
{14: 08 PM, 20/05/2024}

{Nezro's POV}

It had been five days since the first reconnaissance team crossed the exotic gate and since then, the government had remained radio silent about their progress.

Everyone was agitated about their departure and even more so, their pending return.

Areas surrounding the wormhole were constantly littered with people carrying placards with 'Humanity will succeed' written on them, throwing a needles tantrum for something they couldn't possibly control.

All they had right now, was hope and even so, it wavered in the face of predicament.

The government had put together certain terminologies and systems to classify the level of danger associated with certain events.

Before the Red Tuesday- the day the anomaly appeared- it had just been three levels but after that it had been updated to five entries.

STAGE 1- Threat from terrorist attacks

STAGE 2- natural disasters 

STAGE 3- Threat from hostile countries (including nuclear warfare)

STAGE 4- Appearance of alien or foreign anomalies 

STAGE FIVE- Action of the alien anomalies

Due to recent events, the atmosphere around us became heavy and it was fairly obvious that everyone became agitated, maybe due to the fact that the administrator's words were actually true or that he hadn't made an appearance ever since his meeting with our leaders.

 Even details of the meeting had not been shared with the general public and it seemed to cause a great uproar until the president's spokesperson addressed the nation and assured everyone that the situation was "under control".

I guess negligence was the best course of action when lives were at stake.

Rukius had remained unbelievably silent throughout the day and i found it a little bothering. My reaction to the news the previous day might've been the cause and it also explained why he always stuttered when I spoke to him, almost like he suspected I was one of the anomalies in disguise as his roommate or something. Perks of doing nothing but pay attention to fiction all day. 


I stared at the door wondering who would be out even though the government had established a nationwide curfew and moved accordingly towards it to inquire who our visitor was, only to be jolted back by my overbearing roommate's voice.

"Hey nezro, don't open the door it may be one of those `things' out there" Rukius warned, grabbing the edge of his seat as he retreated silently.

I shaked my head in disappointment owing to the fact that I didn't expect Rukius to shy away from something like that. But I guess when one's life is really threatened by a supernatural phenomenon one may tend to behave rationally out of fear. Even someone like rukius. 

"Relax, city square is quite far" I replied mockingly, proceeding cautiously towards the door.

And almost like as if to reinforce my claim, a voice from behind the door helped calmed the agitated clown besides me.

"It's just me, Joan"

I watched as Rukius exhale so deeply in relief that I almost burst into laughter, he was becoming more and more agitated by the minute and I somehow managed to stay calm like as if things were normal and our lives weren't in danger.

I just shrugged the thought off and pulled the door open to reveal our next door neighbor holding a bag packed full with foodstuffs and already prepared food. 

I stared down at the brown colored plastic bag, bulging due to the amount of food supplies that had been packed into it and then to the face of our caregiver.

"Thanks Joan" I praised, taking the bag from her so as not to prolong her stay and get Rukius all worked up.

I waved at her as she walked away, shut the door, then off-loaded the contents on the table. We were already on our last and I guess even I did not plan ahead for this, having only bought groceries for the previous day. 

I looked towards rukius who was already on his feet, eyes glistening in joy like as if we had just found a bag of money stacked beneath our feet. I too was hungry and I wouldn't spare a second before eating this dish.


Later that day, I went to Joan's apartment to return the dishwares all washed and clean and possibly thank her for helping starved adults survive through the day. I would have to give a long thought towards fixing our feeding problem, because if left unattended to we might actually die before the negrons reached us. 

As I reached her door and made to knock, I noticed that she was already preparing dinner and judging by the circumstances, she was going to offer us dinner too. It was almost inevitable.


I still knocked however because backing out now would only see her ringing at our apartment. She was overly nice and it was quite disturbing because the world and people would definitely take it for granted and use it against her.



"It's me nezro, I came to return the dishwares and thank you for the meal." I shouted from behind the door, a bit irritated by her late response.

"Ok just a second"

As she moved towards me I just stared at her coming out of the kitchen clothed in cooking apparel that hung over her blouse that was slightly slipping from her shoulder, showing her neck visibly and her hair which laid crouched on the other side of head. Her waistline was so finely poised that it resonated finely with her curvy hips. 

She was beautiful and I finally understood why rukius couldn't stop talking about his encounter with her over and over again. I however had no interest in such things that were a feast only to the eyes, I preferred ladies who were rather strong willed and not trying to please mother nature and she definitely didn't seem like someone who could make a tough decision if it weighed heavily on the life of her companion or friend. Indeed she was weak and it disgusted me.

"Why don't you come inside I was just about to make dinner, you could help too. Right?" She proposed, tucking her hair back into a bundle.

I nodded slightly and proceeded into her private space regretting one action after the next. I wanted dinner to go by speedily so I could retire back to my apartment and rest.

I hadn't been getting any in ages and I was definitely not gonna let this house arrest situation pass me by.

After we had prepared dinner, rukius came in a while after and we all ate together and even though I wasn't used to this warm, cozy feeling of sharing a meal together with people, I loathed it. Back home and even presently I always ate after every one so I could savor the dish in loneliness.

Obviously the most rational option.