The Ugly Truth

Omari's heart skipped a beat, no, it felt like it stopped beating entirely. He watched as Amber closed the distance between them until there was only millimeters between them. His eyes continued straying to her lips. Her pink, succulent looking lips, very soon it would be on his. He closed his eyes and was about to start leaning forward

While he was expecting to feel something on his lips, he felt Amber's hand brush his. She opened his palm and kept a folded paper inside it before squeezing it close. Her lips parted as she spoke.

"Call me" She whispered onto his face. He felt the pleasant sensation as her warm breath caressed his nostrils creating a beautiful fragrance that he would've given anything to perceive once more.

After saying those words, Amber increased the distance between them and walked back into her house. Omari opened his eyes a few seconds later, and saw no one in front of him.

"Damnit!" He muttered under his breath. Suddenly a thought came to him. He cupped his finger and breath out a puff of air. "It was definitely not me" He muttered to himself.

He looked at the folded paper that Amber placed in his hands and he smiled. It would be fair to record today as the best day of his life. He got promoted to the first team, he got to go on a date with Amber, and most importantly, the 'rough play' that they participated in less than a minute earlier.

With a wide grin on his face, Omari walked home.

"Chris, he's home, you can stop pacing now" Omari's mom called out to Chris. 

Almost immediately, Chris walked out of the kitchen and went in front of Omari. "Tell me everything now!"

"I got promoted to the senior team" Omari started. He didn't have time to continue with his sentence, he was interrupted by his father.

"Who cares about that?!" He snapped impatiently. "You two spent so much time together, there's no way that you didn't do anything"

"I got her number" Omari said.

"Fuck off" Chris laughed. "Now tell me, what happened?"

Chris continued to pester Omari for post-date gist until he was rescued by his mother who managed to distract Chris long enough for him to make his get away.

When he got inside his room, he did his usual post training exercise and crashed on his bed.

He looked at a table placed beside his bed and saw the folded piece of paper placed conveniently beside his phone.

This isn't even me anymore. It must be the universe telling me to give her a call.

Without so much as a second thought, he picked up the phone and dialed the number. 

"Hello?" He heard her voice from the other end of the phone.

"Hey, it's Omari" Omari said. "I just decided not to be too much of a jerk and give you a phone call"

"But you decided to be that much of a jerk and leave me during the game?" Amber said flatly.

"You're never letting that go are you?" Omari replied in the same tone.

He could feel her smile as she replied. "Till the day that I die"

Omari chuckled a bit at her response. The pair kept talking for the next thirty minutes until Omari until Amber decided that it as far too late in the night for them to be in a conversion.

Omari kept thinking about how he had gotten into the first team all night, eventually falling asleep.

The next day at school, Omari was given the shock of his life. He realized that he was having a test in multiple subjects. After a comprehensive session of last minute reading, Omari wrote the test confident of his failure.

The questions did not prove him wrong. He barely knew the complete answer to one of the questions.

During school hours, he had a few short conversations with Amber before running off to training. This was going to be his first training session as a first team player!

He felt an so overwhelming feeling walking to the first team training ground instead of the academy training facilities for a change. On his way to the training session, he passed by the Riverside stadium and walked around it for some seconds before continuing his journey.

When he walked into the stadium, he met Michael having a conversation with Jack and Ekon. They had managed to arrive earlier than him.

"Omari, welcome!" Michael said. "I was just talking to these two about how things are in the first team, feel free to join"

Michael turned back to the pair in front of him. "Now as I was saying, the fact that you've joined the first team doesn't automatically mean that you get to play. You have to earn your spot. There are player there that won't understand why I'm dropping them for a bunch of teenagers, you have to show them why" Michael said. "Now don't think that it's just about getting your spot on the team. You will be bullied by other first team members, forget how united everyone looks on the media, so many things happens behind the scenes, you have to be strong enough to handle it all" Michael continued.

The three boys nodded, determination reflecting in their gazes. They had to get into the first team, no matter what it took!

A/N: Might've been three chapters today but Manchester United have me feeling ptsd after that match against Bournemouth. I get traumatized whenever I remember the first goal, and the second, and the third.

I was almost driven to tears watching them play. Why do they like to take me on an emotional rollercoaster? My heart's been broken like a billion times already.

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Book getting contracted = 2 extra chapters and an update rate of two chapters a week for the next two weeks.