Mauled By A Thirty Year Old Man

When Omari got to the training ground, he saw a few senior players doing a few training drills. He was told by one of the assistant coaches to join them.

After about ten minutes, all the other youth players arrived and Michael stopped the light training. According to him, they were going to have a light gym session after which they would play an eleven versus eleven training match. One match was supposed to last for an hour.

They went to the gym and did a light work out session. The other senior players felt a bit more at ease with Michael and occasionally joked around with him while Omari and the other newly promoted players were uptight and somewhat fearful when he was around them.

After the work out session, Michael divided the players into four groups. The first two groups had eleven players each while the last two had twelve players each.

"Group A (first group), you are to play in a 4-4-2 diamond formation while group B are going to play in a 4-2-3-1 formation" Michael said as the two sides made their way to the pitch.

He decided to mix all the newly promoted players in the first two teams so that they could get used to playing with as many first team players as they could before the League Cup tie against Oxford City.

As a result of his action, Omari ended up in the same team as David (Group B), while Jack, Ayanfe and Ekon (Group A) were playing in the same team.

Omari's training teammates were skeptical of Omari and David. It was understandable, they were just teenagers and it wasn't as if they had seen any one of them play in the first place.

The same thing was happening in the other team, they were skeptical of Jack and Ayanfe, most especially Ayanfe as he was playing what many considered the most important role on the field. 

Ekon on the other hand didn't face any form of doubt from the senior players. He was already taller than some of the first team center backs.

As soon as one of the coaches blew his whistle to signify the beginning of the match, Omari's team started on the offensive, immediately playing a pass into the opposition side of the pitch.


Omari was at the receiving end of a nicely timed pass to the far left of the pitch. As soon as he got the ball, he found himself one on one with a senior right back. The right back glanced at him with what was supposed to be an intimidating stare but Omari had a mall smirk on his face.


His legs flashed over the ball as he did a stepover in an attempt to create an opening to run past the defender. The defender however didn't seem to fall for it, he remained laser focused on the ball that was at Omari's feet.


At that moment, Omari realized that there was a difference in the quality of under eighteen center backs and senior center backs. He couldn't use the same tricks that he used on academy players and expect them to work.

Stepover. Stepover. Stepover. Stepover.

Omari's legs flashed over the ball four times, performing four stepovers. Each time he did a stepover, he moved forward a bit, forcing the right back to retreat. The fourth time that he did a stepover, the right back seemed to have decided to make the tackle so instead of moving his two legs over the ball, only his right leg moved, he used his left leg to move the ball to the outside of the box and ran after it.

The right back chased after him, but Omari was faster. He managed to send a low left footed cross into the box before the right back reached him and pushed him to the ground without any form of remorse.

The striker that was on Omari's team couldn't reach the ball that was crossed perfectly into the box. A center back got to it before he did and cleared it away. The striker turned to Omari and was about to give him a thumbs up. He froze when he saw Omari on the floor. His gaze lingered between Omari and the right back for a few seconds before he sighed and shook his head.

"Ref!" The striker called the attention of the assistant coach acting as the referee. The assistant coach ran to check on Omari before scolding the right back that pushed him. He removed a yellow card from his pockets and raised it in front of the right back.

"What the hell man?!" Omari yelled as soon as he got back to his feet. Clearly he didn't enjoy what the right back did to him.

The right back didn't seem to care however. "Bugger off mate" He said dryly.

"Hey! You don't just push someone like that and tell them to bugger off"

"You know what? You're right, but I just did that to you so either you do something about it or you fucking bugger off!"

Omari didn't recall himself ever feeling so angry. He was so angry that he became irrational and was about to go and pick a fight with a man that was almost twice his age. Luckily he was held back by his team's striker.

"Ignore him" The striker said. "He's always like that to newly promoted players. I think he has some vendetta against young people playing. He's already been carded by the coach, he shouldn't bother you anymore"

"What good is a yellow card in a training match?" Omari still wasn't convinced.

The striker smirked. "When we're done, I'll take you to the wall of punishments"


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