Ultimate Version of the Basic Dharma Spells

A few minutes earlier...

The collapse of the metal gates produced such a large noise, and those rotten creatures from within several hundred meters of the vicinity heard it, and they scrambled towards the source, the apartment building.

The swarm of people rushing created rumbling, thunderous noises. The ground below Brother Ding's feet and the three unfortunate individuals shook like there were thousands of horses galloping nearby.

The people on the apartment building, especially on the fourth floor, had a better view of the situation outside, and one of them opened the window to yell at Brother Ding, who is still outside, gaping at the destroyed gate, which was destroyed by someone's casual kick.

"Quickly lock the door! I can see hundreds of them!" His anxious shout awoke Brother Ding, the three unfortunate fellows, and the rest, who had yet to recover from the shock.