The breakdown

"You all will be beta testing the omega fluid as per protocol before heading to onthropus. I believe you have all received orientation regarding what the Z fluid is and the role the black box has to play in all of it, but just for clarification and because burns is a hard believer, I'd imply that you please repeat your explanation, John" Gilbert stated with a stern look on his face. He seemed all but concerned that he had made a tease about my way of thinking.

Z fluid, black box. These were all strange terms that I hadn't heard of before now and hearing if from Gilbert even after reading about it made it seem more superstitious and hard to understand. 

'And what did he mean by beta test?'

As my mind kept on filling with one question after the next, John the head scientist finally spoke up saving me of all the brain bending thinking.

"The omega seed commonly called project Z or Z, is a metaphysical rock that was discovered in this rocky oasis over 150 years ago. Z possessed what seemed to be paranormal manifestations that contradicted the very laws of physics and was capable of providing benefits way beyond our imagination. Although some details has been withheld, the very least I can say is that this country was built and blossomed thanks to the omega seed. That leads me however to the Z fluid".

John explained, walking deeper into the room as we all followed him till we came out to an elevated platform with a thick glass wall separating it from a much larger room.

There were a handful of scientists tinkering and testing down below us as smokes and sounds could be seen and heard from all corners of the room.

The professor pressed his hand over the glass frame, smiling lightly as he continued his speech.

"After sitting in a stream for over 70 years, scientist discovered that Z had completely changed the makeup of the water molecules and after a series of nigh countless tests and modifications, the birth of the Z fluid came about.

The Z fluid is a synthesized form of the original extract from the stream where the omega seed rested for over 70 years and according to our tests, is capable of mutating the overlaying genes of humans there by granting them supernatural gifts"

The scientist talked nonstop, pacing with a frenzied look in his eyes. it was evident that he was overjoyed by the breakthrough he had achieved, and the delirious mad scientist could not contain his joy as he jerked while he spoke. 

"That brings me to the black box". He paused, a wry smile stretching to the ends of his mouth as he stared directly at me.

"Few days ago the administrator brought me a little present which I named the black box mainly because of what it's existence connoted. It was an object, and I state simply in the administrator's exacts words.

'An object with a direct link to void' ". He ended, steadying his stance in expectance of an outpour of disbelief from me in particular.

"I'm sorry did you just say void?" I asked awfully confused and surprised at the same time that no one seemed to question the scientist through out the whole discussion.

It was like as if they had not only understood but also absorbed the details belonging to the two objects in question.

"Yes void. The absence of entities or substance, as in nothingness. Apparently the black box is able to provide us with a certain type of abstract entity - that I'll term 'symbiote' for the sake of clarity- which is capable of piercing the skin of negrons and therefore ultimately killing them."

"Negrons, as in the creatures that are supposed to appear from the other world". I asked again, this time trying to hold back the laughter welling up in me.

This was hilarious. Photos of the negrons that the drones had taken{supposedly only non-living objects could pass through the rift while it was inactive} were recorded in the files, beasts that were about three foot taller than an average human, with skin as black as the darkness covering their entirety and sharp claws and fangs surpassing any ferocious breed on earth.

But was I supposed to believe all the crap that this crazy scientist said. It all sounded fictious thereby making it hard to believe but the austere look I received from John made me conclude otherwise.

"I very much do not appreciate your tone and questions Mr burns!. I am a scientist and as you know I will always put facts above logic but from my experience in this situation I can assure you every thing stated here might defy logic but it is by far the most factual data I have ever collected in all my years as a scientist." John barked, eyes blazing in rage at my reaction.

"I apologize if my tone made it seem that way, please proceed John". I pleaded, hoping to ease his rage and better still pay more attention to the debrief.

I apologized not because I felt sorry though for being logical but simply because I knew his explanation would help me get to the bottom of whatever this was and disregarding his information wasn't going to guarantee that.

"As I was saying, the symbiotes just like every other normal symbiotic creature makes contact with a viable host and attaches itself to the body of the host preferably the hand.

Growth of the symbiote however, depends on the growth of both party's established relationships and the symbiote is also capable of providing defense and support in combat. Although it hasn't been fully studied, we have marked it safe enough for beta testing." John concluded, pointing towards the elevator at the tangential end of the room.

We took turns descending down to the floor where the scientists were holed up, then walked straight to the largest device that had been left unattended to.

Multicolored test tubes, massive sterilizers, large computers and other laboratory equipments where arranged inside the spacious device.

The professor walked forward towards the device, grabbing a few doses of a purplish liquid and handed them to two aides that stood besides us.

"So today you are all going to receive shots of the Z fluid and in the next 24 to 48 hours, symptoms of a special ability should have already made it's appearance. Before we begin giving the dose, we will allow you to get better affiliated with your team while we ready the experiment. Please if you'd excuse me?" John ended, looking directly at me before walking away with the other two scientists.

Although the other members of the team had not spoken as much as a word during the entire conversation, I could tell they were all hyped to try out the Z fluid and what not. I finished introducing myself to all of them before announcing to them that I would be captaining the mission.

Nelly, OD, kate, joe, Jace, mark, cross, six, ten and four. Although six, ten, four and cross were all aliases and not their actual names, it still felt strange addressing those I already knew by those names. OD, cross, Jace and kate were inmates at the orloon state penitentiary on parole. 

Six, ten and four were mercenaries that I had been on a mission with and they were highly proficient in surveillance and also skilled in combat. Nelly, mark and Joe were veterans just like me and this was their second reconnaissance mission so I didn't bother to prep them on how a recon mission went. 

John came back much later and showed us into the experimentation room before we all took shots of the Z fluid and ever since then I started feeling changes, growing gradually from within me, numbing all the pain and darkness. It was bliss for the next two days then came the first ever backlash.

A very hellish torment.