
"Hey" Amber waved at Omari.

Omari stared blankly for a few seconds. There was nothing that he could use to describe how he felt at that moment. His emotion hovered somewhere between Shock, Happiness and dread.

"Hi" He whispered back after what seemed like an eternity of silence. "Fancy seeing you here"

"I figured that I'd come to remind you about the game tomorrow" Amber said. Omari was a little depressed. She only came because she wanted to remind him about the game, nothing more. She didn't want to see him.

"Is that all?" Omari asked.

Amber looked down before speaking, "I also seem to have taken a liking to your company" She said shyly.

"Oh yeah?" Omari smirked. "I have been told that I'm quite likable by a lot of people"

"They're all stupid then" Amber said.

Omari chuckled. "You're one to talk, you just said such a few moments ago"

Amber's cheeks flushed red in embarrassment. She just remembered that she indeed imply the notion a few moments ago.

"I don't remember that" Amber said after a few moments.

Omari opened his mouth to argue with her but sharply decided against it. He had lived with his mother long enough to know that arguing in this situation wasn't the best thing to do.

He had learnt the hard way that it wasn't wise to argue with women.

"Yeah, you never said that" Omari hurriedly agreed with her.

Amber pouted and poked his shoulder. "You're not fun"

"So I've been told"

Amber poked him harder on his shoulder. This time, she did well to aim at where he was still injured earning a wince from him. "You're really not fun"

Amber and Omari continued talking for a while. They walked around the friendly neighborhood that Omari grew up in. They exchanged information about their childhood for a while. Only when they realized that it was incredibly late did Omari escort Amber back to her house.

"Hey Amber?" Omari said as they arrived at her door step.

"What?" Amber smiled at him.

Omari could swear that he could vividly hear his heart beating. He was about to make a risky move, a risky move that could go incredibly wrong.

"I was wondering if we could make a deal" Omari said after a few moments of mental self persuasion.

"What deal?" Amber said. She could see the look of fear in his eyes, and for some reason, him being scared made her scared. Boys only ever got scared when they were alone with girls when they wanted to ask one type of question.

"So I have a match against Sunderland this weekend, it's a home match, and I was wondering if you could come and watch" Omari said slowly, watching her reaction carefully.

"Okay…" Amber said. She was still a bit confused as to why he was scared. "If that was what you were going to ask then you didn't have to act as if the world is going to come to an end"

Omari chuckled. "There's a catch actually"

"Which is?"

"If I score I want you…" Omari paused. He looked at her for a split second. "I want you go on a date with me" Omari blurted out the last few words.

Amber looked at him for a few seconds. Her heart was beating at a rate that she was fairly sure was impossible.

All of a sudden, she walked to her front door and entered her house, leaving Omari without a response.

Omari stood at her front yard with a blank look on his face. A dejected sigh left his lips. What the fuck had he just done? Did he mess up his friendship with her?

He stood at her front yard for a few minutes with a blank look on his face, as if he still didn't understand what happened. Finally, he turned around and started walking away.

He only moved a few steps when he heard Amber's front door opening. The door parted to reveal Amber looking at him shyly. "I just realized that I never gave you a response"

A lie. Omari winced. He was bracing himself to hear what would be one of the most painful statements of his young life.

"We have a deal" Amber said before hurriedly closing the door.

Omari stared blankly for a few seconds. Did she just agree? Did he just get himself a date? He shook his head, he had to score against Sunderland first.

He had a smile on his face the entirety of the duration of his fairly long walk home. His legs were feeling very fatigued from the training and the additional walking exercise but he didn't care at all. He just got himself a date!

When he got home, he met his parents waiting for him in the living room. They scolded him a bit for coming home late, but he didn't mind it. He didn't think that there was anything that could burst the bubble of euphoria that he was living in.

After smiling through thrity minutes of scolding, later turned pep talks, Omari went t straight to his room. He did his usual post match routine and laid down on his bed.

While he was about to sleep, he heard something that he never imagined he would hear in that moment.

|Ding! Host has unlocked new mission|

|New mission: Get scouted to play in the senior team by manager|

|Reward: +3 training points|

|Training points – effects: Allows host increased training speed for when used. The amount of time a training point lasts is dependent on the intensity of the training when used. For example, one training point lasts for approximately one hour when used for training with mid level intensity| 

A/N: Chapter 2/3. (Unfortunately, United decided to give me some more heartache. Now I'm not even confident about the match with Chelsea anymore)

I am currently suffering from football fan depression and the only things that can cheer me up are Power Stones and reviews. Please do your best to drop some.

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