Chapter 44: The Race is On

By the time Lizzy Chatham rolled up to Sarah Sessom's home, the sky was menacingly close to crashing into the Montana ground.

She had been relatively close to the property when the call came in from Keith and the urgency in his voice was palpable. His message: The Arm – and Donovan Black – had located where Bella was being hidden, and he was heading there.

Lizzy did not have much more to go on, but she was clearly the closest person in a position to help, so she headed that way. It bothered her that they hadn't kept officers near the cabin just in case, but with the amount of surveillance The Arm was using on the town, any large police presence would have been a pretty good indication of where the little girl was being kept. Whatever means they had used to locate where Bella was, it had led them to this.