Late Drama (3)

Jack stared blankly for a few seconds. He used his hand to comb through his hair. A frustrated sigh escaped his lips. If one looked closely then they would he able to see a teardrop at the corner of his eyes.

My career... is it over?!

He glanced at the defenders, he saw how devastated they looked. He clenched his fists. They ended his career. How was he supposed to go to them and act like a captain when all he wanted to do was to vent his frustration on them.

The tear drop which remained suspended in his eyes threatened to drop when he remembered that he was the captain. This was his first and last match as a captain.

He glanced at Omari, Ayanfe, the midfielders, the defenders, every single member of the team. Lastly, his eyes settled upon Jurg and Steve.

No! This isn't over! There's still time, the match isn't over yet. I can still turn it around.

He could lose his career, he could be forced to give up football forever, but he couldn't leave his second family.

With his new found determination, he called his team which was already arranged for a huddle.

"Alright guys, even though it seems like something that's impossible, we're going to win this match. We're not going to come all the way here and go back empty handed, that's not how the story goes".

The referee looked at their huddle. He wanted to put a stop to it but after a little bit of thought, decided to leave them alone. He was impressed by the fighting spirit that they had after going down.

"I know that for a fact because we're the ones with pen writing the scripts. Now as soon as that referee blows the whistle, we're going to give Merseyside Red a run for their money!"

The boys were pumped up after their captain's speech. They separated from the huddle. Jack was met with a yellow card from the referee. He didn't try to argue, he just smiled as he saw it. For all he knew it could be the very last yellow card that he was ever going to get.

"I like the spirit you lot have" The referee whispered to Jack. "Between you and me, I'm rooting for you lot"

Jack smiled and ran back to his position. The referee's whistle sounded soon after.

As soon as the whistle sounded, all the Merseyside Red players retreated to defense. They knew that Teesside were going to press them for an equalizer, and as such they already prepared themselves for it.

Merseyside Red's defensive attempt however, seemed futile compared to how Teesside started playing. They were like men possessed.

They passed the ball through Merseyside Red's midfield, easily moving pass their players like they were a bunch of training cones. 

Without much stress, Teesside got to the final third of Liverpool's side of the pitch. Their movement stunted when they got to that area however. It seemed as if all eleven of Merseyside Red's players retreated to the box. Teesside could only pass the ball around while looking for a bit of space to exploit.


After passing the ball around for a while, Teesside finally found the chance that they were looking for.

Jack passed the ball to Omari who was at the edge of the box. Omari took a touch to steady the ball and when he was about to shoot, he felt his leg hit something hard. He didn't even know what was happening, all he knew was that his legs hurt and he was suddenly on the floor.

The referee blew his whistle soon after. He walked towards Dylan and brought out a yellow card.

'Oooh! And that's a nasty challenge from Dylan. I personally think that he should be seeing red for that, no idea why the referee has decided to be lenient with his decision'

'Omari Hutchingson being presented with such a good chance must've imagined himself scoring. No idea that he was going to be manhandled in such a way'

'It's a free kick for Teesside though, in such a good position, just at the edge of the box'

'And would you look at that, it's Omari Hutchingson who steps up to take the free kick. Will he be able to punish Merseyside Red for that slip up'

Omari took four large strides away from the ball. He could hear his heart as they were beating at a rate he was fairly certain was impossible. A small sigh escaped his lips in a feeble attempt to calm himself.


The sound of the referee's whistle reverberated inside of him. He did a little run up and kicked the ball.


The ball sailed through the air, bending around the wall formed by the opposition, also going beyond the reach of the goalkeeper's dive and sinking back inside the post.


The sound of the ball hitting the bar reverberated inside the football pitch. For a half second, Omari thought that he had missed the free kick. It was only when he heard the rattling of the net a few seconds later that he realized that he brought his team level.

'What a goal! Omari Hutchingson scores the equalizer for Teesside. They level things again, at the stroke of full time! Right here in Merseyside, Teesside might manage to salvage a point after being down so late in the game, It's currently two goals apiece'

'Brilliant free kick technique from Omari Hutchingson, the ball just bends beyond the reach of the goalkeeper, ain't no way anybody's getting to that. Omari Hutchingson might've won them a point here!'

'He's been so brilliant this season hasn't he, set up all three goals in a late fightback against Manchester Red last time out, now he's scored all the goals here against Merseyside Red, he's really been Teesside's man of the moment, hasn't he?'

'The Merseyside Red players must be livid with themselves, conceding an equalizer after staging a late comeback. They must be bummed about getting a draw here tonight'.

'The match isn't over Tim, it could still go in the favor of any team, as for now it's Merseyside Red – two, Teesside – two'


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