Chapter 76: The Meaning of Family is to Protect! Naruto's Awakening!

 During the time that Whitebeard and others left the Land of Grass, Uzumaki Fuushi had also experienced the Whitebeard's special training methods for Naruto.

 It seemed like he was trying to train Naruto to death.

 At first, she was worried that Naruto might not be able to hold on and suddenly die.

 But as time went on, she found that Naruto was stronger than anyone else.

 His vitality was very tenacious.

 Such vitality, even in their Uzumaki clan, is a very outstanding existence.


 "Even if the vitality of the Uzumaki clan is so tenacious, people will die under such special training, right?" Uzumaki Fuushi swallowed secretly. She looked at Naruto who was constantly screaming in front of her.

 She had even rolled up her sleeves.

 Revealing the bite marks all over it.

 As long as Naruto showed signs of not being able to hold on, she would immediately go over and let Naruto bite her.

 After all...

 After spending these days together, she had completely regarded Naruto as her real family member.

 Just as the "Pops" said.

 Whitebeard Pirates...

 It's a big family!





 The only person who made a series of weird screams was Naruto. His clothes were already torn and tattered, and his skin was covered with scars. The bruises and abrasions on his body were countless.


 A stone as big as Naruto's fist suddenly hit Naruto's abdomen, causing him to retch while holding his stomach.

 Before Naruto could react, another stone flew over and hit him accurately on the forehead.

 Bang—— A very dull sound.

 Naruto's body stiffened instantly.

 Blood flowed from his forehead!

 The body endured hundreds of hits from stones one after another, and the willpower that was stretched into a string finally couldn't bear it and broke.

 Naruto rolled his eyes white.

 He fell back unconscious.

 "Naruto!" Uzumaki Fuushi didn't hesitate to take out a kunai and made a small wound on her arm. She immediately went forward and forcibly opened Naruto's mouth.

 Letting the blood flowing from her arm wound drip into Naruto's mouth, trying to hang on to Naruto's life in this way.


 Uzumaki Fuushi underestimated Naruto's cockroach-like vitality.

 Uzumaki Clan + Nine-Tails Jinchuriki + Asura Reincarnation.

 It's not going to die that easily.

 However, the blood of the Uzumaki clan is indeed very useful. Naruto, who should have been unconscious for a while, woke up after a few minutes.

 "It hurts——"

 Naruto opened his eyes and found that he was still in darkness. He reached out and took off the black cloth covering his eyes.

 "Big sister?"

 He suddenly saw Uzumaki Fuushi's bleeding arm.

 Naruto instantly sat up.

 "How did your hand get injured? Eh? What's this taste in my mouth? Why is there a rusty taste?" Naruto smacked his lips, and in the next instant, this hot-blooded fool reacted.

 His eyes widened.

 "Big sister, you..."

 "It's okay." Uzumaki Fuushi smiled gently and took out a bandage to wrap the wound on her arm: "Compared to being bitten by someone, cutting with a kunai doesn't hurt that much."

 "But..." Naruto stammered: "Didn't Pops let Big Sister and Karin join the Whitebeard Pirates so that you wouldn't have to use blood to heal wounds in the future?"

 "There's a big difference between being forced and volunteering!"

 Uzumaki Fuushi's smile could melt ice and snow: 


"You know, Naruto an, Pops and Karin, they're all my family!"

 "Family..." Naruto began to have a deeper understanding of this simple word.

 His embarrassed little face showed some determination.

 "Big sister! I will become very strong! As strong as Pops! I will protect you and Karin with Pops!" 


 Naruto's voice was young, but firm: "I will become the Hokage of Konoha, and then I will bring you to Konohagakure Village!"

 Uzumaki Fuushi was taken aback.


 Her nose was a bit sour, she held back her tears in front of her daughter, reached out and ruffled Naruto's hair.

 "Big sister believes in you!"

 Although the entire pirate crew, including Whitebeard himself, only consisted of four people, the harmonious interaction between the crew members and the deepening bond between family members made Whitebeard very satisfied.

 This is what family is!

 What Whitebeard pursued in his life at sea was nothing more than this.

 He had a complete family at sea.

 Now, he also started to have a family in the ninja world.

 "Gurararararara! Foolish son!"

 Whitebeard showed a smile and laughed heartily: "I've thrown 310 stones at you, and you've only dodged 21! With this kind of result, you're far from being able to protect your family!"

 "Pops, please continue!"

 Naruto took a deep breath and shouted seriously at Whitebeard: "Please train me with the intention of killing me! I want to become Hokage, I want to surpass Hokage, I want to protect my family!"

 Naruto's voice grew louder and his tone was as firm as iron: "This is my ninja way as Uzumaki Naruto!!"

 "Good! Very spirited!"

 Whitebeard's smile grew wider, he shouted boldly: "Then show 200 times more effort and perseverance than ordinary people!"

 This father and son duo were shouting louder than each other.

 Even the nearby birds were startled into flight.

 It made Kakashi teaching Karin the Clone Jutsu not far away feel a bit dazed. He even had some illusions that he saw two Might Guy in front of him.

 This 72 year old man.

 And a 5 year old child.

 Aren't they too hot-blooded?

 The next moment.

 Naruto embarked on a new round of torturous training, and Whitebeard was not going to be gentle with Naruto. If he couldn't even endure this bit of pain, he would never be able to become a man of the sea in his lifetime.

 What surprised Whitebeard was...

 This time, when Naruto was hit by a stone, he actually endured the pain and didn't scream out in pain.

 Moreover, for every ten stones he threw, Naruto dodged one.

 You know.

 Naruto was blindfolded this time.

 "This foolish son..."

 Whitebeard held a stone in his hand and smiled with satisfaction: "He's progressing so fast! He's really an extraordinary genius!"


 Whitebeard said so, but he didn't show any mercy. The stone in his hand broke through the air instantly.

 It hit Naruto's lower leg accurately.


 The intense pain made Naruto gasp for breath.

 His head was full of cold sweat.

 Tears and snot were all flowing out because of the pain.

 When another stone flew over, Naruto had a vague feeling of palpitations. His forehead skin suddenly felt cold.

 Instinctively squatted down quickly.

 The flying stone grazed his scalp and flew past. But before Naruto could be happy, another stone hit his nose.


 He finally couldn't help but scream out in pain. The intermittent screams once again resounded in this area.

 It hurts the listener.

 Tears fall from Naruto's face

 "Naruto..." Kakashi watched,

 Quite lost.

 He found that even a five-year-old child was working harder than him.

 His awareness is higher than that of an Anbu ninja like him.

 "Family?" Looking at Karin who was practicing the Clone Jutsu, and then at Whitebeard who was "torturing" Naruto,

 Kakashi sighed.

 His eyes were dim.

 Family, this word seems like a luxury that he can't afford.



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