
{Kate's POV]

{Somewhere in omnicron}

{Date: speculative, time: unknown}

My mind was in a haze and I could feel a mild headache build up as I began to regain my consciousness sparingly. I had been knocked out pretty hard and the pain I was feeling could attest to it.

I opened my eyes and the sight of flames were hard to miss, watching as strands of flames went up to the sky and slowly disappear before even reaching above me head. It was a cold night and the fire did very little in providing warmth.

I began to shiver.

As I slowly started to grasp my surroundings, the voices of two people arguing could be heard from a distance and I could already guess who they were by the sound of their voices.

My kidnapper and his accomplice.

Their voices sounded like whisper at first, that soon intensified so much that I couldn't miss it.

Their tone was aggressive and they were constantly parring each other's words. I moved towards the fire spot and sat down, hugging myself very tightly, there was no cloth that I could cover with and I had soon began to freeze up due to the blistering cold.

The weather in these parts were very weird and I found it strange as to how the intense heat of the morning could be swallowed up completely by the cold of the evening.

Everything was a bit different from our planet and even the time format was different. 


My head was filled endlessly with questions and as I felt them build up even more, the stronger my headache grew. The two figures that stood barely distant from me stopped their argument and turned towards me, I had started to wonder what might have caused this reaction seeing as to how invested they were in their conversation. 

One of them walked towards me and as his entirety became visible in the firelight, my eyes gradually began to widen in amazement of what I had discovered.

His appearance was much similar to that of humans with slight discrepancies. They both possessed strikingly distinct pale skin and an outstanding physique that was unmatched by any male human I had seen. 

His build was so finely toned that I had deemed it impossible and as he smiled while looking at me I couldn't help but shudder at his heavenly appearance.

"Are you cold"? He asked gently, quickly pulling off his coat and covering me with it, before proceeding to increase the woods of the flames.

His slender yet compact arms and bare upper body seemed to occupy my view and I stared at his body, lustfully admiring it's properties. Aside from his physique, his silky red hair was also something that caught my attention. 

The sides were braided and one earring hung from his left ear, matching the colour of his hair.

Smooth veins trickled down both his ears and his eyes were a shimmering gold, illuminating his gaze and mine.

He was impossible, truly like a higher being.

His accomplice walked towards us interrupting my fantasies and squatted while looking at me with a fixed gaze, head aslope. 

His battle attire did very little to hide his mesomorphic build and although they were very similar to my kidnapper's, his was quite different, more rough and unrefined.

"Why are your kind interested with our planet" He asked, lifting my chin as he pressed two of his fingers against them, enclosing my entire face with it.

"I could ask you the same thing" I replied nonchalantly, ignoring his demeaning aura.

I was startled by his voice at first because his presence wasn't very noticeable. His demeanor was likened to that of an obnoxious person and I could tell by the way his lips twisted at the sides, that he wanted to quickly get rid of me, but luckily for me his acquaintance was not in agreement with that thought.

"I apologize about my friends behavior, we just simply want to know what you're here for" The former companion soothed, reprimanding his comrade with a stare.

"I'm not your friend, you slug" The latter replied, fuming in rage at the thought of a scold.

I was beginning to get upset by the behavior of the accomplice and even shrugged off his remarks everytime he spoke to me. I was more interested in my kidnapper and although I was supposed to be alert around them, I felt even more relaxed and safe around him. The air he gave off was just so divine.

"Forgive me, but could I please get your name"His gentle voice beckoned, as he locked gazes with me once more.

"It's Kate" I replied hurriedly, not wanting a moment to pass by so he would not forget my presence even though he was right in front of me.

"Kate? I've never heard that name before, it's beautiful. I'm volcox by the way, a first lieutenant of the third battalion of the resistance and my companion here is koldor, a second lieutenant of the same battalion." Volcox replied, offering a warm smile.

"Yeah yeah, enough with the Introductions, what we really want to know is where you all are hiding the omega seed." Koldor was huge, his shadow towering over my entire build.

"Omega seed?? Oh you mean zeta" I retorted, piecing together the little details I could make out.

It was fascinating how just ingesting the Z fluid, had granted me with speech perception of an unknown language, or at least i had theorized.

'It had to be the only possible option' I thought to myself.

"Huh, zeta??" Koldor questioned curiously, scratching his thick, long brown hair.

While we had spent time conversing, I had already been scouting the surrounding areas with the dim light from the fire spot and had secured an escape route.

The only thing that was left was to cause a distraction that would buy me enough time to escape.

Inasmuch, as I would have loved to stay and chat with my pseudo prince charming, I had to get back to the rest of my team and report my discoveries.

And the trick I was about to pull off was so old and cliched that I felt ashamed of using it.

"What's that over there???. I whispered, pointing at a fat distance, beyond the light.



I bolted and without wasting any time, I activated my ability in order to aide my escape. As I ran, the cold breeze coursed through my entire body with such great force, that I felt like it could cut me by just running through it, but even still I kept running.

After I had made it to a satisfying distance and I could barely see the firespot from which I had left, I slumped to the ground, panting vigorously and almost out of breath. It seemed like my ability had bought me just enough time, even much more than I had imagined. I giggled.

"This world really is beautiful" I said to myself, mixed feelings of happiness and doubt clouding my mind as I stared at the sky.

As I stretched my body and laid on the bare ground, I heaved a sigh of relief and just stared at the sky. It was indeed beautiful, the stars intertwining like newly found lovers and the two moons so close together that It seemed like one was pregnant for the other.

The clouds stretched finely, bathed in so many colours that it illuminated the stratosphere.

I wished I could stay there all night but I had to get moving so as to cover the remaining distance before daybreak. As I got up from where I lay, the sounds of various insects in the forest got swallowed up by the neighing and prancing of the horse that rode towards my direction.

"Shit, that fast??" I got up to run, feeling my muscles grow heavier as I leapt.

It had barely been five minutes and I had already been caught. This scenario wasn't in my favor in the slightest and the very thought of being reprimanded yet again caused me to double my pace. It was clear I was at a huge disadvantage traveling by foot but still I moved forward, not turning back, not stopping. 

I could feel tears trickle down my face and I was surprised at myself, I was really hopeless whether it was on earth or in this unknown planet.

'I guess gaining an ability didn't do much to improve my situation' I thought to myself, bewildered at how I solved all my problems by running away.

The horse was already very close and in sight and it would only take seconds before I would get caught, but then a thought emerged about how I could possibly escape but sadly, it came too late. 

"I've gotta say, that stunt you pulled back there was a really good one, but unluckily for you our senses are sharper that any ordinary human". Volcox commented, smirking and chuckling as he saw my pathetic state.

I tried struggling but his grip was unwavering and I just gave up after the second attempt. And just like that my hopes of escaping blew away with the cold breeze. 

By the time we reached the fire spot, the smirk on koldor's face was so wide, that it was greatly irritating. 

I was surprised about how their hierarchy worked because it only seemed to me that the first lieutenant, who was supposed to be superior in rank always did all the work while koldor just sat there, pushing his weight around the place.

My short escape attempt seemed to have warmed me well enough to make the cold a thing of the past for a short while.

"Resistance is futile, if you just comply with us you might make it out of this alive" Volcox assured, another smile plastered on his face.

"Foolish human, pfft....-" Koldor laughed, not withholding any measure of disappointment.

I was infuriated by koldor's constant remarks but surprisingly I had come to agree with this one. I truly was foolish, underestimating my opponents and trying to flee terrains that they were greatly accustomed to with just a mere five seconds headstart.

"You should get some rest, we'll go see the commander tomorrow"

I laid on the ground, ashamed of myself and curious about the events of the subsequent day even though I knew nothing of what it posed.

Cooperation was key to my survival and it was my only hope of making it out alive, if possible. I wondered if the rest of my team were even searching for me and I had completely given up on the idea of a rescue at the point of my escape.

Right now I simply had to do my very best as to avoid being killed or worse.