Chapter 8: The Destined Girl and New Dream? (Volume 1 End)

Youjin Kinishita's POV

"Revenge is a dish best served cold. Hahahaha!"

I successfully executed my revenge on the girls who falsely accused me, the students who assaulted me on behalf of Susami-san and the teachers and principal who believed the accusations from them. My revenge plan left them regret, terrified and stressed.

However, despite achieving revenge, justice was not completely served for me who was the true victim of the incidents. Even after warning those demons not to cause more trouble, a part of me wished for them to suffer more with my wrath.

I refrained from seeking help from outsiders, like private investigators, detectives, lawyers, or defenders. Not only because they might not believe my true story with or without evidence, but also because I couldn't afford their services. Although the landlady Hayashi-san was the only one who believed me, I didn't ask her for help, so I didn't want her to get involved on my revenge plan.

And I was sure the students' summer break, including the four girls', would get gloomy due to their thoughts of my revenge during the closing ceremony and their actions they had done.

As dusk settled, I decided to celebrate success as the first part of my revenge plan myself by purchasing my favorite foods from the convenience store. Instant ramen, mochi, and onigiri were on the menu for dinner later at my apartment. While leaving the store, I informed Hayashi-san via text message that I would be back in an hour.

"N-No. Please, no!"

A distressed voice reached my ears. Three boys who looked like high school delinquents were attempting to harass a terrified girl in the alley. Though they were not the students from the high school I attended, their actions alarmed me.

"Come on. We're good guys, you know." One of the boys said.

"Yeah, we'll have some fun." Another added.

"It's our treat, so no need to pay, girl." The other laughed.

I feared that those boys might do something inappropriate to the girl. But at the same time, I thought I wouldn't want to get involved with them to avoid causing more trouble on myself.

Well, I guessed I had no choice, but to save her since I was strong enough to defend myself, thanks to my own daily exercise routine.

I headed to the corner of the alley to take a peek on the scene.

"Please, I'm serious! I can't hang out with you, guys." The girl pleaded in fear.

I couldn't confirm the authenticity of her fear, but my cautious nature kicked in. I foresaw various scenarios, contemplating whether this was a ploy to draw my attention or if she genuinely needed help. My drones could potentially gather evidence about the truth behind these incidents.

"Hey!" My loud voice cut through the tension.

 "What do you think are you doing to that lady?" I narrowed my eyes, but stayed alert.

"It's none of your business, punk!" One of the boys retorted.

"Yeah, we just want her to go out with us."

"Leave us alone, dude!"

I couldn't believe it! Their persistence astonished me.

"Tch!" I scoffed. "Can't you guys see she's uncomfortable with you three, stupid idiots?! She doesn't want to hang out with you!"

The boys' anger flared, and a confrontation ensued. I guessed calling them 'stupid idiots' made them offended. But oh well, prepare to defend myself and that girl.

"What did you say, *ssh*le?!" He gritted his teeth.

But that last word from his mouth made me even triggered. He reminded me of my former girlfriend Nonaka-san cussing me like that as she spread the false rumors about me when were in third-year middle school.

That boy's fist was about to hit me, but I managed to stay calm and dodged his punch. I clenched my fist and punched his face that incapacitated him.

The remaining boys looked terrified at the sight. But they were still angry at me.

"Hey! What have you done to our leader?"

Oh, wait! So that was their leader I knocked him out. At least he deserved it.

"Ah. Your leader, huh?" I chuckled. "Sorry if I didn't know that was your leader. Well then…"

I clenched my fist in front of their faces while narrowing my eyes.

"Dare to mess up with me? I will make you regret for making that girl uncomfortable, you animals!"

The two boys exchanged their looks and nodded at each other. It seemed they would fight me for their leader.

"You motherf***er!" One of them glared at me. "I will make you pay for him."

My prediction was right. Time to finish this mess.

The two boys launched their fists towards me, but I dodged them and punched them in their stomach with all my might to make them opened their mouths and cough up. I turned and looked at them who kneeled while groaning in pain.

"I told you, didn't I? I make you regret, you two."

Their faces turned pale in fear.

"Damn it! He's too strong, just for one punch?"

"We better get out of here."

I smirked at them, even I wore my mask that my smirk couldn't be seen.

"Get lost, you fools!" I gave them the intimidated look with my angry eyes.

They nodded silently, then grabbed and carried their unconscious leader and retreated.

Damn! I couldn't believe in myself that I was strong to beat up those punks. I guess it was all thanks to my daily outdoor exercise, even I didn't practice boxing.

Before that, I wasn't brave enough to verbally fight my enemies who believed the lies from the girls I trusted by telling the truth from my mouth, but I ended being beaten up by everyone. And now, I was confident enough to beat up my enemies physically with my bare hands if they dared to mess up with me.

Anyway, I looked at the lady who was sitting on the ground and visibly shaken.

"Um… are you okay?" I inquired, offering my hand.

She looked at me with the sad expression on her face.

"Y-Yes." She nodded, grabbing my hand.

I pulled her gently to make her stand up. But I was surprised about her appearance I had ever seen: She was taller than me; her hair was black and long that she even had long bangs between her eyes; despite of her outfit, she even had thick thighs; and her breast size was about G-cup.

Wait, no! It was no time to look at her impressive looks. I discovered that her appearance oddly resembled someone from a dream I had earlier. Was she really from my dream I had?

"Thank you for saving me. I really appreciate it." She said with gratitude.

What the…? I gasped as her voice triggered a realization. Could she be the girl from my dream? Was that really her? My 'destiny'?

No, no, no! That was impossible. There was no way that lady in front of me was my 'destiny', even though her appearance looked the same as hers in my dream. Besides, she looked like a college student to me.

"Um… is something wrong?"

I now realized I didn't give her response after saving her.

"N-No." I replied nervously. "I'm glad you're okay, miss. But you should be careful wandering around."

"Yes, I wi-"


The growl noise was heard around us. I thought it was from her stomach when she looked away from embarrassment while blushing.

"So… you hungry?" I asked her while, grabbing something from my bag.

She nodded silently.

"Here." I gave her a onigiri and a mochi. "For you. I can't leave you getting hungrier, miss."

"Th-thank you so much!" She bowed her head and started eating.

At least I had extra onigiri and mochi since I bought two each. Oh, well, it was time to go home.

"Wait!" She called me as I was about to leave.


"Can you please tell me your name?"

My name? No, I couldn't let anyone including her know my name. That might make me get in trouble.

"I'm sorry, but I can't, miss." I replied with a sad tone.

"Then can you at least show me your face?"

My face? Oh, yeah. I wore my jacket and face mask to hide my identity.

"Sorry, but I still can't."

"Eh? Why not?"

I made her disappointed, but I still couldn't trust her, whether she was my 'destiny' or not.

"Even I saved and helped you, you're a stranger to me. I'm really sorry, but if you'll excuse me. Goodbye!"

I was about to leave again when I felt my hand being grabbed.

"Please, wait!"

"She's so persistent!" I said in my mind.

"What now?" I sighed in annoyance.

"Would you like to escort me to the train station? I have to go home now."

Well, I wasn't in a hurry, but I guess it would be fine. It would be risky for her to go to the train station alone tonight, so she might get in trouble again.

"All right, no problem."

Then she suddenly hugged me that made her chest collide my face. What the heck? I didn't expect this! She made me blush and my mind gone blank. But I wasn't sure she could see me blushing, even I was wearing a face mask.

I was snapped back to reality when I was suddenly pulled by her.

"Let's go." She told me with a smile.

Then we headed to the train station together.

While walking, I started to make a conversation with her.

"So, uh…" I said awkwardly, but not looking at her. "…You're not living here in this town, aren't you?"

"No, I'm not."

"Then why are you here, miss?"

"'Miss?'" She laughed. "You don't have to call me that. Just call me—"

"No, stop!" I interrupted her. "I'm sorry, but don't need to know your name."

"Eh? Why?"

I wasn't sure myself for making a reason, but just didn't need to know her name.

"It's complicated." I sighed, realizing we had reached the train station.

"Thank you so much once again." She smiled at me. "I hope I'll see you again."

To be honest, I didn't want to meet her again.

"Yeah, just be careful. By the way, beware of perverts."

She giggled and waved her hand at me.

I checked out the time: It was almost seven o' clock in the evening. Time go home now. But I hoped the landlady wouldn't get mad at me.

I finally returned to the apartment building, but Hayashi wasn't outside. I thought she was already inside of her apartment.

"I'm home." I greeted as I entered my apartment. It was time to celebrate for succeeding my revenge against my mortal enemies, especially the four girls, Nonaka-san, Susami-san, Hana-san and Sakura-san, who betrayed me.

I ate my food I bought from convenience store while watching the footage of the reaction of everyone inside the school gym with my revenge video. Enjoying watching the video, it made me satisfied more. Although, my revenge plan wasn't over yet, it wasn't still enough to make feel better. At least my first revenge taught everyone a lesson.

After eating and watching, I took a bath in few minutes to keep my mind calm and changed my pajamas. Before going to bed, I checked out my smartphone. So far, there were no messages from anyone. If I received a message, even from my family, I wouldn't respond.

I yawned loudly and laid down on my bed to have a goodnight's sleep peacefully, hoping for another great day.

"Congratulations, Kinoshita-san! Your book is now for sale."

"Thank you so much!"

"I'm sure your story is related to the victims of false accusation, Kinoshita-san."

"If it wasn't for my former friend and girlfriend, I wouldn't make a novel."

"False accusation and bullying should be illegal by the law."

"Yeah, false accusers and bullies deserve to be heavily punished."

"That's right. No more innocent victims' lives to be ruined."

The next morning, I awoke with a newfound dream. Wait a minute, my dream to be author? That was it! I had never thought about that.

But to be comedian? Well, no more! It was all thanks to Nonaka-san who ruined my life in the first place. But also thanks to her, I finally had motivation.

Inspired by a dream I had in the night, I decided to write a story related to my experiences: the victim of false accusations, with the intent to publish it as a web novel. The online readers might think if my story writing skill was good or bad. I hadn't experienced of writing my own story before. But I guess it would be worth a shot.

I was about to opened my laptop to start writing when I noticed the screen on my smartphone lit up. The bunch of notifications flooded the screen with text messages. Just as I expected, those messages from the people who betrayed me. But I decided to open them.

Nonaka: Youjin, I'm sorry!

Susami: Youjin-kouhai, I'm so sorry!

Hana: Nii-nii, where are you? I'm really sorry!

Sakura: Onii-chan, please forgive us!

Father: Youjin, I'm sorry for hurting and kicking you out!

Mother: Youjin, where are you? I'm truly sorry!

Sorry to me? Gross! Their messages didn't make me sad or cry at all, but felt disgusted. It seemed those four girls told old man and hag about everything.

I stopped reading their messages and muted their accounts, so my phone wouldn't be flooded with their text messages anymore. I never intended to block them for some reason. But still, I never forgive them for torturing my life.

But should I reply to them?



Author's Note: I'm sorry for delaying this chapter, because I was busy at work and home. I hope you enjoy reading my first ever web novel I've written.

If you want to support me, go to my Ko-Fi. Link:

You can also check out my other social accounts (Tiktok and Youtube) with the same username (cjlouotaku416). There are anime and Genshin Impact-related stuff on my social accounts, by the way.

Also, the 2nd volume of Youjin, The Cautious will be published next year 2024. And I may publish the side story chapters with other characters' POVs in the future.

Thank you for reading and stay tuned for Volume 2. Peace!