for the time being, there was no one else in the Hall.

"Suddenly Hrungnir saw lightning and heard thunder clap above him, and Thor roared onto the battlefield!!!"

The Priest spoke aloud and all of my men listened intently at his wondrous tale.

"Thor hurled his hammer at the giant, and the giant slung his whetstone at the God in return. The stone burst against Thor's forehead and shattered into pieces, and this is the origin of all flint on earth!!!" 

He spoke and everyone except for Athelstan nodded in agreement.

"Thor's hammer continued on to strike Hrungnir's head, the giant's head that was shattered and Thor triumphed once more!!!"

The Priest spoke loudly and my men let out a smile while Balgrud was a bit more vocal.

"STUPID HRUNGNIR!!! IT WOULD BE LIKE A REGULAR MAN FIGHTING BOSS!!!" He spoke with a scoff and my men snickered at the Balgrud who was enthralled in the storytelling.

Then the Priests turned and saw me approaching which caused all of my men to turn as well.

They greeted me happily and the storytelling priest walked up to me.

"Lord Thenn....We have lodgings for you and your men nearby." He spoke humbly and bowed his head.

"Thank you for the generous offer." I spoke and he bowed and motioned for us to followed him.

We exited the temple and I saw that it was already dark out....must have been five or six hours that I was unconscious.

We continued on and followed a small path for a hundred meters into the dense forest until we came across a large hall with beautiful tunic engravings carved on it.

"It is reserved for friends of The Temple, You and your companions may use it whenever you wish." He spoke with a deep bow.

"Thank you, what is your name friend?" I asked the Priest.

"This one is named Dellingr....I may stay and tell more tales to your companions if you wish it so." He spoke.

Immediately Balgrud bellowed out. "PLEASE BOSS, JUST A FEW MORE STORIES!!!" He spoke excitedly.

"Very well, just let Dellingr go before the moon is at it's zenith, priests need to sleep too." I spoke and Balgrud nodded vigorously.

Then i turned to the rest of my warband.

"Two of you go get our people from the small camp, no need for that anymore." I spoke and two heavily armed men scurried off.

I entered the home and found it to be pristine, not one speck of dust or dander anywhere.

Balgrud rushed to the kitchen and found dried meats and sausages along with vegetables in sacks and barrels of Mead, Ale, and clean Water.....they really know how to treat a man.

I wasn't hungry though so I grabbed Jarra and threw her over my shoulder before walking upstairs to find a room....

"Master I could have walked." She spoke robotically so I brought my hand down on her Ass.



"Dont question me or I'll leave you unable to walk for a week."

I told the cold female warrior as we made it to the top of the stairs.

"Yes Master." She spoke coldly but I could smell her pussy leaking her fragrant love juice.