The Scary Bloodling Butler

The player who managed to summon a Royal Bloodling was called Xiwen and he felt as if he was floating on a cloud because not only was Nikolai, a smoking hot fella, his stats were also off the roof even though he was only at level 1. 

[Strength: 100 (Cap)

Stamina: 20 (Cap)

Defense: 100 (Cap)

Dexterity: 20 (Cap)

Agility: 100 (Cap)

Intelligence: 100 (Cap)

Luck: 40

Combat Power: 80 Stars]

And coupled with long list of specialty of Crafting Runic Items, Long-Ranged Combat, Close-Ranged Combat, Scouting, Dark Element Magic, Suppression Magic, Curse Magic, Blood Magic, Dark-Attribute Spell Crafting and many more...

He was a force to be reckoned with. Xiwen was very happy. His ancestors might have taken pity at him seeing he was in a wretched situation and sent this Gorgeous Butler to him.