Chapter 49: If you're an enemy of pirates, be prepared to die

Two minutes ago.

 Inside the casino, apart from a group of fervent gamblers, there were also more than a dozen gangster samurais hired by the casino.

 "Boss, please give us one more chance. We won't disappoint you. We will definitely find that fat sheep!" The lead samurai bowed with beads of sweat on his forehead.

 "I already gave you a chance yesterday," said the man referred to as the "boss."

 He was dressed in a suit and wore an exquisite family crest on his lapel

 He looked at the group of samurais and said coldly, "I spend so much money on all of you every month, not to have you eat for free but to work for me."

 "Boss, we understand our mistake!" The samurais didn't dare to protest and avoided making any contradictory remarks.

 They knew their boss had a powerful background, 

 something they couldn't afford to mess with.

 Moreover, the exquisite family crest on the boss suit

 was that of the Shimura Clan from Konoha!

 He was from the Shimura Clan!

 However, he wasn't a ninja from the Shimura clan. He was one of the few in the family who lacked ninja talent.

 People like him, who didn't possess ninja abilities, often became the family's "tool," sent outside Konoha to earn money.

 This casino was operated by the Shimura Clan, and they constantly send money back to the family every year.

 Now, they had lost hundreds of thousands of Ryo!!!

 How could he not be anxious?!

 "I've already told you, that woman named Tsunade, even though she is a ninja. She won't harm any of you. But you can't seem to catch her..."


 At that moment, a glass window in the casino suddenly shattered, and glass shards flew in all directions.

 One of the samurais, caught off guard, 

 was struck by a piece of glass in his groin.

 "Ahhhh!" The pain made him howl in agony as he fell to the ground, clutching his crotch. His hands were covered in blood, and the pain caused his whole body to tremble.

 The group of samurais in the casino, as well as some fervent gamblers, couldn't help but turn their eyes towards the broken window.

 There, they saw a blond boy lying on the ground,

 covered in glass shards.

 When did this boy come out? Why did he crash in?

 Is he...dead?

 "Ahh! It hurts, it hurts, it hurts!" Naruto suddenly bounced to his feet, exclaiming in pain as he hastily removed the glass shards embedded in his body.

 The pain made him grit his teeth, but he refrained from screaming.

 Naruto quickly took out a flag from his pocket, and it was none other than the Jolly Roger of the Whitebeard Pirates.

 Seeing that the Jolly Roger hadn't been torn by the glass, 

 Naruto breathed a sigh of relief.

 "I can't let pops down!"

 With this thought in mind, Naruto spread out the pirate flag and, feeling like a true pirate, shouted at the samurais and gamblers, "I am Uzumaki Naruto, the first division captain of the New Whitebeard Pirates!"

 "The Whitebeard Pirates have arrived in this town, and all of you need to hand over all your treasures!"

 Naruto believed that he had the demeanor of a pirate in his performance.

 However, the people in the casino didn't seem to take him seriously

 "Damn brat!" The samurai, clutching his bleeding groin, his eyes filled with rage, said, "I'm going to kill you!"

 Naruto watched the bloody samurai.

A sword rushed toward him with the intent of cutting down the small boy in front of him. 

 For a child who had just experienced his first real battle, 


Naruto didn't expect these adults to waste time talking to him. 

 As the sharp blade approached him, Naruto's small body instinctively moved to the side.


 The sword didn't strike Naruto, but instead, it hit the wall behind him.

 He had dodged it.

 "It seems... slower than when my pops draws his sword!"

 Naruto's eyes widened. For a moment, he realized that he could clearly perceive the trajectory of the opponent's sword swing.


 Whitebeard's pirate-style training for Naruto.

 It had an effect.

 "Damn brat, you dare to dodge!" The pain and anger had driven the samurai mad. He fiercely swung his sword at Naruto again, but Naruto dodged it by bending his knees and lowering his body.

 "Enough is enough!" Naruto was a bit annoyed: "You need to know when to stop!!"

 He charged at the samurai.

 A headbutt!

 It hit the 'weak spot'.

 "Ahhhh!!" The samurai's sword fell to the ground. He trembled all over, clutching his crotch. A pain unbearable for ordinary people blurred his consciousness.

 His eyes rolled back.

 He fainted and fell to the ground!

 "Did I... just defeat an adult?"

 Naruto was very surprised.

 But as soon as he looked up, he met a group of grim-faced samurai and a man in a suit with an even grimmer expression.

 "The legendary big fat sheep dares to run wild on my turf, and now a stinky brat shows up as well! Take care of him!"

 "Eh???" Seeing more than a dozen samurai draw their swords together, Naruto couldn't help but swallow hard.

 He realized that the situation seemed to be "a bit" unfavorable for him.



 "Stinky brat! Even if you call your father, it won't help!" A group of samurai sneered and wanted to swarm him.

 After all, they had just been scolded by their boss. Now, they finally had a chance to perform.

 How could they miss this opportunity?

 But at this moment, an even bigger commotion suddenly arose.

 This time, it wasn't a pane of glass that was shattered.

 Instead, a wall collapsed!


 Inside the casino, the group of samurai and the spectators were dumbfounded as they watched a wall collapse.

 The sudden rise of dust and debris made them cough continuously.

 "Gurarararara!" Whitebeard's hearty laughter echoed as his towering figure appeared before the crowd: "There are only a dozen enemies, and you're already asking for my help?"

 "They all have weapons..." Naruto weakly defended.


 Whitebeard slammed his Murakumogiri into the ground. This strike didn't use any Devil Fruit powers, yet it caused the ground to shake violently.

 It also made the people in the casino unstable.

 They all showed expressions of fear. on their faces

 "Stupid son! Raise the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates!" After Whitebeard said this to Naruto, he looked at the group of samurai in the casino.

 "Kids! If you draw your swords against pirates, do you know what consequences it will bring?" Whitebeard grinned: "Drawing your swords against my stupid son... do you know what will happen?"

 His hearty and domineering aura made people tremble


 The samurai, who were originally full of vigor, were instantly scared. But before they could react...

 Whitebeard had already picked up his Murakumogiri.

 After a flurry of blade movements...

 He slashed down!!!

 "If you're an enemy of pirates, be prepared to die!"

 Murakumogiri fiercely slashed onto the casino floor. 


The wind pressure rolled up like a tornado, causing the gamblers and samurai in the casino to scream as they were swept up by the strong wind.

 The casino floor was split in two on the spot. The earth began to crack open on both sides, revealing a straight and wide crack.

 Murakumogiri's blade cut through one end of the crack.

 The other end spread rapidly forward!

 All the way to a kilometer away!

 The casino boss, who was from the Shimura clan, fell hard from mid-air, almost losing half his life.

 When he cried out in pain and struggled hastily, he looked up and saw Whitebeard in front of him. He was immediately so scared that he couldn't move.

 "Stupid son, I'm going to teach you the second lesson of being a pirate! If your enemy doesn't want to pay up, beat them until they do!"

 "Remember, we are pirates, we are not playing ninja house!"




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