Jurg's Evaluation

"The League Cup!" Jurg said. All the teenagers had surprised expressions on their faces. Of course they all knew what the League Cup was, it was one of the most prestigious trophies in English football.

Normally every single football club in the country participated in the competition, whether they were in the Non league or in the National League, they all participated. In a way, whoever wins the League Cup could confidently call themselves the best team in England.

"Now I'm sure most of you are surprised that dear ol' Micheal would come here because of the League Cup, but you see they've been drawn against National League team Solihull Moors. And while we don't underestimate our opponents, the senior team have a very important match against Leicester City just two days after the cup ties so he has to rest a lot of players"

Anthony raised up hand. "What do you want?" Jurg asked.

"I was just wondering why he didn't go to the under twenty ones, they have much more experience than us" Omari said.

"Well if they're still there then it means that they don't have enough talent to break into the first team, and besides, watching new talents promises to be a lot of fun" This time, it was Michael Carrack that spoke. He had a small smirk on his face as he spoke. "I've watched your past two matches but I've been told that you had an injured star player who I haven't seen yet" He looked at Omari.

As soon as Omari noticed Michael Carrack looking at him, he entered typical fangirl mode. He started sweating all of a sudden.

Oh my God! He's looking at me! He was just talking about me! Was he just waiting to see me play?!

Ayanfe who was beside him nudged him on his shoulder, aiming precisely for the semi healed spot.

"Would you stop behaving like a girl that managed to snag two front row seats to some bts concert?" Ayanfe whispered.

"Michael Carrack just looked at me!" Omari whispered back. His statement seemed to amuse Ayanfe somewhat.

"He was watching me for the past two games and I didn't die from a heart attack" Ayanfe said.

"It's because you're not a United fan" Omari concluded. There was no way that Ayanfe would feel so unexcited unless he supported a rival team.

"Actually, I am a United fan" Ayanfe said. "I just don't get panick attacks anytime a former player looks at me"

His statement shocked Omari somwehat. "Really?" Omari asked. "Who's your favorite player"

Ayanfe stifled a laugh. "No one, they're all rubbish players" He said.

"Aha!" Omari whisper-shouted. "I knew that you were bluffing"

"The fact that I support the team doesn't mean that I am oblivious to the truth. Just look at the crap that they've been playing" Ayanfe said.

Omari opened his mouth like he was going to argue but ended up closing it after thinking for a few moments. As much as he would've wanted to, he realized that he couldn't refute Ayanfe's statement.

"Alright! We're going to start training now!" Jurg announced, disrupting the discussion going on between Omari and Ayanfe. He turned to Omari. "Is your shoulder all right?"

Omari shrugged. "More or less"

Jurg also shrugged. "That's good enough for me"

Michael looked a bit surprised casual reply. "What injury is he recovering from?" He asked curiously.

"Not an injury, unlucky lad was robbed!" Jurg said. "Nasty little scar growing on that left shoulder!"

"What a pity" Michael said. "Are you sure he's ready to play?"

"He should be" Jurg replied. "At least that's what the physiotherapist said"

"And you plan to start him immediately?"

"Of course not! He'll have to make one or two appearances off the bench before he can start matches again" Jurg said.

"Pity, the League Cup is in two weeks, I won't have much time to watch him play" Michael lamented. "But he's just sixteen isn't he?" Jurg nodded. Michael sighed. "I should see a lot more of him in the coming years then?"

"Oh, I don't think it's going to take up to a year. Massive talent he has. I've never coached a player that has the right blend of talent and hard work like he does. Arrives before the coaches for training. He would probably train himself to death if we didn't stop him" Jurg said.

Michael chuckled at the last part of his statement. "If what you're saying is true, then I wouldn't mind swinging by a couple more times just to see him play" Michael started walking, Jurg walked with him. "What kind of player is he?"

"He's a really good winger. Absolutely phenomenal dribbling ability, would probably dribble all the way from his penalty box to the opposition and score if he wanted to" Jurg chuckled.

"Has he scored a goal like that?" Michael asked. He was visibly impressed by Jurg's evaluation of Omari.

"No. He has a very beautiful style of playing football actually, he draws the other players attention with his dribble and opens up a pocket of space for the striker or any other player to position themselves into the box and passes the ball into that area of space" Jurg said.

"Really?" Michael sounded impressed.

"He also has fantastic positioning" Jurg said. "Scores goals and sets them up. He's the perfect winger so far"

"How does he do against top opponents?" Michael asked. He knew of those so called big time players who only played well against smaller teams.

Jurg chuckled. "He has four goals and three assists this season. Two goals and three assists came against big six opponents"

Michael raised an eyebrow. "Really now? You might've helped me make my decision on the first player to be promoted to the academy"

A/N: Late chapter (I had to watch United play. Btw, am I the only United fan that has an unexplainable pain in their chest area after watching today's match)

As per the usual message, 100 P.S = 1 extra chapter

15 chapter comments = 1 extra chapter (To be specific, the fifteen comments must come before the next update, for those that might have doubts about this criteria. No comment spamming btw)

And if by some miracle, this book gets contracted, two extra chapters and an update rate of two chapters a day for the next two weeks.

Much love, actually United have me feeling quite depressed right now. Vote with your power stones and leave a review to cheer me up.