Chapter 65: Naruto's Awakening! The Kunai Stabbed Towards the Enemy!


 On the other side, 

 "Hiss! Ahhh! My fingers!" A Kusagakure Chunin who had luckily survived took a sharp breath, he found that he had lost three fingers on his right hand

 And his abdomen was pierced by a stick, the pain from his internal organs made him break out in a cold sweat, soaking his back.

 The blood was flowing out like a broken wine barrel.

 The feeling of blood loss made him feel dizzy as if he was suffering from heatstroke.

 The pain kept him awake

 It was unbearable!

 He hurriedly tried to use chakra to temporarily stop the bleeding

 "It hurts! Damn giant!"

 The pain of losing fingers made him curse out loud: "And that damn traitor, our Kusagakure Village kindly took in her and her daughter, and she actually betrayed Kusagakure Village!"

 Just as he was struggling to get up with his injured hand.

 Suddenly he heard a voice.

 "Don't you dare speak ill of Pops!"

 The voice sounded very childish, like a little devil's voice.

 The Kusagakure Chunin turned around in astonishment.

 He saw a blond little devil, who had appeared not far behind him at some point.

 That little devil...

 Looked familiar.


 The Grass Ninja Village Chunin suddenly widened his eyes, he finally remembered, and muttered in shock: "It's that blond little devil next to the 'giant'!!"

 If this blond little devil is here.

 Could it be that the giant is also nearby?

 As soon as this thought came up, it scared him so much that his hair stood on end, he couldn't help but look around, but found no giants around, only this blond little devil.


 This blond brat...

 Did he get lost?

 "You should apologize to Pops!" Naruto puffed up his face angrily, "It was you guys from the Kusagakure Village who started it, and now you're still badmouthing Pops!"

 "Brat..." The intense pain in his palm made the Kusagakure Chunin extremely irritable, his gaze fixed on Naruto.

 A cruel smile even crept up on his face despite the pain, "You showed up just in time, perfect to be used as a hostage."

 That way, he could safely escape from the Kusagakure Village.

 To avoid ending up like the leader.

 His other intact palm had already drawn a Kunai, and with a swift step under his feet, he appeared in front of Naruto almost in the blink of an eye.

 His Kunai was about to be placed on Naruto's neck.


 An unexpected scene happened before his eyes, this blond brat actually reacted!


 The moment the Kusagakure Chunin disappeared, Naruto felt a darkness before his eyes and suddenly there was an extra figure in front of him.

 Naruto was so startled that he quickly leaned back.

 His steps kept retreating.

 This was just an instinctive action of the body, but it just so happened to create a distance of several meters between him and the Kusagakure Chunin.

 Which left the other party stunned.

 "Tsk!" The Kusagakure Chunin spat out a mouthful of blood foam, "It seems that even a brat is not a simple character. But after all, it's just a brat."

 "Darn it! So you're also a big bad guy!" Naruto also held a Kunai, which he had picked up from the ground earlier.

 "Ha! Brat, aren't your hands shaking holding that iron Kunai?"

 The Kusagakure Chunin sneered, "The Kunai is a bit heavy."

 He unabashedly released the killing intent on his body.

 This made Naruto unconsciously swallow a mouthful of saliva.

 A Chunin who has killed many people releasing killing intent in front of a child...


It can definitely bring fear to this child.

 Naruto was the same

 He was only five years old.

 His hand holding the kunai was trembling a bit, not because the kunai was heavy, but because of an instinctive fear in his heart.


 Naruto suddenly gritted his teeth, and his bewildered and frightened little face was forcibly swept into the corner.


 "I am Whitebeard's son! I am also a member of the Whitebeard Pirates! Pops once said that when I grow up, I will be the captain of the new Whitebeard Pirates' first team!"

 Naruto suddenly bit his own tongue tip.

 The pain made him much more awake.

 "I... I can't be afraid!" Naruto, with blood in his mouth, glared at the as Chunin, and his small body exuded a bit of killing intent.

 He couldn't lose face for the Whitebeard Pirates!

 Nor could he lose face for Daddy!

 If he was afraid of even a ninja, what kind of Hokage would he be? What kind of captain of the Whitebeard Pirates' first team would he be?

 "Hmph! You're quite impressive." The Kusagakure Chunin was secretly shocked, but said: "But after all, you're just a little devil. You should be quite important to that giant, right?"

 He suddenly had an idea: "If I capture this little devil, I can use him to enslave that giant! In this way, that giant can become my fighting slave!"

 As he said this, he suddenly felt a pain in his abdomen.

 The pain made him break out in a cold sweat and couldn't help cursing: "Damn it, that shit-like giant!"

 "Don't Insult My Pops!"

 The small body erupted with speed beyond its age. Naruto's month-long overload suicide weight training showed its effect at this moment.

 Naruto clenched the kunai he had picked up. Without knowing any techniques, he directly charged at the Kusagakure Chunin.

 Like an enraged piglet.

 "What?" The Kusagakure Chunin was suddenly shocked.

 But in the next instant, he showed killing intent.

 "Hmm?" Just as he was about to make a move with his hand, he suddenly found that his hand was controlled by someone.

 He hurriedly turned his head to look.

 He was horrified: "Ha... Hata... Hatake Kakashi?!!"

 Kakashi grabbed the man's wrist.

 A dead fish eye glanced at him.

 "How can a dignified ninja kill a child?" Kakashi's calm words just fell.


 The Kusagakure Chunin's eyes widened instantly, his pupils trembling, he slowly looked down at his abdomen.


 Naruto, who was rushing towards him, had already run to his front, and the Kunai in Naruto's hands was even thrust into his body.

 Naruto didn't expect it to be like this; he simply didn't want the other party to speak ill of his Pops. Every time the other party said something negative about Pops, his anger would intensify.

 Warm blood had already soaked Naruto's hands.

 The feeling of a Kunai piercing into a human body is no different from slaughtering a pig.

 It went in with a "plop".


 Kakashi stopped the Kusagakure Chunin, but did not stop Naruto.

 "This is the world outside of Konoha."

 He looked at Naruto and said, "If you can't stand this feeling, you should go back to Konoha."

 Kakashi's words stimulated Naruto.

 Naruto was about to let go of his hand, but suddenly he gripped the Kunai tightly again and pushed the Kunai deeper into the body with force.

 Until the Kunai was completely gone!

 "I..." Naruto, who was only five years old, gritted his teeth and said, "I must follow Pops! I also have such a resolve, this is my ninja way as Uzumaki Naruto!"


 Blood kept gushing out of the Kusagakure Chunin's mouth.

 His face was full of despair and incredulity.

 "Ah! A headache..."

"It seems like I unintentionally made your will even stronger." Under Kakashi's mask, he revealed a smile that only he himself could know.

 He himself was a bit unclear whether he did it on purpose or accidentally?

 "But kids shouldn't kill people! It will leave you with psychological shadows. Wait until you grow up a little bit!"

 Kakashi directly twisted off the neck of this Kusagakure Chunin.

 Finishing the other party's life.



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