The Lost Atlantis Library (1)

Swimming for 10 minutes, the two found a lot of interesting stuffs. There were dwellings made from sand dunes shaped into domes and cones. Its walls and roofs were decorated with colorful stones, small sea shells, corals and pearls.

Surrounding each dwelling was a small yard filled with different kind of corals: [Staghorn Coral- Silver Grade], [Carnation Coral- Gold Grade], [Sea Whip Coral- Silver Grade], [Cauliflower Coral- Silver-Grade], [Pink-Tipped Anemone- Gold Grade], and [Sun Sea Fan- Silver Grade].

The advance appraisal hinted that it can be used for forging weapons and gears.

Li Chunhua only has a three second hesitation before stripping everything bare.

There were many of this dwelling scattered around arranged in a row like it was a residence district but most of them were destroyed.

Li Chunhua entered a few of these dunes and colorful bed, chair and tables shaped into a mushroom.