The Dumpling 'Rapper' VS System no. 27 (1)

Siri opened the window to let the shining rays of the two suns enter and cast a light inside the room. She could feel the warm temperature creeping on her skin, drawing out moisture.

Li Chunhua's heart skipped a bit, and she hurriedly checked the weather forecast.

[Drought, 49 degrees Celsius]


Wasn't it supposed to be a typhoon?

"Sir Elf, we can't go out and fetch more water. The heat outside was scorching, and it melted the heels of our shoes." One of the young shirtless young men belonging to Meng Chu's group saw Siri by the window when he was passing by to bathe the livestock with water. He took one of his shoes off, showing Siri the proof.

Siri hurriedly went out. The man wished Li Chunhua a good morning before carrying a barrel over his shoulder.