Siri's way of weeding out the Bad Grass

In an area called [Crest Valley], on the edges of the [Dewbrook Grasslands] behind a large rock formation, a young man wearing a gold-grade silver armor over his worn out black shirt and brown trousers was sitting with his natives.

The group composing of 7 was watching the herds of monsters looking like bulls, sheeps, pig, and chicken, pecking on the yellowish grass that resembled unripe wheat and rice.

[Sword Flute Overture Bronze-Quality- (104/1000)]

The young man withdrew his gaze. A sigh full of exhaustion escaped Long Zurui after he saw his progress.

"Master, you're already tired. How about stopping for today? It's approaching sunset too." A gray-skinned native with lupine ears, lower canines resembling boar tusks and having muscular build and carrying a large mace over his back, hunched over looking at Long Zurui who was chugging on a water bottle and leaning against the rock before shifting his eyes on the sky.