Bang, Bang, Motherfucker!

"Any last words?"

Omari could feel his heart pounding against his chest. His legs started shaking, he considered the fact that he was still standing a miracle.

"W-w-w-w-wait, Let's t-talk about t-this!" Omari nervously stretched out his hand in a calming motion.

"Oh? So you can be scared. I didn't think that was possible" The robber said. He blew the nozzle of the gun and flexed it a little. "I never thought that a gun had so much authority" The robber chuckled.

Could I actually do it?

Faced with the desperation of death, Omari started to have funny ideas. The robber wasn't pointing the gun at him. If he was fast enough then could he... No! He shouldn't have such funny ideas. Having funny ideas could cost him his life.

Then again, it wasn't as if it wasn't almost certain that the robber was going to shoot him once he finished being cocky. He had a quick internal argument and made his decision.

"Fuck it!" He muttered under his breath.

He ran towards the robber and speared him to the ground. The robber was caught off guard and tried to shoot at Omari, however Omari had already knocked him off his feet. He managed to pull the trigger of the gun but he couldn't manage to hit his target.

Bang! Bang!

The sound of the gunshots reverberated in the dark alley. Omari was amazed at how the gunshots hadn't caused a commotion by now. He quickly shook his head and took his thoughts away from that. He couldn't afford to be thinking about such trivial matters.


Omari and the robber crashed to the ground. The gun left the robber's hand and skidded on the floor before coming to a halt eventually, quite a distance away from the two robbers.

The second robbers upon seeing the assault on his partner rushed to grab Omari and pulled him up.

Omari swung his head back without thinking and felt his head crash against something hard. He felt a banging pain on his head but he couldn't afford to think about it. He made to run away but he felt something yank his leg, sending him face first to the ground.

The first robber stood up after tripping Omari and pulled him up. The second robber stood up and started punching his midsection. Omari could only let out pained groans as he felt pain spreading through his body.

The second robber reached into his clothes and pulled out a knife. "You think you're something, huh?" The robber caressed the blade of the knife. "Well, I'm going to show you what happens to people who like to act smart"

The robber laughed maliciously and plunged the dagger into Omari's shoulder.


A scream of agony escaped from Omari's lips. He struggled in the grip of the other robber. His efforts were futile though, the other robber had a firm grip on him.

"What happened? You feel pain?" The robber holding him whispered from behind him. "Last I checked, you thought you were some superman or something"

His remark brought the two robbers to laughter.

Once again, Omari's nose was assaulted by the stench of rotten eggs. At that moment, Omari couldn't decide what was worse between the smell of rotten eggs and the pain from the knife stabbing his shoulder.

The robber with the knife finished his fit of laughter and raised his hand to stab Omari again.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! What the fuck am I going to do?!

What happened next was a blur for Omari. It felt as if he was like a man possessed. When the other robber was close to him, he raised his legs and kicked him in the nuts.

The robber holding the knife immediately made a movement to clutch his balls, forgetting what he was holding in his hand. It was only after the tip of the knife entered his crotch area that he realized his mistake.


Several birds flew due to the crescendo of the pained scream of the robber. Teardrops fell like rainwater from his eyes.

"Will you shut the fuck up?!" The robber holding Omari snapped at his comrade. "Do you want the cops to find us out with all the noise you're making?!"

Omari rolled his eyes after hearing that statement.

So you're only thinking of this now. You didn't think of it when you were firing random shots.

Omari wasn't in the mood to listen to the robber's argument, he swung his head back and caught the robber holding him offguard, his head hitting the robber squarely on the nose.

"Fuck!" The robber cursed as he stumbled backwards, falling to the ground, Omari wanted to start running away but somehow, the robber managed to grab his legs and drag him to the floor once more.

The robber stood up, pressing his weight on Omari so that he wouldn't be able to stand up. Once he was up, he held Omari by the collar of his shirt and punched the side of his face twice.

"Fucking twat! Giving me so much problems" He punched Omari again. His hands were in the midst of initiating the fourth punch when he noticed something.

The gun! perfect!

He dragged Omari to where the gun dropped and picked up the gun. Omari attempted to run away but the robber dragged him back and flung him to the ground.

As Omari landed on the floor, he saw the robber pointing the gun at him. He swallowed a chunk of saliva, he was definitely going to die now.

(A/N: I really wanted to end the chapter here but it is what it is I guess)

It was at the moment he accepted his face that he noticed something behind the robber. Was that a-

It was a woman that looked to be in her early thirties. She donned the uniform of a police officer and she was pointing a gun at the robber. She made a shushing gesture as her finger stroked the trigger of her gun

"Do you have any last words?" The robber said smugly.

Omari smirked. "Actually I do. Bang! Bang! Motherfucker!"

"What the he-" 

Bang! Bang!

The sound of two gunshots reverberated in the dark alley. The robber didn't even see what killed him. His eyes were still filled with the confusion he had during his last moments alive.

"Fucking asshole" Omari muttered and spat on his corpse.

A/N: Advertisement again, 'God of Necromancy' is out now. Please go check it out..

Also remember, 100 P.S= 1 extra chapter

15 Chapter comments= 1 extra chapter

And if by some miracle this book gets contracted, two extra chapters and a release rate of two chapters a day for the next two weeks.