Mayor Bennet stood at a distance. Not too far that we couldn't see and hear each other clearly but also not to close that a sudden attack would be rendered useless for an ambush. The man was tall and now that he was standing this close I could see the slight age marks on his devilishly handsome face. If we had been any closer I was sure that I would be looking up at him.
"So you don't like to have your treasures and weapons confiscated huh?" he said and I shook my head.
"Don't get me wrong I don't have any problems handing you our guns but our treasures though…I'm afraid they're a part of our strength that we can't afford to lose" I said
Bennet remained silent as he observed me. I stared back.
We remained like this for sometime before he sighed and finally said
"Fine you can keep you treasures on condition that you have them registered and catalogued first and that you will join either one of the teams while you stay at our camp" he stated
I didn't have a problem with that. Registering our treasures didn't seem like much of a big deal and besides there wasn't a need to actually reveal everything about our weapons right. And the fact that we had to join one of the teams at the camp wasn't a bad thing after all if they fought battles out side from time to time then wasn't it obvious that we could absorb soul essence and level up even more especially now that we didn't have to actively look after the civilians.
"Fine but we are not going to stay for very long so I'd like it if me and my friends can move as a single team instead of joining any random group" I said.
Bennet had a contemplative look on his face as he thought about it but then he nodded. "Alright that can be arranged"
"Thanks" I said and walked back towards our group to relay the news. Jordan came in step a few seconds later but then I paused. "Oh yeah"
"I'm kinda jealous right now" Jordan said
"Oh please you can shoot lightning" I said
"Yeah and that beats being magneto huh" he muttered
"Well you could be storm instead…gender swapped" I laughed before running off
"I'm gonna kill you! Hey come back here"
And just like that it was over. However what I didn't know was that among the group that came with Mayor Bennet there was someone who was looking at me with trembling pupils and sweaty palms
The camp was decent and at least safe enough for the people who took shelter here to move around and although they had signs of caution in their eyes it sounded at least better than just staying holed up indoors. Most of the buildings had been repurposed, turned into places of shelter, storages for food and even training centers for basic self-defense. It was something that I would have ever imagined being built in the York Town not even in my wildest dreams…well I technically did always have one wild dream and thank God that phase was over now.
Mayor Bennet had a few of his men lead the survivors from the buses to settle down in the appropriate places while another had taken Jeoffrey to the infirmary. Jeoffrey had been lain unconscious but he didn't suffer any serious injuries after all Evolvers were resilient and had durable bodies than those of normal people. A few days of rest should do him some good.
And speaking of people, the camp currently had around 500 survivors and out of these 500 about 71 of them had become evolvers who helped in different tasks around the areas. They worked in teams.
Currently there were about 5 teams. There was the Hunting Team; Security Team; Scouting Team; Exploration Team and the mayor's personal combat legion, The Scorpions.
Well, there were about to be six of them soon with the addition of my own team. Currently we were all settled in two houses that were just adjacent to each other and were separated by gender. All the males were in one house while all the ladies were in the other. However currently we were all gathered in the living room of the males' house-Me, Jordan, Conrad, Dulton, Mordecai, Nale and Grem.
The ladies in our groups were with us as well-Rina, Lydia, Candice, Clara and Vicky.
We were all currently discussing about our next moves.
"We're going to stay here for a little while before moving on to London" I stated.
"London?" Conrad looked at me with slight shock. He couldn't imagine anyone leaving the safety of these camp's walls and actually throwing themselves in danger.
"Listen kiddo I get that you are strong and all but is there really a need for you to do that I mean the world had gotten ten times more dangerous in these past two weeks alone who knows what's out there" Grem, the former security guard voiced out his thoughts.
"And that's exactly why I have to hurry. We're not the only one's who are getting stronger with time. The beasts and ravids are too" I said. The demons as well if they ever decide to show themselves. I left that part unsaid though. "My mother is still out there somewhere and I'm not gonna stop until I find her"
I clenched my fist. Close, I was getting close
"I'm going to go with him too unlike you guys my parents reside the capital Lionberg City "Lydia said as she looked at me as though assuring me that I wouldn't be alone.
I smiled in thanks.
"Well I'm not gonna lie I'll stay here you know, help my uncle with a few things" Conrad said which was honestly something that I had anticipated.
"We'll be following Huey till the end of our days" Nale, Dulton and Mordecai said in unison.
"What?" I couldn't help but say out loud.
"Its as we've said. We are thankful to you for saving as well as giving us a chance to better ourselves. So do the rest of our lives have decided that following you wouldn't be that bad" Dulton said with a slight smile a the corner of his lips.
"I still haven't decided on what I'm gonna do so let me think about it okay?" Clara said but there was something that felt off with the way she said it…well maybe it was just my imagination.
I didn't get the chance to think about it anymore when I heard a knock from outside.
"That must be the guard that the Mayor said he'd send for come get me" I stood from my seat and made my way to the front door. I opened it to reveal a woman with brown curly hair. She was fitted in black tight leather pants while her midriff was exposed her toned belly by her crop shirt. Both sides of ther waist were fitted with daggers.
It took me a moment to realize that this was the same woman who had been at the tower.
"Boss said to come get you" she had a soft voice. Like honey to the ears she even smelled like it too.
"Right" I nodded before turning to everyone in the room. "Alright I don't know how long this is going to take so you guys can take some of your time to explore and get some rest."
"Don't take too long" Jordan said while wiggling his eyebrows lewdly. It took everything I could to hold back the snort of laughter in the back of my throat
"Ehem" I coughed turning back to Arina. "Let's go"
Arina held out her hand as though expecting me to take it.
"What listen lady we just met-"
"Don't get the wrong idea it just faster this way" Arina cut me off.
After internally deliberating for a few seconds I relented. Taking my hand and placing it in her's and then I felt it. It felt as though my body was being expanded from the inside and then being pulled in all directions. My vision blurred for a moment and I felt my head spin.
For a moment I thought that maybe this was some kind of ambush. However the feeling didn't last very long a couple of seconds at best before everything returned to normal…well not everything.
I was no longer at the front door. Instead I was I an office that reminded me of the school principal's. it smelled of cinder and ash and the air felt slightly chilly.
'Yep this is the kind of atmosphere that a principal's office would have' I thought as I continued to look around. To my back there was a large table that almost looked similar to a pool table. It had what looked like a map but I couldn't tell what the map was about.
"I see you're here Arina. Good work" a voice from the front pulled me out of my thoughts.
It was true. Arina was still standing in front of me but unlike last time she was facing forward with her back to me. My eyes couldn't help but wonder a little to the perky butt held tightly by the leather. It took considerable level of control not to gulp.
I pulled my gaze away from the temptation lest I have a boner right here and now.
At the very front was a large wood desk with a small stack of paperwork. Sitting behind it was Mayor Bennet. He must have been the one who spoke earlier. Standing beside him was a man in glasses and a silky brown suit. He stood like a bodyguard but his glasses made him look like a nerdy secretary.
The only source of like was the large floor to ceiling windows that gave a view to the world outside.
"Who does paperwork in the apocalypse?" I couldn't help voice out loud.
Mayor Bennet froze while Arina and the secretary looking bodyguard gave me strange looks.
Then the mayor smiled. It was a somber smile really, one that only those of age and those who have experienced the hardship of life often used. Then he sighed.
"You're right it certainly is strange but paperwork is a really efficient way of keeping track of everything and since the printer actually works I thought it was best to take advantage of it now" he said. "Thank you Arina you may leave"
Arina gave a bow. Then she vanished. For a second I thought maybe I was imagining things but when I paid closer attention to the room I felt nothing. There was no shifting of the wind as an indication of someone moving and there were no footsteps either. I didn't even see her move.
She just disappeared almost as she had…
'So it really was teleportation' I thought. My gaze lingered on the vacant spot where she had stood a few seconds ago.
This was the first time I was encountering such a skill.
A teleportation skill.
Anyone who possessed such a skill was bound to be powerful in the future and maybe even now facing an enemy who can disappear and reappear anywhere in the battle field without an opponent noticing was certainly troublesome.
It almost made me wonder what would have happened had she joined the battle from the start.
"Surprised huh?" the large man said, prompting me out of my thoughts and look at the mayor. "So was I the first time I saw it. It reminds me that the world has forever changed"
He sighed and I saw his eyes become downcast with bitterness and sorrow and longing. It was clear that something had happened to him but I didn't ask. It didn't feel right to do so considering we just met.
The room was silent for sometime before Bennet shook his head and his eyes cleared.
"Well…lets get to the real business shall we?" he said pushing the small stack of papers in my direction. "These here are the papers for you to register you treasures as well as the details of you group. You don't have to fill them yourself or even now but I'll need them by tomorrow morning"
I took the papers in one hand and surprising I found them to be light.
"Its surprisingly light" I said.
"Yeah well that's supernatural strength for you" he sighed before leaning back in his chair. "You said something about not staying for long. May I ask where you are going?"
I didn't see any problem with telling him. After all it wasn't like there was a secret behind it anyway.
"London" I said
"London!?" he nearly jumped out of his seat. And his expression turned grave. I noticed the man standing behind him also wore a similar expression which I found strange to say the least.
"What's wrong?" I asked
Mayor Bennet remained silent for a little bit before finally speaking.
"Right now going to London is impossible"