Chapter 90: The "Iron Block" of the Ninja World! Hurry and Save Danzo-sama!

Having fled several hundred meters away, Danzo had sensed that something was amiss when he heard the sound of shattering glass.

His premonition...

Came true!

His escape speed was very fast. By the time Whitebeard swung his sword, he had already run a kilometer away.

However, the speed of the pursuit of the Quake-Quake Fruit was even faster.

The coverage of the Quake-Quake Fruit was beyond his imagination.

This sense of crisis almost made Danzo suffocate!

"Earth Release: Super Hardening Technique!!!"

Danzo didn't realize that in this moment of crisis, he actually used a ninjutsu that Sarutobi Hiruzen had also used.

His body's skin began to show a stone-like texture.

As hard as an iron block.

This stone-like texture first spread from his head downwards.

But when it spread to his waist...

The force of the vibration had already arrived!

In the next moment,

Danzo felt everything around him was turning upside down.

His body was spinning.

The powerful force even blasted him off, uncontrollably spewing blood from his mouth and nose. The teeth in his mouth were shattered, and pieces of teeth deeply wounded his mouth.

The clothes on his body were also shattered.

The bandages wrapped around his body also broke open, revealing an arm hidden inside the bandages, giving people a very strange feeling.

This is an arm where Hashirama's cells have not fully fused!

And on the arm, there is a Sharingan eye that has lost its luster.

This is the Izanagi that he wasted.

"Ah ah ah ah!!!"

Danzo let out a series of shrill screams with a grim face. He was horrified to find that his "Super Hardening Technique" was too late. The chakra had not yet spread to his lower body.

He could only watch as his legs exploded into a rain of blood, splashing in all directions.

"My legs!!!"

At this point, Danzo only had time to scream out these three words.

The unparalleled force of vibration...

Had already swept over his entire body.

His brain felt as if it had been kneaded dozens of times by hand, and his consciousness plunged into a crash state with a "buzz". Half of his body was flung out like a torn sack.

The half-body, like a cannonball, flew out a kilometer away and rolled hundreds of times on the ground.

Coincidentally, it was embedded in a crack that had been shaken open in the ground.

Half of his body was stuck directly in this crack.

Only then did the rolling trend stop.

Danzo's head drooped down.

His vitality was fading away!

In the moment before Danzo's consciousness crashed, there was only one thought in his mind - the enemy that the monkey had faced was so terrifying! Doesn't Whitebeard have many critical illnesses within his body?



Not far away

A support team from the Root, consisting of about nine people, was originally rushing through the forest towards the front. The small town in the distance could already be seen with the naked eye.

Then the next second.

The pupils of the Root ninjas suddenly shrank.

Because they saw the area in the distance undergoing a catastrophic change. Those dense atmospheric cracks, even from this position, could be clearly seen.

They all looked at each other.

"Go save Danzo-sama!" This sentence, although it did not come out of any Root Department ninja's mouth, was the first thought that came to their minds.

They hurriedly broke into the scorched earth ahead, where dust was flying.

One of the Root ninjas even summoned a ninja dog.

"Find this smell!"

The Root Department ninja who summoned the ninja dog took out a pen with Danzo's smell and let the ninja dog sniff it.

The ninja dog first sniffed the pen taken out by the Root ninja.

Then it sniffed around in all directions.

"Woof woof woof!"

It suddenly ran in one direction.

"Follow!" The voice of the Root ninja had no emotional waves.

They followed the ninja dog for several minutes.

Suddenly they stopped.

Because the ninja dog stopped.

"Over there!" A Root ninja pointed to a position in the east, where there was a crack that had spread from somewhere, and they could vaguely see that there was actually a person stuck on the crack.

Although the person stuck in the crack was not covered by clothes.

And the hair is drooping down like a beggar.

It looks very eye-catching.

But this group of Root ninjas can confirm that this is Danzo-sama!

They immediately rushed over.

Some Root ninjas stood on the left and right sides of Danzo.

Some Root ninjas were alert to the movements around them.

One of the Root Shinobi first touched Danzo's neck with his finger, then immediately gave orders to the two people next to him: "Danzo-sama has not been killed, quickly pull him out of the crack! Medical ninjas immediately treat Danzo-sama on the spot!"

Two Root Chunin each supported Danzo's left and right arms.

When they pulled Danzo up with force, they suddenly found that something felt wrong

Each Root ninja cast their gaze.

on Danzo.

Or to say...

On Danzo's lower body.

"Danzo-sama's legs and his reproductive organs, they...they're all gone." One of the Root ninjas, who was trained as a killing machine, said with a fluctuating tone for the first time.

It was a kind of shock that he himself couldn't understand.

Then, he quickly reacted.

"Quick! Quickly stop the bleeding for Danzo-sama!!!

Hurry and save Danzo-sama!!!"

At this point, only the upper half of Danzo's body was hanging weakly.

Blood was slowly seeping from his seven orifices, his mouth slightly open, revealing a mouth full of shattered teeth.

If it weren't for the yet-to-be-fully-fused Hashirama cells holding on...

His life would have already passed away.


After everything quieted down.

"That's really exaggerated!" Kakashi walked in the ruined seaside town, his shocked eyes wandering around:

 "This town is at least a quarter the size of Konoha, 

but in the blink of an eye, it's turned into this."

"Shimura Danzo's summoning beasts have all been shattered into a rain of blood. Just how powerful is Whitebeard? Is the combined might of the Third Hokage and Danzo couldn't match him?"

Just as Kakashi was lost in thought.

Suddenly, he stopped.

He squatted down.

Because in front of Kakashi was a body lying on the ground, but it was not a Root Department body, but a civilian body.

"It's a poison gas bomb thrown by the Root when they were chasing Uchiha Shisui." Kakashi looked at the body on the ground with black lips.

Kakashi sighed.

He took out a handkerchief and covered it on the face of the corpse.

"The Root is really extreme..." Even Kakashi, who was like this, had a few gloomy eyes: "Does the village have to tolerate the existence of such an organization?"

On the other side, 

Uzumaki Fuushi is using her not-so-good medical ninjutsu against Uchiha Shisui.

Uzumaki Fuushi, who was once used as a medical blood bag by the Kusagakure Village, was actually forced to learn some medical ninjutsu by the Kusagakure Village.

Although the medical ninjutsu of the Kusagakure Village is very lame.

She also couldn't learn anything except that

But it's better than nothing...

Uzumaki Fuushi is also the only one among the ninjas present who knows medical ninjutsu.

"Karin, can you see the trajectory of my chakra?" Uzumaki Fuushi, who was sweating profusely, turned her head to look at Karin next to her, and patiently taught her: "This is a C-level medical ninjutsu. If Karin learns it, you will be a barely qualified medical ninja in the future."

Uzumaki Fuushi wants herself and her daughter to play a role that can help Whitebeard in the Whitebeard Pirate Group.

She thinks that the Whitebeard Pirate Group lacks medical ninjas.

Perhaps she and her daughter, two Uzumaki...

Just right to serve as medical ninjas on the ship.

After all, their Uzumaki clan has a very special bloodline.

Even if they can't learn too advanced medical ninjutsu, they can treat some injuries and illnesses for their family members with their special blood.

"Mom, is it... like this?" Karin hesitated for a while, 

trying to do as Uzumaki Fuushi said.

As a result, as soon as the chakra overflowed from the palm of her hand.

"You're wrong, don't be impatient!" Uzumaki Fuushi said with a gentle smile: "Mom believes that Karin will be able to learn."

"Yes!" Karin nodded heavily.

Her little face seriously said: "I want to be like Naruto in the future, eat lots and lots of meat every day! And also learn ninjutsu with mom and Uncle Kakashi!


Whether in Karin eyes or in Naruto's eyes, Kakashi has already been regarded as a ninjutsu teacher.

And the kind that doesn't require tuition fee.

"Pops... why are so many ninjas like this?" Naruto looked at Uzumaki Fuushi who was treating Uchiha Shisui.

The five-year-old Naruto has been profoundly impacted in his understanding of life.

"Hmm?" Whitebeard glanced at Naruto.

"Grandpa Hokage always told me that ninjas are supposed to protect the village, protect their comrades, and protect civilians." Naruto turned his head to look at the devastation not far away, looking at Kakashi squatting next to a corpse, he said with his head down: "But since I left the village, I found that many ninjas are not like that."

"The ninjas of the Kusagakure Village treat their comrades in the village as tools. They bit many wounds on big sister's arms and legs. They also want to train Karin into such a tool."

"And the ninjas of the Konohagakure Village, when they are chasing a person, Grandpa Hokage said, they will protect civilians. But they killed a lot of people in order to chase a person."

Naruto bit his lip.

Clenched his fists.

"This is not the ninja that Grandpa Hokage told me about, this is not the ninja I want to be, I don't want to be this kind of ninja."

Naruto was a bit lost, he didn't know what he was saying, and he didn't quite understand what he was saying.

He just said what he wanted to say.

"Pops, I shouldn't become a Hok... ah! It hurts!!!"


The "Fist of Love" from Whitebeard.

Made Naruto cry in pain.

"Foolish son!" Whitebeard looked at Naruto with an unprecedented indifferent look: "Have you forgotten what you said in front of me?!"

Naruto was stunned.

"How can a man of the sea give up his dream??" Whitebeard snorted: "They are them, you are you, you are Uzumaki Naruto, you want to be Hokage! You don't need to become like Root, nor do you need to become a Kusagakure Ninja!"

Whitebeard didn't tell Naruto any great truths.

But it made Naruto's eyes brighter and brighter.

Naruto quickly stopped his tears: "I understand! Pops!"


Whitebeard burst into laughter: "Stupid son, what do you understand? Or what do you want to do now?"

Naruto swept away his previous confusion.

He said very seriously: "I want to become the Hokage I imagine! Now, I want to do what a Hokage should do!"

Naruto looked at the affected town in front of him.

He paused, then continued, "I want to do what the captain of the first team of the Whitebeard Pirates should do! Pops! I want to protect this town in the name of the Whitebeard Pirates! In this way, we can both occupy the territory and help them rebuild their homes."

"Help them rebuild their homes?" Whitebeard raised his eyebrows.

"Yes!" Naruto nodded and said, "If I were the Hokage of a village, I definitely couldn't ignore such a tragic situation."

"Stupid son, where's the money for you to help them rebuild their homes?" Whitebeard laughed with interest, "This is not something that can be done by just shouting a few words."


Naruto's hard-earned ambition.

Was directly extinguished by Whitebeard.

Naruto scratched his head.

Thinking hard.

The money for the Whitebeard Pirates to build ships definitely can't be taken out, and it seems that the pocket money he saved is not enough.

"Gurararrarara! Foolish son! You have the determination to become a Hokage, but you still lack the determination to be a pirate!"

Whitebeard pressed a finger on the big bag that popped out of Naruto's head, and Naruto screamed in pain.

"Let's go! Follow me!"


Another part of the town.

"The town... has become like this, huh?" In this seaside town, many civilians survived by luck.

After they walked out of their crumbling homes with trembling steps.

They found that everything they were familiar with had changed.

The ground under their feet was full of dense cracks, the walls of the houses they lived in were also full of cracks, the roadside trees they planted had all fallen down, and there was nothing intact as far as they could see.

The wires connecting the telephone poles above were all broken one by one.

The entire town's electricity was paralyzed.

This town is originally very remote, there is not even a ninja in the whole town, and even very few ninjas pass by here.

Today, everything that happened here...

All greatly challenge their cognition.

"It's no different from the monsters causing trouble in the legends!" Someone leaned against the wall, not letting himself sit down, and said in fear, "What kind of disaster has happened here?"

"Look! All the houses over there have collapsed! On our side, it seems to be relatively intact."

"Just now, just now was there a big earthquake?"

"Not just an earthquake, right? I remember it seemed to be a typhoon, and the typhoon was so big that people were almost blown away."

"What the hell is going on?"


The manager of this town is a small nobleman of the Land of Fire. He walked out of his house surrounded by his family and samurai.

And stared dumbfounded at the devastated scene in front of him.

"Gulp!" The small nobleman in the town swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and cold sweat overflowed from his forehead.

"Sir, it is very likely that a group of ninjas fought in the town." The samurai next to him was trembling as he spoke, "The big monster that emerged from the sea earlier may be related to the ninjas."

The "big monster" they were talking about was actually Danzo's summoned beast.

Such a large summoned beast appearing in a town

It's hard not to be seen.

Compared to the civilians who know nothing, these samurai servants of the nobles have a bit more experience.

They all realized that this definitely has something to do with the ninjas.

Not some natural disaster.

"Nonsense! You don't need to say that!" The young nobleman rolled his eyes. He's not blind, how could he not see such a big monster?

"Sir, the whole town has suffered such a big damage, we may have to fund the reconstruction of the town."

A servant wiped the cold sweat from his forehead: "A preliminary estimate, I'm afraid it will not be less than forty million Ryo."

"What? Forty million ryō?!?!"

The young nobleman's eyes widened, and his voice rose several degrees.

Forty million Ryo, isn't that basically asking for his life?

"It's the civilians whose houses collapsed, it's them who got hurt, it has nothing to do with me!" He decisively said.

The servant weakly reminded: "Sir, you have political jurisdiction, you also have to take on some responsibilities and obligations. If you do not fund it, I'm afraid you will be surrounded by civilians."

"Hmph! What do I keep you for?" The young nobleman said: "Can't you drive them away when they come to the door? They're just a bunch of unarmed civilians. If it really doesn't work, I can still pay for the Konoha ninjas to come and suppress them. It only costs a few hundred thousand Ryo to invite a few Chunin over."

Just as he wanted to say something else.

He suddenly found something wrong.

He saw the several samurai protecting him, and the servant who was speaking, were looking at something behind him with 'ghost-seeing' eyes.

He vaguely sensed something was wrong.

Mechanically, he stiffly turned his head.


This turn of his head made him gasp.

Whitebeard's burly figure in this remote place could definitely give them a huge visual impact.

The aura emanating from Whitebeard...

It evokes the greatest fear in people's hearts.




The small nobleman of the town, stepping on the wooden platform, was scared and kept retreating, a layer of cold sweat overflowing from his face.

Sweat dripped down his chin and fell to the ground.

His face was full of shock and panic.

"Little nobleman, are you the manager of this place?" Before the other party could speak, Whitebeard took the initiative to speak.

He had seen a few nobles and daimyos in the ninja world.

Whitebeard found that these nobles in the ninja world were quite easy to recognize, after all, the clothes they wore were quite ugly.

It reminded him of the costumes in the Land of Fire.

Their dressing styles can be said to be very similar.

"Yes.... Yes..." In the face of Whitebeard's question, the small nobleman didn't dare to play any tricks.

"Gurarararara!" Whitebeard grinned: "Little noble brat, I'm a pirate, the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates! Do you know what the ruler of a seaside town should do when the Whitebeard Pirates appear in it?" 

Resist the pirates?

Then ask the ninjas for help?

The above two thoughts instinctively popped up in the young nobleman's mind.

But he didn't dare to say it.

He was afraid he would be killed.

The Murakumogiri in Whitebeard's hand didn't give him any idea of resistance. What he said instead was: "Should...should we give the pirates treasures?" 

Suddenly, such a disaster occurred in the town, and then a giant pirate appeared. He thought he could only admit his bad luck.

However, to offer a treasure to a pirate, it would probably only be a few million Ryo, and the other party should be satisfied, right?

It's better than spending more than 40 million Ryo on a bunch of savage people, right?

"Gurarararara! You only got half right."

Whitebeard laughed heartily and said, "The answer should be to lead the entire town under the banner of the Whitebeard Pirates! You noble brats, from today, this town belongs to the Whitebeard Pirates!"

Whitebeard's Murakumogiri was stuck in the ground.

At the same time as the dull sound, the whole earth shook, and the ground was smashed into spider-web-like cracks.

The gust of wind stirred his big cloak.

"Stupid son."

Whitebeard didn't look back, he said to Naruto behind him, "Don't forget, you are a pirate! Since you are a pirate on the sea, you should have the determination to be a pirate!"

"What would pirates do if they want to make money? Just rob it!"




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