26 - I Need Your Help

Earth In Words Institute, Front Entrance

Under a volley of glances, whispers, and tittering aimed her way, Beatrice fidgets uncomfortably.

It is clear by now most of her peers have bathed their eyes upon the viral video featuring her disgrace.

Ironic, yes.

Karmic, perhaps, considering her own past.

Still, as she flips a particularly loud group of girls pointing her way, Beatrice realizes their mockery isn't exactly the reason for her discomfort.

No, she doesn't care about them. It is the empty street to which her gaze continues to return, scanning for a black point in the distance supposed to have appeared fifteen minutes ago.

Since they frequent the same club this morning – Advanced Modern Fashion – Beatrice sent Seijuro a message saying she would wait for her at the entrance.

From now on; No ambushes, no pretending they met by accident.

Unfortunately, her message remains unread, Seijuro has yet to show up, and now Beatrice…

Seijuro wouldn't have lied to her about wanting to be friends, right?

Perhaps… Maybe she took the back entrance and they missed each other?

Containing her urge to attempt a connection, Beatrice taps her foot as she squints her eyes toward the horizon, hoping to spot…

Is that…?

"Hey, look! Isn't that… Why is it driving so fast?!"

A sudden skidding noise causes Beatrice to jump back and stare agape at the black car parked in front of her, as well as the trail of smoke created by its arrival.

She… She didn't know it could move this fast…

Abruptly, the car's back door swings open, revealing Seijuro as the princess steps out and smashes the door after herself, violently. And as Beatrice notices the girl's black jeans, black short heels, black shirt, black sunglasses, and slightly messy black hair with a quick sweep of her eyes, the car is already rushing into movement again.


Watching Elysium's First Princess giving the middle finger is, for sure, a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Watching Seijuro's public image crumble before her eyes is, however, something Beatrice has no desire of experiencing whatsoever.

"Ah, Seijuro! H-hi!"

Quickly heading toward Seijuro, Beatrice smiles uncomfortably.

Has Seijuro seen her message? Does she think Beatrice tried to ambush her again?

As Beatrice approaches, soulless sunglasses lenses seize her up. Seijuro does not smile. "Beatrice? You didn't have to wait for me."

"I s-sent you a message."

For a second, the princess's expression goes blank. "…Oh, of course. Modern Fashion. I had completely forgotten about it."

Beatrice tries to contain herself from cringing. "R-right. Do you think… Do you think we could walk to class together?"

Seijuro gives her a look, then walks past as she heads toward the large set of stairs leading into the Institute. "You are already here, are you not?!" the princess screams over her shoulder. And then, after a second, "What are you waiting for?! A formal invitation?!"

Strangely, Beatrice finds herself smiling as she runs after Seijuro, though she ends up almost bumping against the princess's back once Seijuro abruptly stops.

"Silly me, I almost forgot. Just a warning: If any of this ends up in the Community, I will find you. All, of you. Now, you wouldn't want to make me waste my time, would you?"

Seijuro never turns around as she soon resumes her climb, quickly followed by a shuddering Beatrice.

This is… Just… Power. Pure, unfiltered…

Staring at the princess's back, Beatrice feels something stirring in her chest. Power, confidence… How does it feel to walk at the top, to glance down at the lives of pathetic mortals and wonder why they even bother crawling around every day?

She wants it; Beatrice has never wanted something more in her life.

"You're staring at me weird."

"You're not even looking in my direction!"

"I can feel it. Come, we're already late."

Since Seijuro seems to have no intention of waiting for her, Beatrice has no choice but to start matching the princess's fast pace despite her shorter legs.

Could she…?

After a moment, smiling, Beatrice sneakily grabs the princess's hand.

Seijuro gives her a glance from under her sunglasses, though she doesn't say anything.

Her smile growing, Beatrice throws a glance over her shoulder toward the pale faces they've left behind, sticking out her tongue.

Are you watching, losers? Stare in awe and cry tears of blood!



Gaming Center, Entrance

Only once Sara spots the familiar building in the distance, does she breathe relieved… Metaphorically speaking, since she is too out of breath to do so otherwise.

At least, her suffering will end soon… One way or another…

Sara's rushed steps slow down considerably as she approaches the building's glass doors, however, before stopping completely once she spots the boy leaning against the building's wall, hands shoved inside his white hoody's pockets, sharp green eyes exposed by his brunet ponytail as she stares in her direction, having clearly been waiting for her.

Oh no, not this again…

"Bra… Braden…" Sara manages to murmur in between rasped breaths, "You didn't… You didn't have… To…"

"Wait for you?"

His expression unreadable, Braden pulls away from the wall as he approaches Sara, who, painfully reminded of her hopeless crush on the guy, attempts to contain a blush while forcing herself to remain straight and take deep, slow breaths.

"Ah, you might not want to… You know, get closer than this… I'm, ah, sweaty and-"

"I don't care."

But she does! She does care!

"I was hoping we could talk."

"…Said the guy who voted against me."

What?! Stupid brain! Stupid mouth!

"I didn't get to vote, actually. But you're correct in assuming I'd have voted against you. Grace would've never forgiven me otherwise."

Some of her panic and shame finally subsiding under Braden's cool gaze, Sara swallows as she finds herself crossing her arms and averting her stare.

"What do you want? Grace wouldn't be happy to see you communing with the enemy."

What does she have that's so special, anyway?!

"You don't need to look so uncomfortable. Is my presence that unpleasant to you?"

"Look, Braden, you have a girlfriend and-"

"Sara, I'm not trying to cheat on my girlfriend. We're fighting, but she's upstairs." Braden tilts his head as he gives Sara a weird look. "Is a minute of your time too much to ask? Perhaps we could meet later then…? Once you feel more comfortable?"

Oh Gods, oh Gods, Oh Gods-



"I know you owe me nothing but I… I need your help."

I need your help.

I need your help?

Fuck no, he didn't just say that… He didn't, right?

'In fact, I believe he did, Miss Palmer.'

That's what she thought. Is it too late to pretend she didn't see him?

Finally, Sara forces herself to face the attractive boy. "What do you want? Because if you came here to plead her case, then-"

Braden shakes his head. "No… Well, you're right in that this is about Grace, but I haven't come here on her behalf."

Conscious of how much of a mess she must look like, Sara clears her throat as she fixes a loose lock of hair by putting it behind her ear. "Okay. Fine. What do you need my help with?"

For a moment, Braden simply stares at her, as if trying to figure out a complicated puzzle, though, in the end, he ends up averting his gaze.

"Like I said, it's about Grace."

"Look, I don't think she'll hear anything coming from me more than she would coming from you."

Braden sighs, still not looking at her. He runs his hand through his hair, showcasing some of the rings Sara used to find cute…

Oh, who is she kidding? They're still as cute as ever.

"That's not it. You don't need to talk to her."

"Then you have me; I don't know what you want from me. Me and her aren't exactly…"

"I know!" Braden seems to clench his teeth, as if the words hurt him physically on their way out, "It's about your stupid duel. I need you to win."

Literally agape, Sara shakes her head. "But… You voted against me yesterday…"

"Zach, Charles, and Shani love you. Avril thinks you're a good player. There was never a chance of you not coming back. Grace knew that, and that's why she challenged you before Avril could vote."

"And what about you? What would you have voted if not for Grace forcing your hand?"

Sara searches through the boy's expression as he stares at her silently for a long moment.

"…Does it matter?"

"It does to me."

"I'd have voted yes."

Sara averts her gaze. "I-I see… You know, I was already planning on winning anyway. Why…"

"I had to make sure you weren't going to throw the fight. I'm sure you have realized by now."

"…If I win, Grace is going to quit the team, isn't she?"

Braden nods. "Probably For Glory, too."

Sara feels she has a headache coming.

"Why? Why would you want her to quit the team?!"

"Isn't it obvious?"

Sara stops, pointing at him. "No. And if I'm going to carry this weight on my consciousness for the rest of eternity, you better start giving me reasons."

Braden's smile is a beautiful thing, but Sara sees the sadness it carries. Also, she realizes this must be the most expressive Braden has ever been in a conversation with her.

When she speaks again, Sara softens her voice, "Look… Just tell me why you want her to quit the game, and I promise you I you do my best to defeat her."

Braden sighs. "You must have noticed; Grace plays the game in the same way she does everything else, as a task to be completed. She might have liked it at some point, loved it, even, but that's not the case anymore. Unlike you, she has no talent."

Sara fidgets uncomfortably. "No talent? She's ranked fortieth-four, right? Then what about the millions of players ranked below her?"

For the first time, a flicker of anger seems to ignite inside Braden's clear eyes, before being quickly overrun by their usual cool green. His voice, however, lowers considerably, denouncing his effort to control himself as he continues, "Even after practicing twice as much as you or even me, she still couldn't beat either of us. She realized it after you took her place on the team. Even after practicing for more time, even after taking the game more seriously than most pros do, even after she gave it her all, she still couldn't beat you… Not even after you took a month off."

Sara has to try a couple of times to get her words out, "B-but… You said it yourself! She takes the game more seriously than some pros! She might not have as much talent as someone like Avril, but she has never given up because of it! If she continues on improving, getting on a pro team next year-"

"She doesn't enjoy it, Sara. What's the point?!"

"T-the point is… I…" Sara shakes her head. "I don't think this is right. If she is gonna quit, the decision should be hers, not ours."

"And it was. She already decided she was going to quit if she lost to you."

"Braden…" Sara pleads.

But the boy's expression is as cool as it has ever been, as if the emotions she saw there in the last minutes were but an illusion. And when he speaks again, his voice is even, "I'm tired of watching Grace killing herself by doing something she hates."

Sara averts her eyes as she runs her hand through her hair and curses silently. "You are kind of asking a lot."

"You said you were planning on winning anyway."

"Yeah, but… This changes things. I don't know if I can do it, Braden."

Sara shakes her head. Ironic; In the end, his attempt at convincing her made her sorry for Grace, something Sara never thought was really possible.

Braden closes his eyes, sighing heavily. When he opens them again, the look there reminds Sara why she started having fuzzy feelings for the guy in the first place. It makes her remember that, while Grace's playstyle is to methodically attack her opponent's defenses until they crumble, Braden has never needed such tricks. Much like herself, his sword has the only purpose of killing its opponent – No matter the cost.

Braden Shawn, whose character, JadeKnight, currently occupies For Glory's eleventh rank - best rank, seventh. It makes no real difference that he has never held a real sword in his life, the sharpness of his gaze is more than enough to make Sara understand how SlashingWind must feel, whenever faced by one.

"I was hoping things wouldn't come to this."

Sara narrows her eyes. "Are you threatening me?"

"That depends."

Sara laughs, hiding the sudden twinge of pain inside her chest. "It's not like you to take half-measures." She steps closer, facing Braden's unwavering gave. "C'mon, say to my face."

"You don't leave me much choice, Sara."

"Say it!"

Braden sighs. "I already talked to Avril. She agreed that keeping a player who would fix a match on the team would be pointless; No matter how much talent they might have."

Furious, Sara points at his face. "That's bullshit!"

Unaffected, Braden raises his chin slightly. "Is it? You know the Institute as well as I do, Sara. There is no place for the weak; Not on the team, not when so many are more than ready to pull the carpet from under you. Grace fought for her place through every step of the way; You had it handed to you. At least let it end with dignity."

"I had nothing handed to me!"

"You're lying to yourself!"

Sara winces as she quickly averts her gaze, lips trembling. Out of anger, frustration, or distress, the person isn't sure herself.

"You have talent," Braden continues, his frustration now clearly shown in his voice and expression, "More than me, more than Grace, more than Avril, even! Accept it! You've never taken the game seriously before. I don't know what had your attention, and I don't care… You're back, so, please… Just let her go, Sara. Would you rather have her chasing your shadow forever?"

Unable to face Braden, Sara asks toward the ground, "What makes you so sure I'm going to win?"

"If you don't, then you just weren't good enough. Avril and I were wrong, and Grace might find her path, after all. Trust me, I…" Braden sighs. "I wouldn't have done any of this if I had any other choice. If only she would listen to me!"

Before such an honest display of a boyfriend's frustration, Sara can't avoid quirking up her lips as she looks at Braden, who stares at her silently now. "You really love her, don't you?"

"Sorry, I know you…"

Sara blushes, waving her hand as if dismissing something. "It's fine, you don't have to feel bad for me."

After a moment of unbearably awkward silence, Sara clears her throat. "So, that's it? If I don't play seriously, you and Avril will notice and kick me out of the team?"

Braden's eyes do not move away from hers.

Sara sighs. "Fine. It makes the decision easier for me, really."

Braden opens his mouth to reply, but a third voice interrupts the duo before he could do so, "Should I get video proof?"

Realizing how close they have been standing, Sara quickly steps back, blushing furiously, while Braden merely gazes toward the intruder as he shoves his hands back into his hoody pockets.

"Avril! You didn't need to… We were already coming up-"

"That before, or after you finished seducing someone else's boyfriend?"

From behind the short girl's raised hoody – which reaches almost to her knees – and black bangs, she raises her eyebrow, although the rest of her expression hardly loses its air of boredom.

"Sedu-" Sara desperately shakes her head. "No, no, no, there was no such thing as seducing. Braden and I were… We're just talking strategies for today! Yeah, that's what we were doing."

Sara gives her partner in crime a desperate glance for help, receiving a blank look in response.

"That's a cute history. Well, good look convincing Grace, anyway."

Sara feels her heart is about to stop when Avril turns as if to walk back inside...

Somehow, she manages to reach the door before the other girl does, blocking her way as she smiles awkwardly. "Avril, let's talk about this."

Avril eyes as they stare into Sara's are like the void, devouring all light that surrounds them. "I have nothing to speak to those who arrive half an hour late."

Sara is sure her soul has just left her body. Still, she manages to grab Avril's body once the smaller girl tries to walk past, begging in a crying voice, "Avril, pleaseeee! She would kill me in my sleep! I would never have peace again!"

After realizing she's clearly weaker physically, Avril clicks her tongue. "You deserve it. Now accept your destiny and let me go!"


"You're making a scene!"

"I'll never! Never! You'll have to drag me around for the rest of your life! My death will forever- No, my ghost will never let you go!"

"You stink!"

"I don't care! My life is on the line here!"

Avril grunts intensely as she makes a last effort to free herself… And barely moves.

"…Fine! Just don't let me get up there earlier than you, or-"

Before Avril has a chance to finish her sentence, Sara is already halfway toward the stairs leading to the second floor, ignoring the dozens of shocked gazes thrown in her direction, including that of the couch working as a receptionist for the day, a bald man on his forties who she recognizes but doesn't remember the name of.

"Thanks, you're great!"

Over her shoulder, Sara has time to catch Avril's heated face – out of embarrassment and not fury, she hopes – before Avril heads outside again and the doors close after her. She almost feels bad for Braden. Almost.

However, as Sara starts climbing, her smile disappears, and she bites her lower lip. Opposite to what she said to Braden, she is no closer to deciding than she was yesterday.

"But I need to speak to her!"

"Please Sir, I don't make the rules, I just follow them. If you could send her a message…"

As Sara reaches the second floor, she raises her eyebrows, recognizing the longhaired figure who seems about to climb onto the reception balcony. "Uren?" she calls hesitantly, causing his honeyed gaze to turn toward her in surprise.

"Sara! Thank the Gods!"

Seeing him immediately walking in her direction causes Sara to want to run away, but Uren's solemn expression dissuades her from doing more than raising her hand to greet him.

"Hey," she starts uncertainly as he stops in front of her, "Were you looking for me?"

"Yeah. Sorry for… What happened before."

Uren changes his weight from one foot to another. His gaze meets hers, but he doesn't seem sure about what to say, despite his obvious hastiness.

Well, that makes two of them. "Well… I'm the one who should apologize-"

Uren sighs. "Sara, I need your help."

…Oh Gods, here we go again.

Braden glances up as he notices Avril coming out again, but not Sara. He heard their silly discussion, of course – he is certain half of the Gaming Center has, although the flustered look on Avril's face lasts no more than a second. He knows she isn't one to care about someone else's opinion; Avril's capacity to keep everyone around her at a safe distance from her heart seems to surpass even his own.

Their gazes meet, but only briefly. Since they are both the quiet type, a natural silence always falls on the rare occasion they find themselves alone; Such as now. And normally, they wouldn't waste time like this, not when they could both be playing the game they love.

Braden wonders if Avril is thinking about the announcement this morning. Maybe she needs some time alone?

He certainly does, although for different reasons. Even now, it becomes increasingly hard to contain the sickening feeling growing in his chest. His last fight with Grace seems to play itself before his eyes, for what seems to be the thousandth time. Maybe he could have said something different? Something to make her realize she is throwing her life away for a game she hates?

Braden doesn't like lying. He had never lied to Grace before…

Later, once she has come to her senses, he will tell her everything, and she will forgive him. Gods, he hopes she will forgive him…

"You have the look of someone who is desperately trying to lie to themselves."

Braden knows he has no such look on his face; Or any look, for that matter. But he also knows better than to try to counter Avril, inadvertently admitting she is right. Instead, he gives her a jaded look to match her own. "How much did you hear?"

The girl shrugs. "Enough. I have to admit, you're pretty brave. Who's to say I won't refute your petty lies? Especially when they were made in my name…"

"I know you'd rather have them both fighting seriously than have one of them throwing the fight."

Avril smiles, a rare expression for her. "Is that so?" she replies, "Maybe I would enjoy more seeing a certain couple's misery… It sure would brighten my day more than watching the children fight."

Hiding his discomfort, Braden shakes his head. "Stop. You can't afford to have two players leave the team at once, and we both know it."

"Yeah? And what's the difference on having you two leave now, or after the duel?"

Feeling his heartbeat starting to increase, Braden moves away from the wall, heading for the door. "I don't know what you are talking about. Grace is the one who is gonna leave the team."

However, before he can walk inside, Avril steps in his way, shoving him back. She's not smiling anymore. "Dare lie to my face again, dickhead, and see what happens."

After overcoming his shock, Braden raises his hands. He probably could force his way through, but he would never physically assault someone almost half his size. "Listen, Avril-"

"Listen? Listen?!" The girl shoves her palm against his chest, displaying her painted black nails as she pins his body against the wall. "How dumb do you take me to be?"

Now, Braden definitely can hear the blood rushing through his ears. "I was going to tell you, but… I thought we still had some time before the duel happened!"

Avril's voice carries sweet poison, "And when were you planning on telling me? On the day you both quit? On the day before?"

Braden tries to avert his gaze from the black eyes that seem to want to strip his soul away but has his face immediately grabbed and forced back to Avril's penetrating, and more than furious, stare.

"Listen to me, you little shit: There's one thing in this world I care about, and if you fuck it up for me, I'll make sure your Grace will never want to look at your disgusting face again."

Braden pales, causing Avril to laugh maliciously.

"Or do you really think she's going to forgive you after finding out about what you did?"

Braden bites his lips. "You're going too far! It's just a game!"

"It's not just a game! It's my life! Why can't none of you understand?!"

Realizing the same terrifying stare he was scared of a second ago has suddenly become filled with tears, Braden feels like he is about to throw up.


The girl abruptly steps away, averting her face in disgust. "Go. Do you wanna quit?! Don't let the fucking door hit you on the way out! I'll do it alone if a have to!"

Braden runs his hand through his hair in frustration. How did everything turn out…

"Avril," he calls again, although he's not surprised when she doesn't turn to face him. Wisely, he decides to not comment on her quickly wiping her face. "I'm sorry, I know how important the team is for you. It's just…"

"Yeah? And do you know where you can shove your apology?"

In spite of everything, Braden almost smiles. "Listen, if you don't tell Grace, then I won't leave the team, even if she does."

"You won't?" Avril glances at him suspiciously. "And you are sure the collar won't drag you after her anyway?"

Braden rolls his eyes. "It's not like we were born stuck to each other."

"Really?" Avril counters sarcastically as she narrows her eyes. "And who was it that started playing his girlfriend's favorite game so he could spend more time with her?"

Braden feels like he should defend himself from the disdain clearly shown towards his person. "Okay, it's true I started playing the game because she invited me to; That's why it seemed natural for me to stop once she did. I'm not like her and Sara when it comes to the game. I don't care about my rank, all I wanted was to…" Braden shrugs, shaking his head. "It's ironic that as time went by, I started enjoying the game while she grew to resent it."

"I wonder why, when even her stupid boyfriend who doesn't care about the game managed to be better at it than her. Truly tragic."

"Hey, that's not true. I care about For Glory, just not in the same way you guys do. It's not my life or anything."

Avril stares at Braden, not with sarcasm or disdain, but as if suddenly having understood something. "Because… Something else is already your life?"

Braden nods. He supposes there's really no point in denying it at this point. Grace is his life, and she will always be.

Avril sighs. "I think I'm about to throw up."

Braden snorts. "Fuck off."

"Shut up. Go ahead and I'll follow after you."

Containing a sigh of relief, Braden turns to leave.

"Wait. Why did you lie to her?"

Braden smiles bitterly as he glances over his shoulder. "Which one?"

Avril rolls her eyes. "As things are, I would say chances are forty/sixty in Grace's favor. You made it seem like Sara was sure to win."

"Oh." Braden frowns. "Don't you also hate to see all of that talent going to waste?"

After a moment, Avril shakes her head in disgust. "…How can you say anything about talent with a clear face when you yourself is like this, Mr. I Don't Even Care About the Game?"

"…You're never going to let me forget that, are you?"