Kayla rode off in her motorcycle and arrived at school.

"Hi Kayla feeling much better"he park his car next to her.

"What is your problem?"she said as she removed her helmet.

"If you are still feeling sick, maybe you should go back home"he suggested.

"I am fine so please stop trying to help"

"Incase if you need protection,You can always relay on me princess" as he winked at her

"No need and can you stop following me? "she said as Aidan kept walking beside her.

"Well we practically have most classes together or do you expect me to ditch class when you are around"he smiled

"No but i would like it if you stop to talking to me"she tries to ignore him.

"Hi Aidan leave her alone beside we having basketball practice today"Lucas wrapped his hand around his neck.

"Well you can come to watch our match"he

"No I can't I am preoccupied today so you might likely ask Stacy"Kayla open her locker

Kayla spotted Maya

"Hi"as Maya wave at her

"Can you assist me with my assignment today"as a girl walked passed Kayla

"Sure thing"Maya said as she closed her locker

I guess she still hate me? It best if we distance from each other i didn't come for dramas' in her mind.


"Everyone we doin' history today so I hope you guys brought your textbooks open to page 70"as she walk in

As Everyone quietly take their seat

"I need everyone to part take in the history assignment about your favorite philosophy since some of you failed the test during summer classes"she announced to the class

"Miss Kent I don't think I would do it" Kayla raised her hands.

"The same goes to the new student it doesn't matter I can give till next week if you want

"I can't do it because history is boring it just basically makes us repeat time continuously

everyday we create new things and it becomes old so what really the point of it"as she sigh

"Kayla well it is fun and noble experience" as she tries to explain

"You don't know what actually happen In the old days you just keep on telling us tall tales,noble indeeed like you are even honest"she smirked

"Miss Dean watch your manners"she yelled at her

"Speaking of manners I will be back in the 45minutes"as she stood up

"Don't you dare walk out on me"Miss Kent warned her

"Tell that to your ex husband"as she whispers to her and walk out

Miss Kent felt numb after what she said and could hardly believe it.

Everyone started murmuring did she just leave the class? is that even possible ?

"Miss Dean won't be attending this class anymore if anyone have a problem with the assignment then you can leave"

Everyone started whispering

I bet you $ 200 dollars she will come back begging Miss Kent

I doubt it,She won't for $300 dollars as two girls place a bet

Geez why does she get to leave the class first

We can't even do what we like, she is so lucky

"Every one keep quiet or you want to end up like her"she slam her hand on the desk.


Everyone gathered around Kayla to sat next to her

Kayla I still can't believe you walk out on Miss Kent she is particularly the head mistress you might spending summer classes with her.

"I didn't do all that for drama"she said as she ate her food.

"Wait I advice you apologize to her because you aren't going to be in our class anymore"one of the girls tries to convince her

"I will do that as long as I don't have to do assignment"as she sneered

"Are kidding me or what you have some guts I guess your parents must be filthy rich to pull that kind of prank"

Stacy and her minions approached Kayla

"Everyone give us some privacy"as all the girls left the seat

"Wow I can't believe you have the nerves to stand up to Miss Kent maybe I was wrong about you instead of being enemies, let be friends with that attitude I pretty sure you can join the team"Kayla smirked

"I appreciate the offer but I rather be alone I made my intentions were clear from the start"Kayla said with a cold expression

"Ok but you still need our help to get back into Miss Kent class you might consider my offer"as Stacy left with her minions

"Did the girls bother you"as Aidan sat next to her

"No"she said with a rapid response.

"What happened to you yesterday,wasn't normal and I saw rage filled in your eyes it felt you were holding back"he candor her

"It was a slight headache that is all"as she drank water

"Do you think I am dumb or what,is that your excuse, please if something bothering you tell me"as he yelled at her

"Someone you barely know in a week, it obvious you are delusional,whatever happens to me is my problem not yours spare the sympathy and stay away from me"as she stood up.

If you are not going tell me then I will figure it out myself in his mind.

In the principal office

"What the hell were you thinking"as Kayla walk in

"Really I just got here and you yelling at me" as she sat down

"Why won't i,we clearly have rules in this school but you have crossed the boundary"as she raised her voice.

"So what Stacy and her gang bullies students and you basically do nothing because her father pays you highly I can double it if i stay here till school is over"Kayla stared at her

"You are right,but I can't let you go easily without punishment. So it won't look like I gave special treatment and I will talk with Miss Kent meanwhile you have to apologize to her"Mrs Lockwood look through her system.

"That means I can stay here"as she crossed her legs.

"As long as you don't interpret me"as Kayla nodded.