Chapter 35: Bold Moves


Prince Marrok and Lowe were the last to leave our chambers after Ma’s warning. I could tell that she knew the power play games in the West Kingdom royal court. But she looked surprised that the East Kingdom court had a hand in it and was plotting against Ulysses. 

I was still pacing the chambers as the darkness crept in and the night came. Deep in thought, I forgot that Ulysses was watching my every move as I calculated all the plans we had made with Randale. 

“Care to share your thoughts?” Ulysses' voice reached my ears as he sat on the couch, sipping juice. 

“I am waiting for Randale to report to me on his findings,” I stated. 

“What findings?” Ulysses stood up and walked toward me. 

“He was to shadow Felicia Relic. This evening she went for a run,” I confessed. 

He nodded and then stated, “Why did you send Randale?”