Amber - Origin (1)

After hearing those words coming out of Omari's mouth, Amber turned around and started walking away.

He moment she turned around, the tears that she had been holding in fell in abundance. She used her hands to wipe them away but they were replaced by a new set of tears.

"*Hiss*" She sucked in some air as she continued walking, the tears slipping from her eyes like rain falling from the sky.

To Amber, it was a lot more than Omari missing the match. All her life, she had been neglected by her loved ones. The people that were supposed to care for her and shower her with affection wanted nothing to do with her for the most part.

Her father considered her a disgrace. He never missed the chance to let her know exactly what he thought of her. He reminded her what she was every single time he set his eyes on her.

 Her mother swears that the nurse made a mistake when she was handed her child. She was so convinced of her theory that she went to the extent of taking the hospital to court, though she lost and had to compensate them when a dna scan revealed that she was Amber's mother.

He siblings… well among her siblings; they leaved in a world of constant competition. It was a world of constant competition where someone was always trying to prove they were better than the other. One would've thought that they would've been nicer to her since she didn't pose any threat to anyone but it only made them disdain her.

Not to talk about caring, they never cared to speak to her unless they were forced to. Unless they were required to. Be it at public events or at dinner parties where they had to keep up the image of a united family, after that she was alone most of the time.

Mid way through her journey to her house, Amber felt the cold night wind blowing against her body. She smiled as she felt herself become colder due to the incoming wind. The cold comforted her. Somehow, the cold that everyone ran away from comforted her.

A small smile tugged at her lips as she closed her eyes.

The sun rose over the horizon, showering the area with its light. Although the context with which it did so made it seem several times more beautiful.

If one were standing a small distance away, they would see a collection of tall houses and buildings, all of which were built uniquely. All the buildings had similar qualities, but the way with which they were built made it seem as if they were completely different to each other.

All the buildings had been demarcated by small fences which signified the beginning of one property and the ending of one. The small fences probably wouldn't have been needed if not for the fact that the yards of all the houses seemed to span for at least one acre.

Some of residents turned their abundance of space into a garden, some of them used it as a form of recreation through mowing and maintaining it. Others cemented it through and through.

Inside one of the houses that had a neatly mowed front yard, there was a girl that looked about nine years old. She had a slightly pale complexion and ember colored eyes. She was currently wearing a football training outfit and was holding a football in her hand.

"You little piece of shit! How many times have I told you that I do not want to see you going to that stupid academy and running around with a bunch of filthy street kids!" A middle aged man stood in front of the nine year old girl. He was wearing a white three piece suit with a black shirt and white tie. "If you want to do anything then you must be among the best. If you want to play football then you must be among the best. I could fly you all the way to Manchester and take you to Manchester Red if you want to play. You could go to Barcelona and play with Catalan Red-Blue (I'm really sorry about this one but this was all I got) if you want to" He squatted so that he was eye to eye with the girl. "But you don't have enough talent to play with them, do you?"

The girl burst into tears at once. Seeing the girl cry, the middle aged man snorted and pushed her to the ground. "You worthless little piece of shit! How many times have I told you that you're not allowed to cry? You're a fucking Rose for God's sake. Roses don't cry, and as much as I'd prefer it to be otherwise, that means that you don't cry, got it?"

Amber stared at her dad with eyes full of tears. This time though, she didn't let the tears out. The only thing that came out of her was a small whimper.

"You fucking disgrace of a child!" Amber's father said. "I really can't believe that you're really one of the snakes from inside my cock"

Now while Amber didn't understand any of what her father said, she was at least sure of one thing. None of what he said could've been compliments so she responded with a few more whimpers.

"God help me" Amber's dad muttered. He looked like he was about to say something else when they heard the door open.

The pair walked to the living room and saw a woman walk into the living room. 

"Mom!"Amber screamed mildly. She was about to run to the woman but she was rebuked fiercely.

"Don't dare call me your mother" The woman said. She looked at Amber's father. "The results are out Bill"

"What do they say" Bill asked almost immediately.

"It says that I'm her mother" Amber's mother replied. You could hear the pain in her voice as she made that statement.

"Then who the fuck did you commit adultery with?" Bill asked impatiently.

"I'm not a slut" Amber's mother said dryly. "She's your daughter as well" She said while handing a brown envelope to Bill.

Bill looked at the envelope for a few seconds before changing her focus back to Amber. "Go to your room and don't come out for the rest of the week"

"But what about school?" Amber asked timidly.

"I said go!" Bill screamed.

Amber shuddered before doing what she was told and ran to her room.

Amber smiled bitterly as teardrops escaped her cheeks. She wondered what her father would do if he found her crying.

Guess what asshole, I'm a Rose and I'm crying! I'm fucking crying!