Long Haoran's Confusion

The fire burned slowly but enough to leave cracks on the surface of their cores and Long Haoran could see faint red and orange wisps leaking from the cracks.

Dividing the main abysmal fire into several small fire while controlling them at the same time from the distance was something he only did the first time and he found that it was mana efficient but not mental efficient. 

But he found a very interesting discovery- his abysmal fire was reacting to the wisps and even devouring them giving him proficiency points and lessening the headache he was feeling.

[Proficiency +20]

[Proficiency +20]

[Proficiency +20…]

Long Haoran was able to endure a prolong battle mid-air.

Little Mantou was also not idle and used his paws equipped with the Claw weapon to protect the nymphs and the sulking Little Ginseng.