Chapter 63: Kid, How About Calling Me Pops?

 "Uncle, can you let me out?" Karin's little face was full of worry.

 She was currently in a basement in Kusagakure

 Being watched over by a Genin from Kusagakure

 "Shut up! Stinky brat!"

 The Kusagakure Genin glared at Karin fiercely, saying anxiously, "You want to get out, I want to get out too!"

 The problem is.

 He can't get out!

 This Genin from the Kusagakure didn't know what had just happened.

 He only heard a deafening roar.

 Then, the whole basement seemed about to collapse.

 The walls of the basement were full of cracks, avoiding being covered with dust and rubble, making people suspect that it would collapse in the next second.

 When the noise disappeared...

 This Kusagakure Genin originally wanted to go out and see what was going on.

 But he found that the entrance to the basement was blocked.

 He had a bad feeling!

 "Damn it..." He cursed under his breath, "Could it be that the building above collapsed and completely blocked the entrance?"

 That would be terrible!

 His original task was to keep Uzumaki Fuushi's daughter under control. As long as the leader needed her, he would take this red-haired brat to the leader.

 But now, even if the leader needs this red-haired brat...

 He can't take this brat out.

 After all, he can't get out himself!

 The Kusagakure Genin felt a bit of pain on the back of his hand. He looked down and found that his hand had been scratched at some point.

 Was it scratched by some rubble just now?

 "Hey! Brat! Come here!"

 He squinted his eyes.

 With ill intent, he said, "What are you dazed for? Come here quickly!"

 "Uncle, are you going to take me out?" Karin was full of surprise. She was very worried about her mother.

 She didn't know what her mother had been taken to do.

 She just hoped that her mother was safe and sound.

 Karin, who lacked a sense of security, wanted to see her mother right now even more.

 "Don't talk nonsense! When I tell you to come over, you come over!"

 The Kusagakure Ninja grabbed Karin's little hand.

 He directly tore Karin's sleeve. Under Karin's horrified gaze, he bit down without any hesitation.

 His teeth pierced through the tender skin of the child.

 "Ah!!! It hurts!!!"

 Karin cried out in pain with tears in her eyes.

 The Kusagakure ninja genin sucked hard a few times, and with a look of fear and tears on Karin's face, he let go with a face full of intoxication.

 "Tsk!" The corner of Kusagakure ninja's mouth still had Karin's bloodstains.

 He was savoring the special nature of the Uzumaki clan's blood.

 Then he looked down at the wound on the back of his hand.

 It had already disappeared.

 "Indeed, it's amazing." He pushed Karin away, causing Karin to retreat continuously and fall to the ground after a few stumbles.

 "Get lost! You little brat! For a freak like you, your blood is the most useful thing about you!"


 More rubble and dust fell from above the basement.

 But this time, it was not due to destruction.

 It was more like someone was digging.

 Seeing this.

 The Kusagakure ninja was overjoyed, and he hurriedly shouted upwards: "There are people here! There are people in the basement! Quickly save me! There's not much air left inside! Save me quickly!"

 Just as he shouted these words.

 Suddenly, a large hole was broken above his head.

 But before he could be happy.


This Kusagakure ninja was shocked to discover that the hole was not broken by any tool but by an outrageously large hand!

 "Wait, what?"

 He wanted to dodge quickly, but he couldn't dodge at all.

 That sudden large hand grabbed him, binding his hands and feet, making him unable to move for a moment.

 In extreme fear, he was pulled out!

 Being rescued from a basement that was about to collapse, logically speaking, he should be happy.

 But at this moment.

 He was even more terrified than in the basement.

 He... Saw a monster!!

 It's a giant!

 "You ninja in this village, whether you are Jonin, Chunin or Genin, you all make me sick!"

 Whitebeard, with his incredibly powerful Observation Haki, could clearly know what happened in the basement.

 When he grabbed this Kusagakure ninja.

 His palm slowly exerted force.

 "Wait! Wait a minute!!!"


 The words abruptly stopped!

 The blood from the exploded body was blown away before it even touched Whitebeard's skin.

 "Kusagakure ninja, what do you have to say?" Whitebeard glanced at the trembling Kusagakure Anbu next to him.

 It was this Anbu who brought Whitebeard here.

 "Sir, you did well in killing him!" The Kusagakure Anbu was sweating profusely. He tried to squeeze out a humble smile: "The ninja way of the Kusagakure is indeed too deformed, every ninja inside deserves to be punished."

 "Except! Except for me!" He quickly added: "Although I... but....but I am loyal to you, sir! With just one word from you, I can become your most loyal dog!"

 "Being a dog for the Whitebeard Pirates is my honor!"

 He had previously known at the high wall of Kusagakure

 The giant before him claimed to be from the "Whitebeard Pirates".

 Although he didn't know what kind of force this was.

 But it doesn't prevent his survival instinct from being full.

 "Sir, please wait, I... I will help you go down and bring up Uzumaki Fuushi's daughter." A dignified Anbu, in order to survive, has been humbled to this point.

 He hurriedly drilled into the basement.

 When he saw Karin curled up in the corner trembling, with tears in her eyes, he was immediately scared, and his legs went soft.

 "Little... little girl, don't be afraid! The villain who hurt you just now has been... defeated."

 The Kusagakure Anbu tried hard not to scare Karin.

 Because he was afraid that his fate would be the same as that of the genin just now.

 "You come over here."

 He had a flash of inspiration: "Your mother, she has returned to Kusagakure."

 Karin, who was curled up in the corner with fear in her eyes,

 Immediately raised her little head.

 "Mom is back?"

 Karin hurriedly stood up, but her little leg hurt.

She almost fell down again.

 But she still held on with her willpower.

 Soon, with the help of the Kusagakure Anbu, she came up.

 But Karin found out that she had been deceived. There was no mother in front of her, only a pair of big shoes, which made her very disappointed.

 She looked up in confusion and disappointment.

 For being deceived by others, she seemed to have gotten used to it as a young child.


 She saw Whitebeard's body.

 Her face was full of shock!

 "Ka... cough! Karin, it was this gentleman who saved you!"

 The Kusagakure Anbu immediately said:


"The person who defeated the villain who hurt you is this gentleman."

 Karin's big watery eyes widened: "You... saved me?"

 Whitebeard's huge figure seemed to be dyed with a layer of holy light in Karin's dazed eyes,

 Making her eyes twinkle slightly.

 "Red hair again and bitten mark in her hand." Whitebeard raised an eyebrow: "Little girl, are you the daughter of that woman named Uzumaki?"

 This sentence made Karin's shocked and disappointed little eyes instantly reignite hope.

 "My mother is Uzumaki Fuushi!"

 She said her mother's name. Her obsession with family affection offset her fear of the "giant". She anxiously asked: "Grandpa, do... do you know where my mom is?"


 Whitebeard was taken aback and then laughed heartily: "Gurararararara! Little girl, it's not good to call me grandpa!"

 Looking at the timid Karin, Whitebeard made a light joke: "Little girl, call me Pops and I'll take you to find your mother. How about that? Gurarararara!"

 Karin was confused and understood.

 But she desperately wanted to know about her mother's safety.

 "Po... POPS!!



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