Dream in Jeopardy (1)

The two hours that Omari spent inside the bus was probably the longest two hours of his life. He felt pains and discomfort in his mid section but he couldn't complain. It wasn't as if he could ask three people to stand just so he could lie down.

After they reached the academy, everyone got down except from Omari and Ayanfe. The coach insisted on taking the former home while the latter had insisted on coming along.

As they reached Omari's driveway, Jurg heaved a long sigh. He got down from the team bus and Ayanfe assisted Omari down and supported him to the front door.

"Omari!" His mum screamed as soon as she caught sight of him. "What happened to you?"

"Did something happen Meralda?" Chris said, walking out of the kitchen. He halted his steps when he saw the state at which Omari was in. "Let's get him to the hospital" He said almost immediately.

Omari didn't argue with them. It wasn't as if the treatment that they gave him in the Police Station could be considered standard treatment. They just cleaned his wound and wrapped it up.

When they got to the hospital, Omari was taken to a private ward and the doctors ran tests for different types of infections that might've creeped into his open wound. They also gave him painkillers for his body injuries.

The painkillers that he took made him doze off for a few minutes.

Chris spent a few hours with the doctors feeling tense and anxious. He only calmed down when he was told that Omari was alright. According to the doctor, all he needed was to rest and properly heal from his injuries.

After confirming that Omari was okay, Chris came in Omari's room to check on him.

"What happened?" Chris asked in a dry voice. It wasn't his usual merry tune. The voice sounded somewhat… angry.

"We uh… we won the match against Liverpool, three goals to two" Jurg began. He sat down on a chair placed conveniently beside him. "I was happy and I uh… I told them that they could roam about for a bit. Not the best decision now that I think about it"

"Spare me all that crap. I asked a simple question. What – happened – to – Omari?!" Chris repeated his question word for word.

"So Omari decided to check out some places with Ayanfe, the boy you saw earlier, and they went to a restaurant. I don't know the specifics but Omari got robbed"

"He what?!"

"He got robbed. A couple of guys looking after a heavy purse is all. Quite unlucky if you ask me" Jurg said.

As soon as he finished talking, he felt a fist pound on the side of his face and he staggered to the side a bit, only managing to regain his balance when he was about to fall on the floor.

"I fucking trusted you with my child, and you bring him back in such a state and the only thing you have to say about it is 'quite unlucky?!'"

What's going on?

Omari's eyelids fluttered for a few seconds before opening. When he saw the scenery in front of him, he immediately closed them back. He wanted to hear what was going to transpire between the 'old friends'.

"You know that's not what I meant" Jurg said. He used his hand to cover the side of his face where he was punched.

"You know what, that doesn't even matter" Chris said. "As from today, my son isn't playing football for your team ever again!"

Omari's heart nearly skipped a beat when he heard that statement. He couldn't quit, not when he hadn't fulfilled all of his dreams yet. He hadn't even broken into the first team yet. He hadn't even started and yet he was going to end.

While Omari was worrying about what his dad said, Jurg didn't seem to be perturbed in the slightest.

Jurg scoffed at that statement. "Really Chris? You're going to bail again?"

Omari furrowed his brows. 'Again?'. Did something happen between them in the past?

"It's not called bailing Jurg, it's being safe. Or what do you expect me to do, let him back out there so that he gets robbed again and you bring back his corpse not his wounded body?"

"This isn't about that and you know it" Jurg said.

"Well what else is it about?"

"You" Jurg replied. "It's all about you being a pussy. All those years ago, you were a once in a lifetime talent for such a small club like Middlesbrough. At the age of fifteen you were called to train with the senior team and made your debut shortly after that"

"So what? I played football many years ago" Chris taunted.

Jurg didn't respond to Chris, instead he continued with his story. "Many Premier League clubs were interested in you and wanted your signature. Mind you, you were only fifteen at the time. So how come someone as talented as that is completely unknown"

"Don't you dare bring this up" Chris pointed a finger at Jurg.

Once again Jurg ignored him. "You were a pussy. On acl tear and you decided that you would never play football again. Truly pathetic"

Chris stared daggers at Jurg. "You know, you recalling the events doesn't make a difference. I retired from football at the age of sixteen and now my son's not going to play. It's not being a pussy Jurg, it's being safe.

Omari who lay silently on the bed found that his expression changed several times in a couple of minutes. He had planned to pretend to sleep for the rest of the conversation, but when he heard Chris' last words, he sat up immediately.

"I am not quitting football!"

A/N: Advertisement time!!!

For those of you interested, 'God of Necromancy' is out. The book has been vetted so you can check it out on my profile.

And remember, 100 P.S= 1 extra chapter (We were so fucking close this week, we only needed seven more)

Fifteen Chapter Comments= 1 extra chapter (I'm still disappointed that we haven't cashed in on this)

And if by some miracle this book gets contracted then two extra chapters and an update rate of two chapters a day for the next two weeks.