An RMB Player (2)

When the wishing well Li Chunhua told the Elf and the Aunties of the timely good news, they were full of expectations for the new tailor shop being constructed.

Li Chunhua enlisted the sub-facilities she built along with the group towards the back of the hut residences, and this information increased Auntie and Fairy Godmother Siri's enthusiasm. 

The mandatory appearance white magical fog vanished after 3 minutes, and a small shop occupying 40 square meters of land stood before them. 

The design of the tailor shop was no different from a small square wooden textile shop from the Tianmeng Continent with sloping roofs comprising tiles with knobs to help them interlock. 

There were three stone steps and a narrow porch. The door was made of wood and single. Li Chunhua lightly pushed it.