Aspiring Mountain King

(Chapter dedicated to Chibi_Wolf38 for the Magic Castle. (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) I owe her a lot of chappies. I will make it up next month.)

Several hours ago...

Little Baozi, who doesn't have a social media life, aka Global Chat life, was unaware that the previous powerhouses mentioned in the novel had already reached level 5, hours before the opening of the Secret Realm.

(A/N: Same with author XD.)

Same with the dark crow mouth, the de-buffer, and currently having changed jobs to be scarecrows, these so-called powerhouses reign supreme on par with Xun Mingsheng and his Black Corps, and each also had a prosperous territory of their own with hundreds to thousands of subordinates under them, be they powerful players or natives. They were at the top of every ranking category.

Reaching level 5 was now everyone's goal, apart from someone who only wanted to be surrounded by food.