Chaos In London (2)


"Oi! Ryans, warm up you're going in!" Michael said while looking at Jack. The latter looked as if he was in a daze. He took a few seconds to process what was happening before hurriedly stripping himself of the excess clothing on his body.

'And it looks like eighteen year old Jack Ryans has started warming up. He was brilliant for Teesside's under eighteens and has shown what he can do at the under twenty three level as well Brilliant talent, but I don't think this is the time that fans want to see a new talent, not in such a big game'

'You're absolutely right Jim. That's not even the only thing that seems wrong with this substitution. Ryans has played as an attacking player in the entirety of his youth career. You'd think that Michael would want to bring in more defensive players into the match up'

Michael called Jack over after he had finished warming up. "Alright, we're going to ditch the 7-2-1 and play in the shape of a 5-2-1-2 in defense. We need to have a lot of bodies in the midfield, even if we want to defend we don't want to clear a path for them to waltz into our box. On the counter, we're going to play a 5-2-3 formation. I'm taking off Forsce (Center Forward) so you're going to tell Emery (Right Winger) to play as the center forward while you'll take the space on the right" Michael stared deeply at Jack. "Do you understand?"

Jack nodded. He felt excited that he was going to make his debut. He watched impatiently as the match continued and prayed for the ball to go out of play so that he would get to come into the match.

Jack did finally get his opportunity to come into the match, just not in the way he would've wanted.


Enza Fornondes and Cale Parlmer did a one two on the right hand side setting up Parlmer to take a shot. Palmer did as if he wanted to take the shot before back heeling the ball towards Conor Golgher who was running towards the ball already. Conor hit the ball one time and sent it into the back of the net.

There was nothing Ayanfe could do about it. Even world class goal keepers wouldn't be able to do anything to the shot given the power behind the shot and the speed with which it approached the net. They would probably only be able to look at it as it entered the net which was precisely what Ayanfe did.

"Shit" Ayanfe muttered under his breath. The moment the ball left Conor's feet he knew it was going to be a goal. The rattling of the net a mere second later told him he was right.

'And London Blue are level! What a goal by the captain! Conor Golgoher not leaving any chance for Teesside's wonder shot stopper, absolutely buries that shot into the top corner'

'And London is shaking. The screams from the London Blue fans tells us how much that goal means to them. They've had a really rough season so far and for them to come out and lose against a second tier team will be so tough on them. They're buzzing that they've found the equalizer and rightly so. Now they'll be pursuing the winner in whatever little time that they have left'


After pressing for a long time, London Blue finally managed a shot on target. The shot was saved by Ayanfe and resulted in a corner kick.

Cale Parlmer didn't waste time taking the corner kick. While Teesside were still in disarray, he sneaked a pass to Enza Fornondes who was waiting at the edge of the box. Enza Fornondes blasted the ball towards the top corner.

Ayanfe could only stretch his hands as he watched the ball zip through the air and enter into the goalpost. He stared at the post blankly for a few seconds as if he was trying to comprehend what happened. London Blue … scored again?!

'Oh my! Oh my! London Blue have done it. They've completed the turn around. Enza Fornondes and Cale Parlmer completely taking advantage of the disorder in Teesside's box. Cale Parlmer taking advantage of the distracted Teesside players and quickly takes the corner. Enza Fornondes was waiting in such a sexy, pardon my language, sexy position and he absolutely hits that shot and scores'

'You've got to feel sorry for Adeogun here. The little lad has done everything in his power to help his team progress, and they've let him down, haven't they Jim? They took the lead so late in the game and for a moment there we all thought that Teesside could maybe sneak into the quarter finals. In the end, Conor Gologher scored an absolute beauty of a goal, and I'm not blaming them for that goal, there was nothing they could do. But to be so distracted this late in a game and considering their opponents, that there is a real fault and London Blue have punished them for it'

'It won't be the fairy tale for Teesside I'm afraid. They'll have to go back to Middlesbrough and tell tales of how David almost killed Goliath. At the end of the day, they practically shot themselves in the foot'

After the restart of the game, Teesside tried to press for the equalizer, but with the way London Blue were positioning themselves, it was basically Teesside trying not to lose the ball.

Up until the end of the match, there was nothing that Teesside could do. They managed to get a couple of shots in but they didn't serve as much of a threat. At the end of the day, the referee blew his whistle and the hone supporters went wild. London Blue won.

"Fuck" Omari muttered under his breath. He collapsed on the floor and used his hands to cover his head. Teesside… lost!

A/N: United take on Liverpool tomorrow. We could be seeing three chapters tomorrow depending on how that turns out. Not crossing my fingers though, they're going to absolutely shag our arses. (Of course there's still that little part of me that's delulu)