Nearly killing someone with a single flick

The memories of Huo Yan harassing the original owner flooded her mind, and her heart was shrouded in killing intent.

Oh no! If this keeps up, her qi will be mixed with an ominous aura!

This is clearly an inner demon and must be the remnants of the original soul before it travelled to the afterlife.

She could understand the original owner's anger, but Li Chunhua was an outsider.

Li Chunhua sat down and entered meditation state to dispel her burdensome thoughts, but the obsession still clung to her.

"Help me." A faint whisper flowed into her consciousness.

Li Chunhua didn't respond and made her chants louder, but the voice persevered and shoved her with additional memories. Beads of sweat rolled down from her scalp.

After a few minutes, Li Chunhua opened her eyes and sighed heavily. "Alright, as repayment for using your body, I will fulfill your wish."

The voice said 'thank you' before it disappeared completely, and so was the restlessness in her heart. The inner demon was gone.

Li Chunhua browsed the original owner's memories and also recalled Huo Yan's character in the story. Gradually, she became willing.

Huo Yan was a petty guy who liked to throw curse spells at everyone who offended him with the slightest grievance.

The original Li Chunhua was also one of his victims. He (HY), the male stallion, would flirt with every female he saw, forcing the ones he fancied into a relationship.


Although Li Chunhua was not an unforgettable beauty, her petite physique and clean and cute facial features, especially her doe eyes, attracted him, and he started festering with her, enticing her, and offering her tempting deals. When she didn't bat an eye, Huo Yan started casting debuffs and curses on her.


From temporarily losing 10% of her overall stat points to a poisoned state, withdrawing her special immunity, and making her bald, this guy did everything he could to make her surrender. If it wasn't because she was still of use to the villain as a pawn, she surmised that this man would have killed the original Li Chunhua just like he did to the other women he discarded after use.




Petty Crow-mouth Perverted Bastard!


Alright, she will deal with him!


The original Li Chunhua suffered so much under his hands. Xun Mingsheng turned a blind eye to his right-hand man's deeds because Huo Yan was much more useful than her, a common ranger who only possessed average potential, contrary to Huo Yan, whose profession had a large room for growth, and this was the main reason Xun Mingsheng catered to Huo Yan's whims.


Li Chunhua recalled one of her senior sister's teachings about punishing scoundrels like Huo Yan and Xun Mingsheng. She said the land under the heavens should have no place for debauchery pigs who like to sexually harass girls in broad daylight and villains who regard people's lives as sacrificial pawns, so the very thing you must do is cut off their XXX—Senior Sister's ultimate move.


Senior Sister, this junior sister of yours will take your teachings to heart!


A certain senior sister sneezed and looked around, confused.




Huo Yan was giving his instructions to the men when his ears picked up rustling sounds from the woods ten meters in the west.


Four pairs of eyes looked ahead, but the dense shrubberies covering the trees prevented them from inspecting the source of the noises.


"Check it out," Huo Yan said to the middle-aged man.


The middle-aged man walked towards the spot Hou Yan was referring to.




Something leapt out of the woods.


Their eyes went wide watching a mud smudge figure in the air, landed with a thud, a small crater formed under its feet, and ran towards Huo Yan with its white teeth exposed, grinning wide, and eyes laced with ferocious glint.


Huo Yan was stunned and took out his weapon, a rusted spear, thrusting the tip forward to the smudge figure.


The tip of the spear hit the figure's shoulder, and... broke? It split into two and fell to the ground, leaving half of the wooden stick in his grasp.


Then he saw floating damage on the smudge figure.






The other three men also saw it and looked at each other before running away, leaving Huo Yan and dust on their trails, fearing for their lives.


"Deputy Captain, we'll call for backup!" The three shouted, never giving him a glance.


Huo Yan was stunned, and the mud-smudge figure, looking like a semi-swamp monster, raised one of the limbs and softly, gently, slightly, and subtlely flicked his head with its two muddy fingers.




(╬⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾ Д ⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾)


His body flew into an arc like a rag doll. Back slammed onto a tree, bones broken from the impact.




Gasping and hissing in pain, he slid down and remained motionless on the ground, with white foam and blood on his mouth. His vision was blurry. He was on the verge of dying, left with only a sliver of life.


What the heck? The rabbits' monster only has a one-digit damage number, but this monster can chip 360 points off his health bar with a single flick. Where am I? Is this still Newbie Mountains? Where's the promise of retrieving all the monsters? Hello, system, you clearly forgot one! I'm filing a complaint!


Li Chunhua dashed towards him and was dumbfounded, looking at the health bar above his head. "This…"


[HP: 10/400]


She already controlled her strength with that flick, so she could torture him longer, but it appears to be impossible now because if she flicked him again, he would burst into white light, which is too cheap for him.


So what can she do?


Li Chunhua walked back and forth in front of the weak Huo Yan for a minute until she came up with an idea. Her eyes lit up.


That's it!




Half an hour later, Xun Mingsheng stared gloomily at Huo Yan, bare-naked with his white buttocks exposed in the air. His hair was ripped off his head, with only a few remaining tendrils on his scalp. He was not showing signs of life activities; if not for the HP bar [5/400] above his head, Xun Mingsheng would've thought he was dead.


"Mei Ying, exchange items that can restore HP with the supplies we accumulated," he ordered with reluctance. There's nothing he can do; this Huo Yan will be one of the powerhouses in the global game in the future; he cannot afford to lose him at the moment.


"But Leader, that's for the territory." 


"Just do what I say," Xun Mingsheng yelled in a bad mood.


Mei Ying threw the unconscious man a hateful glare before posting her request on the trade market.


Another five minutes have passed since there was another shocking global announcement.


[System Notification: Global Announcement]


Congratulations to Player Anonymous (Newbie Mountain No. 27) for being the first player to establish territory.


[The system will reward Player 'Anonymous' with 1000 Earth points and a golden chest.]


The system notification was announced three times.


Everyone looked at the three units of wood, leaves, and vines in their inventory and cried. Gathering leaves and vines was easy, but chopping wood was not because the trees also have an HP bar of 70/70, and each swing of their stone axe manufactured from the system interface would only reduce one-three points, depending on their strength stat, and after 50 swings, players will have a debuff on their status.


Players need to take a break for ten minutes for the debuff to disappear before they can resume.


The team was supposed to have an easier time than the single players, but because of Xun Mingsheng's scheme, they needed to start from scratch. They could only grit their teeth in hatred.


The global chat once again exploded.


[Director Nuo]: I believe Big Brother Anonymous has six arms!


[Beef Noodles]: No, I believe Big Brother had little forest friends.


[Little Kitty]: My arms are already sore, and all I got were three units of wood. Can Big Brother share some tips?


[Frying Pan]: What do I do? Can someone lend me some wood? I'll pay it back!


[I'm a sloth]: I think upstairs is still dreaming. Wake up upstairs and stretch your limbs. We are not your mom!


[Deer in headlights]: There's still a lot of time before midnight. Everyone can build their territories if they aren't lazy.


Xun Mingsheng's face was dripping with ink.


Meanwhile, Li Chunhua's lips twitched, looking at the dilapidated thatched cottage on the verge of breaking down and the creaking stick fences. She reckoned that if a wind blew over, the stick fences and the roof would be smashed to smithereens.


[System Notification: 


Congratulations, Player Li Chunhua, for establishing your special territory!


The system will finish upgrading in a few hours, and the real start of the global game will commence.]


"Where's my knife?" She wanted to hack someone to pieces. Where is the special territory you're speaking of? This is basically more broken than normal territory. Return my expectations, my hope, and my youth!


(Little Baozi: (┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻


Author: Baozi, you haven't looked inside, so don't be disheartened.


Little Baozi: Really? (☉。☉)!

Help us in winning WPC! Little Baozi needs you!)