Limnad's Doom

The blast caused the grounds of the whole Atlantis City to rattle for five seconds.

The halflings inside the Armory evacuated the place in case the ceiling collapsed.

"Outside! Hurry!"

Because the Ice Ship had yet to depart, they were also affected. Large waves of water crashed into the ship. It swayed from side to side, unsteady. The passengers on board held on something to stable themselves.

"Auntie!" Aqua exclaimed.

"Hold on to me Aqua!" Rita quickly grabbed the Quarterlings hands in case something worse happened.

The matter of Thalassa betraying the nymphs spread like wildfire. Rita was dumbstruck because during the time they were together she never exhibited bad behavior.

Thalassa even helped them in times of needs and was never stingy with water. Therefore, it was hard to believe this news was true. She still held onto the hope that she was just framed.