Shameless People also practice Humility!

Triton was like a little kid absorbing the knowledge he gained from watching Chunhua.

"What other arrays do you know kid?" Triton was excited. He picked up a treasure!

"Oh, I know the Vanishing Array!" She used it in hiding her food during monthly inspection.

"The Master of Wind Array!" The less-harmful version of Dharma Wind Spell and she used it during rest. It makes the place cool and refreshing! Perfect for siesta!

"I also know the…"

"Teach me! Teach me!"

"But the arrays don't have any use for you Grandpa-"

"Food Adventure stories!"

"Deal! Don't get back on your word, Grandpa!"

The two kept talking and talking until the Sealing Array and Annihilation Arrays were completed.

The volcano stopped releasing fumes and the temperature drastically decreased.