Complete Series Equipment Effects

Li Chunhua looked at the pile of copper coins and useless equipment forming a three-meter hill in the cave, a huge contrast to the lone happy fat water on the other side. She felt her world crumbling down.

What's the use of going through all that trouble in digging and getting herself dirty if all she could get was one happy fat water?



Only one!



If she knew this would happen, she would just lay down under the tree and waited for the game update this afternoon and saved her energy to build her territory instead.



Hold on! She killed thousands of rabbits, but why didn't she feel tired at all and felt as if she ate thousands of qi essences gathering pills instead? What's going on?



She quickly sat down in lotus position and checked meridians if this body had any. To her surprise, it did, and she could also see dense strands of colorful qi essences circulating in her meridians. 



So those white lights were really qi essences! And her previous cultivation remained—Core Formation, and it actually rose from level 1 to level 3!



If it was a previous world, such progress would make anyone question reality, after all, the average time mortals would spend from scratch to qi condensation stage would at least be weeks or even months, and the cultivation will only be harder to raise with each stage, but she actually achieved level 1 core formation to level 3 in just a couple of hours and by casually waving her hand.



This is too…awesome!



Li Chunhua was thrilled and astounded at first. The more she thought of it, the more she became calm. The expression on her face varied for the span of a minute, until eventually, it turned to acceptance.



Come to think of it, will Uncle Supplier should already have some Happy Fat Water in his hands.



With the thought of acquiring more happy fat water, Li Chunhua's foul mood dispersed, she carefully stored the happy fat water as if it were a heaven-defying artifact in her inventory and began counting the spoils from her slapping marathon.



[You've got Copper Coins…+5…+5…+5…+5…+15800]



[You've got white quality equipment rabid fang dagger +1Strength if equipped.


Complete rabid equipment series to activate additional effects.]



[You've got white quality equipment rabid boots +1Agility if equipped.


Complete the rabid equipment series to activate additional effects.]



[You've got white quality equipment rabid vest pelt +1Defense if equipped.


Complete rabid equipment series to activate additional effects.]



[You've got white quality equipment rabid arm guards pelt +1Defense if equipped.


Complete rabid equipment series to activate additional effects.]



[You've got white quality equipment rabid ears—gain skill 'I'm a gossiping Aunt Rabid!' if equipped.


Complete rabid equipment series to upgrade the skill.]



"Oh, there's something new! An equipment that comes with a direct skill. But the name…" is clearly asking for a beating. Her lips twitched, but still decided to check out of pure curiosity.



The rabid ears were just two pieces of white pelt shaped into a one-foot size ear. It's not made of flesh. Otherwise, she would have disposed of it.



[System Notification:


° Skill: I'm a Gossiping Aunt Rabid!


— Our Aunt Rabid's day would be incomplete without bickering with the neighbors. Gossiping Aunt loves to hear cuckold stories the most. It makes Gossiping Aunt Rabid's heart flutter!


— Skill Effects: Able to hear sounds from 10 meters away. Consumes 5 Mana upon usage. 


— Additional skill effects (Complete Series): Gains title 'I'm Cuckolding Rabid Aunt'.]


[System Notification:


° Title: I'm Cuckolding Rabid Aunt


— Title effects: +5 points to all stats when equipped.]



Li Chunhua blinked, making sure her vision did not fail. 



After a few seconds, the equipment was reduced to torn rags besides her feet. 


Her blood was boiling.



"Who designed this equipment? It was retarded."



Li Chunhua rubbed her face tiredly before picking up the rest of the spoils.



[You've got beginner wood…+1380]


[You've got Salt 1 kg…+60]


[You've got Pepper Powder 250g…+20]


[You've got Chili Oil 250ml…+100]


[You've got Brown sugar 1kl…+75]


[You've got Vegetable oil 1L…+68]


[You've got Rabid meat 1kl…+780]


[You've got rabid pelt…+1580]


[You've got Fresh Spring Water 1L…+40]


[You've got Kung Pao Chicken (Whole)…+13]


[You've got Bean Curd 250g…+24]


[You've got Hot Pot Soup base 1L…+15]


[You've got Vegetables Spring Rolls (6 in 1 pack)…+43]


[You've got Beef Dumplings (4 in 1 pack)…+36]


[You've got A bowl of sweet and sour pork…+27]


[You've got Roasted Duck (Whole)…+9]


[You've got Spicy Chicken drumsticks (8 in 1 pack…+16]


[You've got….]



The saliva in her mouth pooled. 



Li Chunhua, light blue eyes, shone as if she saw the sky split and heaven was raining delicious food on her.



Li Chunhua closed her mouth, not letting her saliva drip on the ground, "Where are the rest of the rabid clans? This Grandpa will go shopping… cough...I mean…exterminate them."






[System Announcement:


— Due to Player Anonymous' achievement, the system will bestow all players rewards:


— System Rewards: +1Level, 1 bronze chest, 10 Earth points and territory crystal]



[System Announcement:


— Due to Player Anonymous' achievement, the system will retrieve all the monsters on Newbie Mountains until 12mn tonight. Players are recommended to establish territory as soon as possible.]



The players in global were expressing their gratitude towards the Big Brother Anonymous.



Director Niu: Big Brother is so awesome, accept my kowtow!


Little Kitty: I want to give birth to monkeys for you!


The rest: Big Brother accept our kowtows!





A certain someone's eyes widened into saucers before a thundering cry pierced to the sky. 


"My Food. I don't know how to cook!"