Gunless Marksmanship

On the second car, which Li Chunhua had attested to being the culprit for the car accident, five people were throwing glances at the crash site and the rescue team driving the cars behind them.

One of them spoke in a slightly nervous voice to the man sitting in the front passenger seat, smoking a cigarette. "Leader, what if someone saw what I did?" 

The man whose face was clouded by the gray puff of smoke replied nonchalantly, "They won't." 

The one who questioned didn't speak of anything anymore after getting some reassurances from the man. He wasn't a bit guilty, but he was only afraid of being caught.

The man called leader puffed another cloud of smoke, wondering who was behind those shots.

Right after the cars entered the gates, the guards quickly closed them.

With the researchers and the others out of harm's way and the Undead reaching the range of the ability users, attacks of different scales and elements peppered down.