Congratulations for taming your first familiar!

"Wait up! I just want to ask you something." Li Chunhua was very confused. Her eyebrows knitted together and her dried face mask made of mud crinkled, and some corners were chipped off, revealing her fair skin underneath.

Why did that fox suddenly run off? Does she really look ugly? Or is she that scary?

But she doesn't have any malicious intentions against it since it doesn't possess any bloodthirsty aura like those rabids, Xun Mingsheng, and his goons. She just wanted to ask about the pastry, but the little fox just stormed away without letting her say a single word.

Come to think of it, mentioning Xun Mingsheng and those goons of his, she wondered if that spell her senior sister taught her indoors would be effective.

Senior Sister told her that spell was very precious, and she only learned it after encountering a Level 5 Cuckoo Bird.

What is it exactly, though? Her senior sister only gave her a vague reply about the spell 'suited as a punishment for bad guys' and a strange smile before whisking away her spirit stones as fees for the private lesson.

Never mind. Thinking is tiring, and it makes her hungry.

I, Little Baozi, am better off being a salted fish.

With her thoughts settling in her mind, the glutton Li Chunhua took out a spicy fried chicken leg, and her muddy figure chased after the little fox.

With her ridiculous speed stats, she soon outran the little fox, albeit with a little difficulty because while uprooting trees all the way, a sound will be ringing in her eardrums along with the popping notification screens which blocked her vision and rendered her speed to diminish.

[You've got a unit of beginner wood...+1...+1...+1...+1...]

"System, can you give me a break just for a short moment? I have a very important thing to do." Li Chunhua's head kept bumping on the obstacle on the path. If not for her defense stats, her muddy forehead would already have grown bumps.

However, the system didn't heed her request and kept bombarding her with notifications. Li Chunhua could only endure for the sake of food.

A foodie whose main doctrine is to try all kinds of delicious food in the world will not let any chance slip by!

Her speed increased and was accompanied by wind, creating a small tornado behind her while biting and eating the chicken drumstick. "Wait up, Mr. Fox!"

The little fox sensed a presence on his left and craned his neck in that direction. He was immediately horrified to see the malevolent figure of the human being, with its bright eyes and wide grin, staring at him with a white stick in between its teeth.

How come this human is so fast? It's still the early stage of the competition! It's impossible for it to surpass him with an innate speed-embodied physique.


Wait, isn't that a bone? That's a bone! That's definitely a bone! Did this human eat its kin?

If a human can eat its kind...

Sh*t. It's going to eat him too!

The little fox increased its speed by another notch, but someone was still able to keep up and give him a 'friendly' smile.

"Mr. Fox!"

What the heck! What kind of human is this? Is this really human?

"Don't chase me! I'm not delicious." The little fox screamed again and increased its pace.

Li Chunhua didn't hear it clearly because of the system notifications, but she could pick up keywords—not delicious.

Nonsense! That pastry was totally on par with Happy Fat Water!

Li Chunhua did not give up and chased it, outpacing it in no time. "No, Mr. Fox, that was definitely good, and I want to eat more. Where did you buy it? Or did you make it by yourself?"

You have to be kidding me. I already used 75 percent of my speed, and this human was still able to keep up?

The little fox was overcome with fear, and its ears were muddled by the fierce winds. In its thoughts, the human said- You're delicious, and I want to eat more. Do you want me to cook you or you do it yourself?

The little fox nearly tripped when it processed its thoughts. Its white, fluffy hair stuck together because of the sweat forming on its skin.

He increased his speed, but still someone was able to outrun him, and this time it spat the bone hitting him in the chin, pushing him off the tracks and slamming his back on the ground, creating a small crater with dust and pebbles surging like a tide.

Ah, that was not intentional.

Li Chunhua regretted spitting the bone out. She really didn't mean it. She was actually aiming for another direction, but maybe due to the wind being chaotic, it landed on the little fox. "I'm sorry, Mr. Fox!"


A red screen floated above its head, and the little fox looked at it in utter shock before checking his health [1160/1500].


What the bloody fox is going on!

This is totally nonsensical! It only spat the thin bone out, and it dealt so much damage! Even the warriors of their clan need to punch or brandish their weapons before they can cause that much damage, but this human manages to do it by just casually spitting.

By casually spitting!


Do you hear me? Do you hear me?

The little fox initially wanted to fight it head-to-head if escaping wouldn't work, but when it did the damage, all of its courage deflated.

Li Chunhua jogged towards the fox laying on the ground, pondering what to do. She was filled with guilt.

The little fox cried inside while watching the monster in the shape of a human approaching him.

It won't be his last day, right?

No, there's still one method left!

In an instant, its instinct for survival kicked in. The little fox disregarded its dignity and...

"Woof Woof. I'm an obedient little fox." The little fox tiptoed and propped its paws under its chin with its tongue sticking out.

"Woof Woof. If you say to go west, I will not go east." The little fell to the ground and showed its belly full of white fluffy fur.

"Woof Woof. You'll not regret taking me in. I can also do a lot of tricks!" It rolled over the ground while its tails wished in the air, blinking cutely at Li Chunhua.

Li Chunhua scratched her head in confusion and stared at the pouch on its neck in contemplation before asking carefully, "If I take you in, you'll give me that pouch?"

The little fox, seeing hope in the negotiation, untied and tossed the pouch to Li Chunhua without hesitation. "That's settled. I'll be your familiar, and you won't eat me anymore!"

In that moment, something searing was branded on its sea of consciousness, leaving a mark, leading to tears forming on the corner of the little fox's eyes.

As much as it abhorred the idea of being a human's familiar, it's the only way it could think of to survive the crisis. Forming a familiar contract will prevent the human from eating it.

[Congratulations Player, for taming your first familiar! The system will calculate the reward. Does the player wish to view the familiar's status window? ]

[Congratulations on acquiring your first resident! The system will calculate the reward.]

Li Chunhua momentarily narrowed her eyes at the screens popping out of the blue, but when she saw the pouch being thrown in her direction, all her attention turned to the pouch, and she immediately caught it with hearts forming in her eyes, totally forgetting the screens.


"You're the best Mr. Fox. From this moment on, you'll be Baozi's benefactor." Li Chunhua sat and started gobbling up the food while humming praises, and in the midst, she took something from her inventory and pushed the fried chicken bucket gently towards the fox.

"Mr. Fox, here is Baozi's gift." Li Chunhua squeezed these words through her pastry-filled mouth.

The little fox had an aggrieved expression on its furry face before looking at what sort of gift its human master was giving him.

When it saw the chicken drumsticks, obviously, a game item inside piled up. The little fox immediately remembered the bone the human spat.

No way! It was actually just his misunderstanding!


The little fox vomited blood and fainted from extreme anger.


Note: Just comment if you find the emojis cringey. I'll edit them.

Anyways, thank you for all your votes and comments! It always makes Little Baozi smiled. Now let us welcome the new member of the Glu...cough I mean Salted Fish Family. 

(A/N: Oh no, another glutton appeared! Not far from now, I'll be living in the streets. 

Little Baozi: This is mine. You already ate yours.

Little Fox: What nonsense, we agreed on fifty-fifty split! 

Little Baozi: No, it was seventy-thirty! I moved my wrist all day for the beast tide and I'm tired.

Little Fox: What moving wrist is hard work? You didn't even move your butt while I had to run around picking up the loots! It's fifty-fifty!

Little Baozi: *stare at it, swept the food to her inventory before storming off* You don't want seventy-thirty, then I'll just take all. Come and chase if you can!

Little Fox: (⁠┛⁠◉⁠Д⁠◉⁠)⁠┛⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻ Damn it! He can't!)