FIX Agency

"Oi! Omari, get your arse up" A loud male voice called out to Omari.

Or at least Omari thought so, he couldn't be sure, be was asleep. He hummed in response to the voice that called out to him and adjusted his weight on his bed.

"Omari, get out of your fucking room!" A loud voice called out again. This time though, the voice was female. And unlike the male voice, it was accompanied by the sound of heavy steps, each step getting louder and louder until...

"I'm up!" Omari screamed as his upper body bolted up from his bed. He looked towards the door of his room and found it half opened with his mother sharing at him.

"Better" She had a small smile on her face. "I really thought that you wanted me to wake you up". She closed the door to the room and walked away.

"Fucking hell" Omari muttered under his breath. He wiped his sleepy eyes one more time before dragging his tired body away from the bed. He stared at the alarm clock positioned beside his bed. "Fucking four thirty, that's too early for school" he muttered to himself.

The only exanation for this is that we're going to an agency firm. Dad probably doesn't want to get himself involved in that aspect at all. But even if we're going to an agency, which fucking agency are we going to, going so early in the morning. I'll have to ask him when I see him.

He got up from his bed and freshened up, after which he went to his living room.

He met his dad sat in front of the TV screen with a smile on his face. "You're finally ready. I was thinking you wanted your mum to come wake you up"

"Where are we going?" Omari didn't answer the question with words. He had a forced smile on his face for a second before asking a question.

"Weren't you the one blabbering on about your contract yesterday night" Chris smiled. "We're doing to an agency that you're going to partner with. They'll be the ones to sort out all the details regarding your contract and not my very busy lawyers"

"I figured that bit out by myself" Omari said. "But why are we leaving before five in the morning?"

"I could only get a morning session on such short notice, and it is such a long drive to get to where we're going so..." Chris stood up and grabbed two coats placed on the couch he sat on. He tossed one towards Omari. "We better be on our way"

"What time exactly?" Omari asked.

"Seven am sharp" Chris said. He slung his coat over his shoulder and walked outside.

Omari stared blankly for about two seconds before he rushed outside


The drive to the agency took longer than Omari anticipated. He thought that his dad was being an arse by making him wake up that early. Halfway into the journey, he felt like his dad didn't wake him earlier.

During the journey, Omari saw so many new sights. He saw several large buildings and corporations. He also saw something he thought to be impossible...

He saw people on the streets, holding bowls, begging for... Money! There were actually people in the world who had to carry a bowl around and beg passers by for money.

He thought about the money he got his parents to drop for Amber's fundraiser to make enough money for the football team. He thought about the contract offer that Middlesbrough offered him. He scoffed.

Here I was thinking five thousand pounds was too little a weekly wage. If these lads had five thousand pounds, they won't be out here on the streets.

At that moment, he learnt something that he didn't know before since he was always sheltered in his parents' huge umbrella of wealth... He learnt that money, to some people, was actually very valuable.

The small measly sums like hundreds of pounds that be could get should be ask for were like a treasure to some people. And as such, he knew that he shouldn't take the fact that his parents were very rich for granted.

Unfortunately, knowing something and actually doing it are two very different things.

After gwk hours of driving, Omari and Chris arrived in front of a large building.

"Fucking hell" Omari muttered under his breath when he saw the building in front of him.

He expected many things when he thought about the building of the agency that even his father had to settle for a morning session. He was thinking skyscrapers, flashy looking buildings and giant signboards.

Nothing be thought, absolutely nothing be thought about would translate to the sight that was currently in front of him.

"Fucking hell" Omari muttered under his breath again. He turned to look at his father who had a smile on his face. "Dad, where the fuck are we?"

"Welcome to FIX Agency Omari" Chris muttered.

In front of Omar and Chris was a two storey building. The building had a lot of stains on the surface of the paint, now making it look irritating instead of beautifying it.

There was a small sign board in front of the building. The background of the sound boars was plain white, with the words 'FIX Agency' slathered across it.

"And you could only get a morning session here?" Omari raised an eyebrow. The aesthetics of the building made it hard to believe that they had lots of customers.

"Oh no, did you think it was because they had lots of customers". Chris had an amused smile on his face. "Did you really think my world revolves around you? I have work to do after this. This is the only time I'm free, so you have to make do with it" Chris said.

Omari was speechless for a few seconds.

"Oh, and I submitted a leave of absence to your school so you're not expected to come in today. You can go ahead and play football or whatever it is you do in your free time" Chris said.

Without waiting for Omari's reply, be started walking towards the door of the agency.