Thomas was laying on the ground breathing heavily. Sweet poured out from all his body, his shirt and pants clinging to his body like a second skin. His opponent didn't hesitate to grab him by his leg and began to drag him across the ground. 


"YOU SADSTIC FU", Thomas was trying to say before he was lifted then slammed back on the ground. Spit flowed out his mouth at the sudden pain of hitting the ground. 

All Might let go of his leg as he stood with a serious face. No words were exchanged as Thomas used his quirk to shake the ground cause All Night to stumble. Giving time for him to reach his feet and go for Superman punch to his face. 

All might simply block the punch with the palm of his hand. Thomas tried to front flip kick but All might stepped back completely dodging the attack. Landing on his fight Thomas kept trying to attack with a fury of punches Slowly getting faster as he kept swinging. 

All might just keep dodging each punch including the wave that followed. Since All might have been training Thomas he learned more about his quirk. Not only can Thomas heal minor wounds. He can enhance his attacks and leave a sound wave behind after each swing. All might have been thinking of training him to use music to boost some of his use of sound, but that's for another day. 

Thomas suddenly tried kicking him, which All might quickly block, causing a loud boom to be heard. All might almost make out something standing behind Thomas but it suddenly disappeared as he threw Thomas again causing him to bounce across the ground. 


6 Months Ago

It's been a few weeks since All Might has talked to the two teens yet Thomas still ignores him. He knows that Izumi accepted the training and has been asking when he's going to join in. Thomas never really answers, just ignores those questions as he himself doesn't know what he wants in life. Thomas can note that Izumi is slowly getting accustomed to being around him. No longer stuttering as much and always getting her mom to make him food. 

It's early Saturday morning and Thomas is laying in his bed staring at the ceiling wondering where to go. Is he even worthy of being trained? Right now he's just going through the motions of living life. Honestly if Izumi didn't come to his apartment would he even consider leaving. That's what the last few weeks have been for Thomas mostly pain. Mourning the loss of loved ones he never gets to truly see success in the life they were building together. All because of jealousy, and yet he suffers for the mistakes of others demons. His phone that's sitting next to him goes off, but he doesn't want to check it. 

Trying to go back to sleep, maybe the answer Thomas seeks is in his dreams. Thomas just can't move on from his grief. One day he hopes to heal the hole in his heart for now he will sleep. 


Present Day

Izumi POV 

Taking a break from lifting the trash off the beach, Izumi can only sweat drop at the antics of Yagi-Sensei and Oliver-kun. Every day they train Ollie always has to goad All might. Rather calling him a fake hero or saying he used steroids to gain his muscles. Honestly at this point I feel Ollie-Kun just loves it. 

Ignoring screams of dodge being randomly shouted by All Might, Izumi can't help but reflect on the good stuff in her life. Her form began to change with all the heavy things she has been lifting. At first not even able to lift a microwave to now being able to move full on refrigerators. Apparently the beach they own was bought by Yagi-Sensei which is why he feels more free training her. 

Izumi decides to hop off the rock she was sitting to go back to lifting more scraps off the ground. The beach itself is beginning to look better. Even the newspaper covered it at one point, they used to call these beaches the dumpster. Now someone decided to clean it makes a huge difference. A big piece of metal is lifted off the ground as she carries it on the back of Yagi's truck. 

Every morning Thomas and her get up for a run usually being 10 kilometers. When she first started it was a pain Yagi-sensei had to get her to keep going sometimes she'd even fall over tired from it. Yet Yagi never gave up, always giving encouraging words. Then Thomas joined and wanting to impress her she started giving more going PLUS ULTRA. After the run they do 100 sit-ups, 100 push ups, and 100 squats. 

Usually after the morning workout ( which they usually get up at 5 a.m. getting down around 7 am). Both shower (separately) before Thomas comes over food. Which to her was he second greatest accomplishment. Her mother was in on it too after finding out he lived alone and wanted him to have a more balanced diet. It doesn't hurt that Thomas is always giving Izumi's mom money much to her dismay.

Another boom could be heard as the ground started shaking, Izumi continued lifting. Knowing Ollie-Kun said something rude to Yagi-Sensei. She's close to finishing this section of the beach. That's all she concerns herself with, just lifting these last few pieces before she gets dragged into the fight. 

Suddenly a shiver goes down her spine as she drops to the ground and rolls over. A fist slamming appeared right where she was kicking up sand everywhere. Yagi-sensei appeared in his muscular form before. 


"Don't ignore me you bastard", Ollie yelled. As he came in with a punch aiming for Yagi-Sensei's head. 

Izumi saw Yagi quickly grab a stretched fist. Using the force Ollie already had to throw him across the beach. His body skips across the ground. Izumi didn't have to breathe before she was quickly forced to roll over from where she was lying on the ground still.

Quickly flipping to her feet she crosses her arms in an X to block the next punch. The pressure still sent her skidding back a few feet. Though her arms weren't hurt by it. Ever since starting the training she felt stronger and faster than usual. Now being able to hold her own(with Ollie-Kun's help) of Yagi-sensei's 5% of strength. 

Izumi quickly recovered as All Might was in front of her. Seeing he tried to go for a jab from her right. Izumi moved her to the side allowing the punch to pass harmlessly past her head. Before trying to counter attack with a roundhouse kick. That was quickly grabbed, Izumi then was thrown through the air colliding into Ollie who was close to rejoining the fight. Both slumped on the ground covered in sweat. Izumi doesn't register how close she is to her crush as she quickly pushes herself up to her feet. Getting back into stance she's been learning to fight. Ollie doing the same thing as they both refuse to give in to losing. 

"MY YOUNG STUDENTS THAT'S ENOUGH WE SHALL REST OF THE DAY AND TOMORROW SINCE YOU GUYS HAVE BEEN TRAINING SO HARD.", Yagi-Sensei said. Before reverting backing to his regular form which has been looking less sickly compared to before. 


6 Months Ago

Izumi tried texting Oliver but he ignored her once again. While she has been making headway with him he still seems so withdrawn. Though as a hero she wants to be, having to reach her only friend with a smile is something she can accomplish. 


Present Day

Izumi really had to work hard to win him over. Truthfully she got mad and gave him a speech about how he should do better. How he had a great quirk that is versatile. He can use it to make music, to fly very fast and boost all of his attributes. It can also heal and he can use it to pretty much lift anything(if he can find the frequency). Truthfully it's unfair how he was born with such a great gift. Granted he keeps saying he wasn't born with it but was later. 

Thomas and Izumi were sitting back to back meditating together. As YAGI-Sensei just overlooked the ocean. 

"Young Midoriya it's time for you to gain my power", was all she heard before passing out in joy. Last thing she heard was Thomas laughing at the state she was in.