A full-stomach Baozi and a fragrant Roasted Chicken is not to be trifled! (4)

When the Chunhua's Strength and Def hit the target mark, she was about to retaliate when the Phoenix hugged her and both of their figures vanished and reappeared on the near the barrier.

Once could see the space from here but they can't go any further.

There were both floating at zero gravities.

In the midst, Chunhua heard a whisper, "Help me."

Chunhua was taken aback and stared at the Phoenix's dull eyes with had tears forming on the corners.

The Phoenix grew larger and larger, floated away from her and expanded her wings. Its body was burning so intensely almost like the sun.

The Phoenix is crying?

The bangle: Master! It's going to self-explode!


Her eyes were covered with screens.

[System Notification: Warning! Warning! Your mission will fail if you fail to stop the phoenix from self-exploding and the third phase of the Centennial Games will commence immediately!]

Chunhua was shocked.