Chapter 67: Precise Misstep! Beheading the Daimyo of the Land Grass!

 "So it's you who wants my head, huh?"

 Such a simple question, but under Whitebeard's overbearing aura, the atmosphere suddenly becomes tense.

 The Daimyo of the Land of Grass's eyes widen in disbelief.

 He looks up at Whitebeard dumbfounded.

 Whitebeard's imposing physique, combined with the aura of dominance he emits, makes it feel as if a huge rock is pressing down on one's heart.

 The scene becomes eerily silent.



 The Daimyo of the Land of Grass takes a nervous gulp.

 All his aristocratic composure is gone.

 A growing sense of fear urges him to retreat. As he moves back, he steps on several of his retainers' feet, and the weight of hundreds of kg is not a joke.

 The retainers gasp in pain 

 but dare not utter a word.

 Sweat drips down the Daimyo's chubby face, making him look as if he's been drenched in rain.

 He fanned himself with a round fan, attempting to cool himself down with the breeze it created.

 Only when he's about ten meters away from Whitebeard 

 does he feel somewhat safe.

 "What are those ninjas doing? I pay them almost 100 million Ryo in military expenses every year, and this is how they defend against enemies? They should go to the military court"

 In his panic, the Daimyo curses his useless ninja troops.

 The retainers surrounding the Uzumaki Fuushi

 also seem extremely tense.

 They glance at each other, unsure of what to do next.


 The Daimyo of the Land of Grass saw someone dressed as an anbu ninja.

 Seeing him as his savior, he commands, "You! Yes, you! Stand by my side!"

 He's well-aware of the capabilities of his retainers.

 While they can handle ordinary people,

 facing a giant who broke into the Kusagakure village is another story.


 he urgently needs a ninja to protect him.

 But he realizes the ninja ignored him.

 Or, in other words, this Anbu ninja simply didn't dare to interact with the Daimyo.

 The anbu ninja knows where the power lies in this situation. Compared to his own life, what importance does the Daimyo hold?

 "My apologies, Lord Daimyo." The Anbu ninja grits his teeth, drawing a line on his forehead protector.

 "I am no longer a Kusagakure ninja, I no longer serve the Kusagakure village!"

 He quickly distances himself from the village.

 Realizing the way of the world, he says, "There's only one sun in my world, and that's Whitebeard!"

 The Daimyo is stunned, "You!"

 "Gurarararara, So, you no longer want my head?"


 The Daimyo's palms are sweaty.

 His voice trembles with fear, "I am the Daimyo of the Land of Grass! Yes, that's right! I am the Daimyo!

 But it seems he regains some confidence.

 His title seems to give him some courage.

 His brain works overtime, trying to find a solution. He keeps fanning himself to alleviate the tension and pressure.

 Gradually, his voice becomes steadier.

 He even attempts a more conciliatory tone, "Perhaps there was a misunderstanding between us. But it's clear now. If I'm not mistaken, you've already killed the leader of the Kusagakure village."

 Whitebeard remains silent,

 just staring at him.

 The pressure that the Daimyo had barely managed to dissipate became heavy again.

 His tone quickened, "Ninjas can't kill the Daimyo because the Daimyo controls the economic lifeline of the country. In the ninja world, the Daimyo is more important than the ninja village!

 "Because I can give money to the ninja village, I can give a lot of money to the ninja village! If... if you want to take over the Kusagakure Village and become the new leader of the Kusagakure Village, I will fully support you."

 "From then on... I will give 100... no! 200 million to the Kusagakure Village every year! I will give you 200 million every year to develop the Kusagakure Village! At the same time, I won't interfere with anything in the ninja village."

 "You, what do you think?!!"

 The frequency of the Daimyo of the Land Grass's fan waving became faster and faster, his hard-pressed nervousness once again surfaced.

 Facing a man like Whitebeard.

 A calm mindset simply couldn't be maintained.

 He suddenly realized.

 The look in Whitebeard's eyes as he looked at him was like looking at an idiot.

 The next moment.

 Whitebeard's words broke the Daimyo's psychological defense: "Noble brat, when you're dead, isn't everything you have mine?"

 Daimyo: "..."

 He was completely panicked.

 "Giant... Giant! If you dare to touch Lord Daimyo, you will become a target for everyone in the ninja world!" A retainer of the Daimyo of the Land of Grass mustered up courage and shouted: "The Land of Grass will issue a bounty for you in the ninja world. All ninjas in the entire ninja world will hunt you down and see you as an enemy!"

 "Also, also! Your family and loved ones will also be bountied by the Land of Grass. Your family and loved ones will be hunted down by the entire ninja world! If you dare to lay a hand on Lord Daimyo, it won't just be you who are implicated, but your entire family!"


 Not only threatening him with a bounty.

 But also threatening him with his family?

 Whitebeard flashed a hint of gloom.

 Even if he was a pirate full of pride, there was one line that absolutely couldn't be crossed by others.

 Whitebeard's bottom line...

 Is "family"!

 Whether it's attacking his family or plotting against his family or threatening him with his family, they would all be seen by Whitebeard as his greatest enemy in this life.

 These people in front of him.

 Stepped right on a landmine!

 "Gurarararara! Little brats, those who dare to threaten me have almost been wiped out on the seas!" Whitebeard's laughter carried a hint of anger and killing intent.

 "Karin, close your eyes." Whitebeard said to Karin.

 "Huh? Oh!" Karin quickly closed her eyes.

 Perhaps feeling that closing her eyes wasn't safe enough, she covered her eyes with both small hands.

 It was also at the moment she closed her eyes.

 Whitebeard suddenly erupted!

 He switched from holding his sword with one hand to holding it with both hands. Under the horrified gaze of Daimyo of the Land of Grass and all other retainers, Whitebeard didn't hesitate and slashed horizontally!

 A noble in the ninja world?

 A Daimyo in the ninja world?

 A feudal lord?

 A king?

 No matter how special the other party's identity is, in Whitebeard's eyes, they are just a pile of dog poop on the side of the road.

 As long as the other party does not threaten his family, Whitebeard will only treat them as a mobile ATM.

 After the other party threatens his family.

 Whitebeard has already considered this kind of person...

 As good as dead!

 "Wait Waiit! Wait!" The Daimyo of the Land of Grass, who wanted to kill his family members, was shouting in extreme horror.

 But, it was already too late.

 The sharp blade of the Murakumogiri instantly sliced through bodies. Those retainers of the Daimyo couldn't react at all, let alone dodge Whitebeard's strike!




 Their bodies were cut in half at the waist. The upper half flew into the sky while the lower half still stood in place, with a large amount of internal organs scattered around.

 The Murakumogiri did not touch the Daimyo of the Land of Grass.

 But before the Daimyo could feel relieved.

 The sharp wind pressure from this strike, like an invisible blade, cut open the Daimyo's body!


 Blood and fat splattered!

 He died on the spot!

 "Seems like I'm a step too late..." Not far away, Kakashi, who was with Naruto, arrived late. He looked at the bodies all over the ground and murmured to himself: "Now, it's not just a diplomatic incident."



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