Chapter 86: Danzo Steals Sharingan! One Eyed Susano!

 "Uchiha Shisui, you don't want to carry out the mission" The tone of the Root ninja carried a hint of threat: "It's unfortunate Konoha... has finally trusted the Uchiha clan but....."

 "Do you want the entire Uchiha clan to be distrusted by Konoha from beginning to end? You need to think clearly, the future of Konoha and the Uchiha is in your hands."

 "Prove your Will of Fire! Uchiha Shisui!"

 This set of words, everyone in the Root Division knows.

 The purpose is to prevent Uchiha Shisui from turning against them halfway.

 Apparently, his words seemed to work.

 The hesitation and struggle in Shisui's eyes...

 Were cast behind him.

 "Let's start the mission!" Uchiha Shisui took a deep breath and said: "The Kotoamatsukami in my eyes has a very long cooldown time. Once I use this extremely special eye technique, the next time I want to use it, it might be more than a decade later."

 "That is to say, we only have one chance. If we don't seize this opportunity, the mission will fail."

 "What? More than a decade?" The Root ninja next to him was taken aback: "Wait a minute!"

 The face under the Root Division mask frowned.

 "You never said the side effects were so big!"

 He asked: "Is it one eye cooling down for more than a decade, or both eyes?!"

 The Root Ninja's tone was a bit anxious.

 The situation was beyond his initial expectation.

 "Why do you ask this?" Uchiha Shisui looked at him in surprise: "It seems to have nothing to do with you 'Root', right?"

 Shisui didn't notice that the Root Division ninja who was furthest from him, who seemed to be on guard behind them, was actually eavesdropping on their conversation all the time.

 When the Root ninja heard the conversation here, the only eye exposed outside the bandage under the mask shrank.

 The wrinkles on his face trembled even more.


 How could it be irrelevant?

 If this pair of eyes, after using it once, needs to cool down for more than a decade, then what use is it for Danzo who want steal this pair of eyes?


 Among a group of Root ninjas, one of them is Danzo!

 Danzo doesn't want people like Whitebeard to survive in the world.

 He doesn't want the Jinchuriki to be out of his control.

 He doesn't want the Uchiha clan to have such terrifying eyes.


 Under the "non-interference" of Sarutobi Hiruzen, he took the liberty to secretly contact Uchiha Shisui in the name of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

 He wanted to use Uchiha Shisui.

 To kill three birds with one stone.

 First, let Uchiha Shisui control Whitebeard with Kotoamatsukami, and then kill Whitebeard, a highly threatening figure!

 Then, when Uchiha Shisui's chakra is depleted and weak, he will immediately take action to snatch Shisui's eyes!

 Finally, capture the Jinchuriki and hide it in the root, turning the Jinchuriki into his tool!

 In this way.

 Eliminate the threat of Whitebeard + possess the Mangekyou Sharingan + possess a Nine-Tails Jinchuriki...

 The next Hokage of Konohagakure Village.

 Who else could it be if not him?

 Even if that monkey guy is unwilling to abdicate, he only needs to use Shisui's eyes to first change the will of the Jinchuriki, making the little devil loyal to the root.

 Then, use Kotoamatsukami again to change the monkey's will. Let him directly abdicate and give up the power of the Hokage.

 Humph! By then, I will become Hokage.

 But the information Uchiha Shisui just revealed.

 Made Danzo realize that the situation has changed.

 If the cooldown of Uchiha Shisui's eyes is long, then the plan to kill three birds with one stone would be useless


He can only choose one out of three

 Either don't snatch the eyes first, just kill a Whitebeard, or snatch the eyes, grab the Jinchuriki and run, or snatch the eyes, go back and complete his succession to the Hokage.

 Danzo's eyes narrowed slightly.

 "Uchiha Shisui."

 Suddenly, Danzo, who was behind, flashed and came to Shisui.

 He spoke in a voice that was not his own, "I suddenly received an order from Danzo-sama. The plan to assassinate Whitebeard has changed again."

 "Hmm?" Shisui's eyebrows did not relax, "Changed again? What are you 'Root' guys up to?"


 "Because, Danzo-sama realized that you don't want to do this." Danzo, disguised as a Root ninja, said, "You've been hesitating from the beginning."

 "And if your eyes cooldown is too long, they really shouldn't be used here. They should be used in more critical places."

 Uchiha Shisui did not refute.

 He really didn't think that Danzo's extremely radical approach could eliminate the threat of "Whitebeard" to the Konohagakure Village.

 In Shisui's view.

 Perhaps the Konohagakure Village could try to accommodate Whitebeard. Instead rejecting Whitebeard from top to bottom, .

 If they do that...

 It will only deepen their enmity.

 "Shisui, Danzo-sama has asked me to ask you a question." Danzo's eyes narrowed into a slit: "You once said that you wanted to use your eyes to change the will of the Uchiha clan leader to prevent the Uchiha clan's coup d'etat."

 Shisui's brows furrowed deeper.

 He noticed that the positions of the root ninjas around him were very strange.

 Rather than saying they were preparing to hunt Whitebeard.

 It's better to say that they are subtly surrounding him.

 Danzo slowly took off his mask.

 Revealing a wrinkled old face, he asked word by word: "Then how can you ensure... that you won't use these special eyes to change my will?"

 In an instant!

 The killing intent that Danzo had been brewing suddenly erupted, and the cold light in his squinted eyes was revealed. Under Shisui's shocked gaze, his right arm had already pierced like a long spear, heading straight for Shisui's eyes.


 Danzo's cold eyes suddenly lost their focus, and his fingertips stopped slowly when they were only two centimeters away from Shisui.

 Stopped slowly.

 Shisui's pair of red eyes, the Mangekyou was spinning crazily!

 "Actually, I've been guarding against you guys all along."

 Uchiha Shisui ignored the Root members around him, this was the confidence of Shisui who could teleport, and the confidence of having the Mangekyou Sharingan.

 "This is just an illusion... Puff!"

 Shisui's eyes suddenly widened, the twisted feeling in his internal organs almost made him retch on the spot.

 Danzo decisively struck Shisui three times in the abdomen, neck, and chest.

 His right hand popped out again.

 Directly aiming Shisui's right eye!

 "Izanagi??" As Shisui covered his empty right eye socket, and his left eye looked incredulously at Danzo, who was holding a bloody eyeball, a smile appeared on his face, "Originally, I planned to deal with Whitebeard first, then take your eyes."

 "But the information you revealed made me feel that I can't wait. I suddenly feel that this eye shouldn't be wasted here, it can play a bigger role in my hands."

 "Sharingan is not something only you Uchihas have." Danzo untied the bandage covering his right eye.

 A three-tomoe Sharingan lost its brilliance.

 Completely scrapped.

 "I will use your two eyes to replace mine!" Danzo's tone was murderous, "Go! Take him down!"

 "Yes!!!" The Root ninjas closest to Shisui suddenly threw several round balls under their feet.

 The round balls exploded with a bang.

 Strange smoke filled the air.

 Shisui, whose eye socket was bleeding, just smelled a bit of smoke, and he felt a sharp pain in his respiratory tract, which made his face change abruptly.

 "Poison? So, you've been prepared to kill me all along? Itachi, You guessed right after all."

 Shisui covered his painful right eye socket, cold sweat was coming out, "The village has never trusted me, no matter what I do, as long as I have these eyes, they will never trust me."

 His left eye flashed with determination, the three tomoe turned into the Mangekyou Sharingan!

 The pattern in his eyes spun wildly.



 "Pops, you've been looking over there for a while, what's going on over there?" Naruto noticed that Whitebeard had been looking into the distance for a while.

 He also curiously looked in that direction.


 Naruto's eyes gradually widened.

 "What is that?" 



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