Desolate Labyrinth (2)

[Ice Ship]

Thalassa bowed her head and fixed the hemp cloth covering her right hand before saying with an amiable smile, "My apologies." 


"Where have you been?" Shana asked as her eyes secretly roamed on Thalassa's body and stopped at the hemp cloth.

Thalassa sensed Shana's eyes on the hemp. Her lips parted and answered Shana's question slowly and without a hint of nervousness, "It's my first time outside. I was holed up inside a room for years and I wanted to take a look and decided to roam around. Is there anything wrong?"

Shana's nostrils moved, "I could smell an acrid scent off you." The smell similar to those lava golems would emit. She lifted left hand and moved it towards the hemp wanting to see what this nymph was hiding.

Thalassa's eyes became a bit sharper noticing Shana's attempting to remove the hemp and her left hand slowly moved behind her and water droplets gathered on the palm.