The Looting Nymphs

Long Haoran noticed that most of the interface functions were frozen. That includes the personal and global chat box, the trade market and even the Earth Points Shop. 

"That was delicious. Handsome Chef, I would do anything you told me if I can order in your restaurant every day."

"Kya!" (Me too! Me too!)

"Ji ji ji!" (I agree. I agree.)

The three circled Haoran flattering him all over.

Since it was already night, Long Haoran took their measurements before making their beds. The three of them with the exception of Little Lotus felt the chilling temperature of the room. It was colder than when they were in the Frost Cavern.

They didn't sleep right away but observed Long Haoran.

Long Haoran was cutting the azure fabrics he obtained from the system rewards chest into several patterns. He sewed them into small body suits covering the toes and with attaching hoods. 

"Handsome Chef, what are you doing?" Little Mantou asked.