The Berserker Pixie Loli

Long Haoran was also having a problem because he was included in the circle of noob farmers.

He didn't go ahead to build a basic hut since he hadn't summoned a native yet but chose the farm instead since he had some seeds at hand: cucumber, tomato, and cabbage.

These vegetables can't be found in the wild, and he needed to grow them personally, but the problem was...

He didn't know how, and according to the global chat, gardening was a tedious process that he couldn't afford to do since he needed to focus on leveling up and strengthening the defense of the territory if he wanted to survive the upcoming tide and support his younger brother.

In this case, he badly needed a helper to do it in his stead, leading him to try summoning.

Long Haoran walked towards the summoning platform. He tossed a few items in the bowl: canned goods, bland biscuits, and some of the redundant items he had.