Chapter 117: What do you think the pirate flag of the Whitebeard Pirate Group is? Konohagakure ninja kid!

In a remote small town in the Land of Fire, inside a casino.

This was once the place where Whitebeard and Tsunade met, and it was also the place where Whitebeard's body, full of hidden diseases, was healed by more than half.

A few months ago, this place was full of the pirate flags of the Whitebeard Pirate Group.

But, a few months later, today.

The pirate flags were all pulled out by someone.

"Boss..." A samurai thug in the casino couldn't help but ask weakly: "Are we really not going to split with the Whitebeard Pirate Group? Are we really not going to give this money to the Whitebeard Pirate Group?"

"If.....that Whitebeard comes back here, won't we be in big trouble? That man, he doesn't seem to be someone we can provoke."

As soon as the nickname "Whitebeard" was mentioned, the casino boss Shimura Tokurou immediately shivered.

But thinking that the family had sent someone over there.

He was a little bit tougher

"What are you afraid of?" Shimura Tokurou gritted his teeth and said: "Our Shimura clan has sent a Jonin to Konohagakure! Now that Jonin is guarding this casino!"

"Moreover, that Whitebeard may not necessarily be able to come back." Shimura Tokurou, who was well-informed, knew some things.

Shimura Tokurou said: "He has caused two big troubles in the Land of Grass and the Land of Water! It is said that the entire ninja world has regarded that pirate as a dangerous person."


Shimura Tokurou said: "Maybe, he is being chased by some powerful ninjas, and now he is running around like a rat, how could he have the leisure to come here?"

But his tone was a bit unconfident.

But Shimura Tokurou had no choice, as a member of the Shimura clan, he could not hand over the family funds to a pirate.

The family also gave him a death order.

Tell him not to worry about the Whitebeard Pirates.

Under this circumstance....

He chose to stand on the side of his own family.

"But, boss...." The samurai frowned and said: "I don't know why, my eyelids have been jumping, I always feel a bit of a bad premonition, or should we...."


The samurai's words hadn't finished yet, and there was a muffled noise from the casino door.

The two immediately turned their heads to look.

Just found out...

The door was kicked open!

All the thugs and gamblers in the casino couldn't help but look towards the direction of the casino door. They saw a strange figure standing at the casino door.

The door that was kicked open fell straight to the ground.

It was another "bang".

A layer of dust was raised.

"Bastard! Do you know where this is?" Seeing this, the samurai thug who was talking to Shimura Tokurou was furious on the spot: "You bastard! Dare to come to the Shimura clan's casino to make trouble, haven't you heard of the infamous name of 'Bear Slayer Saburo'?"


The samurai thug immediately pulled out the samurai sword around his waist, and the tip of the sword pointed in the direction of the door: "This sword of mine has killed a bear and cut off its head!"

"You bastard, if you don't pay 500,000 taels, and kowtow a hundred times in front of our boss, don't think about leaving!"

The rest of the thugs in the casino also gathered.

After all, the boss is here, they must show something.

A few months ago, they had been beaten up by Whitebeard.

If they don't perform well again.....

The boss will have to fire them.

"'Bear Slayer Saburo', it sounds like the nickname of a gangster samurai! Heh, this doesn't look like a ninja's nickname." A voice full of disdain came from the door.

The person who kicked open the casino door walked in.

The other party didn't fear a group of thugs at all.

When this person walked in, the crowd in the casino finally got a clear look at what he looked like.

There was a collective gasp.

The samurai thug known as "Bear Slayer Saburo" also paused: "Is... is this guy human?"

The one who broke into the casino was none other than Hoshigaki Kisame!

Kisame had long since discarded his Kirigakure forehead protector. From the day he acknowledged Whitebeard as Pops, he became a member of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Kirigakure Village has become a thing of the past in his heart.

He doesn't want to recall the various past events in Kirigakure Village at this time.

For him, those are not good memories.

At least Kisame himself thinks so.

His appearance is indeed "outstanding" in a certain sense, with a skin color different from ordinary people, eyes different from ordinary people, cheeks different from ordinary people, and a mouth full of sharp teeth... like a half-human, half-beast that only exists in storybooks.

Kisame calmly scanned the room.

Suddenly, a smirk appeared on his face: "It seems that I need to introduce myself... I am Hoshigaki Kisame from the Whitebeard Pirates, Pops sent me to collect the money you should have prepared."

"Whi...Whitebeard Pirates?" As soon as these five words appeared, everyone in the casino was shocked.

A few months ago, Whitebeard had cleaved a trench across the entire town with a single slash, and it still remains in the town to this day.

Moreover, groundwater has seeped out of that trench, and it has become a very straight river in the town.

Plus, at that time, the entire town was full of pirate flags.

Probably no one doesn't know about the Whitebeard Pirates.

Unless they are from out of town.

The samurai thug known as "Bear Slayer Saburo" was also stunned for a moment, he couldn't help but look at Hoshigaki Kisame who was smirking, and then look at the samurai sword he had pulled out.


Even though Kisame didn't release any killing intent, the tense atmosphere had already spread among a group of thugs.

Everyone was sweating profusely.

They couldn't help but swallow in fear.

"Boss..." Bear Slayer Saburo's arrogance was extinguished in the blink of an eye, he quickly lowered his voice and asked Shimura Juro: "What should we do? Whi...Whitebeard Pirates are here! They...they are coming to take the seven-tenths share!"

The psychological shadow from a few months ago has not dissipated to this day.

He was trembling as he spoke.

"Should we just admit defeat this time..."


Shimura Tokurou slapped this samurai thug backhand, his sclera was covered with several layers of bloodshot: "Do you know what the other meaning of the family sending ninja to me? It's to monitor me! Once the family finds out that I can no longer work for the Shimura clan, the elders will kick me out of the Shimura clan! For me, that's no different from killing me!"

Shimura Tokurou gritted his teeth: "This guy just claims to be from the Whitebeard Pirates, maybe he's just a scammer who is bluffing under the name of the Whitebeard Pirates, we haven't seen this guy around Whitebeard before!"

"Moreover, we just mentioned Whitebeard, and suddenly a person from Whitebeard appears? How could it be such a coincidence! He must have heard something he shouldn't have heard, and wants to take this opportunity to blackmail our casino!"

"You! Go and call that Jonin over!" Shimura Juro went all out: "Everyone else, teach this scammer a good lesson! Whichever leg he used to kick the door, cut off that leg, and then cut off this scammer's tongue!"

Kisame's smirk grew wider: "It seems that the first task Pops gave me is not so easy to complete."

The killing intent of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen gradually began to show.

The temperature inside the entire casino dropped several degrees.

It also made everyone present involuntarily shiver.

"Bastard! Stop pretending!!!" A roar suddenly came from behind Kisame: "Just because you claim to be a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, do we have to believe you?"

A samurai thug from the casino, who didn't know when, had quietly sneaked up behind Kisame.

The samurai thug, holding a samurai sword, swung it down at Kisame's back.

The samurai sword tore through the air, making a sharp whistling sound.

"I got him!!!" The blade of the sword slashed on Kisame's back, and it was obvious that the blade easily penetrated Kisame's body.

But in a second, the samurai felt something was wrong.

He didn't see any familiar blood splattering out.

The samurai sword didn't feel like it had hit bone.

It was as if he had struck a basin of water.

Seemingly confirming his thoughts, Kisame's body turned into a stream of water and scattered on the ground in front of everyone.

"This is the 'Blade Water Substitute Jutsu.'

Kisame kindly explained the strange scene to the samurai, and the Kunai that he had somehow pulled out of his hand had already been inserted into the samurai's back without hesitation.


Kisame is not a Konohagakure ninja, nor is he from the Land of Fire.

In the case of working for Whitebeard, he will not be merciful.

The samurai who was stabbed in the back by the Kunai collapsed on the spot.

Everyone was stunned.

"Ninjutsu... Ninja!" The samurai looked at each other, the body lying on the ground made them hesitate to move forward, and they all cast their eyes on Shimura Tokurou.

Shimura Tokurou swallowed in secret, his whole body soaked in cold sweat.

Anyone could see that Hoshigaki Kisame was not simple.

But the problem is that he has no choice now, he can only pin his last hope on a Jonin who came from the family.

Just at this moment.


The harsh sound of breaking through the air sounded behind him.

Shimura Tokurou only felt a breeze brushing past his temples, he stared at a large amount of hair being cut off and flying, and he could vaguely see a shadow blinking past.

The sound of metal collision suddenly sounded.

It was Kisame who waved the bloody Kunai in his hand into the air.

Only heard a "ding" crisp sound, a Shuriken was bounced off and stuck into a gambling table, scaring a group of gamblers to scream.

"It's... it's Shimura Kizuki-sama!" Shimura Tokurou was overjoyed, and the whole person looked back in a hurry as if relieved.

He saw a Konohagakure ninja standing not far behind him.

The Konohagakure forehead protector reflected light under the illumination of the casino lights.

He is wearing the Konohagakure Jonin uniform.

"Kizuki-sama! This guy....."

"Shut up!!!" The Konohagakure ninja, known as Shimura Mutsuki, looked past Shimura Tokurou, who was of the same clan, and his gaze fell on Hoshigaki Kisame with extreme seriousness and vigilance. Shimura Mutsuki's face flashed with gloom, and he said in a deep voice, "Kirigakure Village, One of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, the owner of the Samehada, the tailless tailed beast 'Hoshigaki Kisame'!!"

The Konohagakure Jonin from the Shimura clan naturally has a wide range of knowledge.

Especially a ninja like Kisame with a unique appearance. It's too recognizable.

Shimura Kizuki looked at a still warm body on the ground, and his tone was somewhat cold when he spoke: "What does it mean for a ninja from Kirigakure Village to infiltrate the Land of Fire and kill civilians in the Land of Fire? Do you Kirigakure Village want to start a war?"

As he said these words, he was also looking at Kisame.

Shimura Kizuki found that there were some bandages wrapped around Kisame's body.

The air was still filled with a faint smell of iodine.

Like there are injuries that have not fully healed.

Facing Shimura Kizuki's question, Kisame just grinned and said, "Don't use the words 'Seven Ninja Swordsmen' on your lips! For me, that's already past tense. Now I am a member of the Whitebeard Pirate Group!"

"What?" Shimura Kizuki was stunned.

One of the Kirigakure Village Ninja Sword Seven joined the Whitebeard Pirates?

Didn't their village's Mizukage just be killed by Whitebeard not long ago?

He should be an enemy of Whitebeard, right?

"Konohagakure ninja, can I ask a question?" Kisame grimaced, "Pops told me that this town should have a lot of pirate flags, but I didn't see a Whitebeard Pirate Group flag. Who pulled those flags down? Is it you?"

The cold eyes stared at Shimura Kizuki.

The atmosphere was tense.

"This casino is also Pops' spoils of war. It was originally agreed to pay 'taxes' on a three-seven split, with the Whitebeard Pirate Group accounting for 70% and the casino 30%. Now, you are unwilling to pay this tax."

"So... who is it now that gives them this confidence? Is it you, the ninja of Konohagakure Village?"

Kisame's aggressive questioning made Shimura Kizuki quite annoyed.

A wounded Kirigakure rebel, a broken pirate from the Whitebeard Pirates, questioning a Konohagakure Jonin in the Land of Fire?

What's the logic in that?

"So What if it's me?" Shimura Kizuki said with a very unpleasant tone: "Whitebeard forcibly took over the towns of the Land of Fire and the property of the Shimura clan, which is tantamount to declaring war on the Land of Fire, our Shimura clan, and the Konohagakure village! We Konohagakure are not as weak as you Kirigakure!"

"Not everyone will be afraid of your Whitebeard Pirates! Let me tell you one more thing, I not only pulled down your pirate flags, but also burned them all!"

"And in front of all the civilians in the town, I had someone sweep all the ashes into the pit."

Shimura Kizuki actually didn't know how their clan leader, Shimura Danzo, ended up with only half a body left.

After all, Danzo wouldn't talk about embarrassing things everywhere.

Moreover, that Whitebeard, who is famous in the ninja world, did not appear in front of him.

He was just facing a wounded member of the Kirigakure Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

As a Konohagakure Jonin, Shimura Kizuki still had some confidence.

This is the Land of Fire, his home court.

He was not injured, Kisame was injured.

The time, the place, and the people are all on his side.

The advantage is mine!

After hearing what the other party said, Kisame slowly let go of the Kunai, grabbed the hilt of Samehada, and nodded in sudden realization: "Is that so? Then I understand. It seems that as long as I kill you, everything here will be restored."

"You....." Shimura Kizuki was angry, but before he could finish his sentence, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Because Kisame made a move!

Without any warning!

He hurriedly pulled out a ninja sword from his waist and blocked it in front of him.


The big sword, Samehada, collided with the ninja sword made of refined steel, and the strange force that erupted from Samehada knocked Shimura Kizuki flying.

His body, like a cannonball, smashed through the wooden wall of the casino.

He fell onto the street outside.

"Cough cough!" Shimura Mutsuki was shocked in his heart, he quickly got up, only to feel his arms numb: "What kind of strange power is this? How can this guy be so strong?"

"Isn't he injured?!"

At this moment, he hastily looked up.

Kisame was slowly following him out.

Seeing this, Shimura Kizuki's heart tightened, he immediately stuck the ninja sword into the ground, and quickly made hand seals: "Our Shimura clan is not a waste that anyone can trample on! Even if Whitebeard comes in person, don't think about making the Shimura clan bow down!"

"Wind Release, Mighty Wind Cannon!!"

As he opened his mouth, four air bullets flew out one after another, each one as big as a grinding disc.

One of the air bullets rubbed against the ground of the street.

It carved out a trench on the ground!

"Tsk....." Kisame swung the big sword, Samehada, without hesitation, and an air bullet collided with the big sword, Samehada.

The air bullet was actually swallowed by Samehada!

The remaining three air bullets also met the same fate, Shimura Kizuki's Ninjutsu had no effect at all.

The big sword, Samehada, which swallowed four air bullets, swelled a lot, and the bandages wrapped around it were all stretched and broken.

Revealing its true form.

"How can it be ineffective?" Shimura Kizuki's face was full of disbelief.

You should know that the Shimura clan is best at Wind Release Ninjutsu, no one in the entire Konohagakure is better at Wind Release than them.

"Is this a Konohagakure Jonin?" Kisame held the huge Samehada in one hand, and a cold smirk appeared on his face: "You might not even be qualified to be a special Jonin, right? Did you get in through the back door? Konohagakure Jonin?!"

"How dare you!!" Shimura Kizuki's veins bulged: "You... huh?!"

Suddenly, Shimura Kizuki's tone paused.

He found that his shadow was covered by a strange shadow.

Heavy breathing sounded behind him.

An invisible pressure enveloped him.

Even though he didn't know what was happening, and he didn't know what the situation was behind him, the cold sweat on his forehead couldn't stop.

"Gurararararara! Stupid son! Why does it take so long to collect a 'tax' in the 'territory' of the Whitebeard Pirate Group?" The hearty laughter was somewhat teasing.

But Whitebeard's tone didn't blame him at all.

Whitebeard's voice made Shimura Kizuki's whole body stand up, he didn't know when someone came behind him.

Shimura Kizuki hurriedly looked back.

In an instant.

His expression froze.

Almost everyone in Konohagakure Village knows about Whitebeard, and as a Jonin, Shimura Mutsuki has seen Whitebeard's portrait.

Whitebeard's signature beard, and that exaggerated height, no one can fake it.

"Konohagakure ninja kid..." Whitebeard glanced down: "I heard everything you said just now!"

Shimura Kizuki was sweating profusely.

"'Not everyone will be afraid of your Whitebeard Pirates!'. This sentence is quite tough! Konohagakure kid!" Whitebeard's Murakumogiri was lightly placed on the ground.

The tail end of the Murakumogiri hilt collided slightly with the ground, and the heavy sound seemed to hit Shimura Mutsuki's heart.

"White... Whitebeard! You, you, you..."

Facing the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, Shimura Mutsuki could still be a bit tough, but facing Whitebeard, all the toughness disappeared.

This is a man who suppressed two ninja villages with his own power.

The entire village of Kusagakure Village has no more than twenty ninjas.

And the Mizukage of Kirigakure Village was killed...

These two villages are warning the world of Whitebeard's strength.

"Pulling down and burned the pirate flag of the Whitebeard Pirate Group and preventing the casino from paying 'tax' to the Whitebeard Pirate Group. In that sea known as the New World, even some bold and reckless sea thugs would not dare to provoke the Whitebeard Pirate Group like this!"

Whitebeard's eyes were cold, and his domineering aura overflowed: "What do you think the pirate flag of the Whitebeard Pirate Group is? Konohagakure ninja kid!"

As soon as the words fell.

Shimura Kizuki suddenly felt extreme pain in his back!

His eyes suddenly widened.

Looking back, he saw that the huge blade of "Big Sword, Samehada" had already hit his back. The spikes on the Big Sword. Samehada were deeply embedded in Shimura Kizuki's body.

Even, more than a dozen spikes pierced his body.

Blood splattered out.

"Pops, I'm sorry, I didn't complete the task you assigned." As Kisame apologized to Whitebeard, he unhesitatingly took the life of a Konohagakure Jonin.

Kisame lowered his head: "I am willing to accept any punishment from Pops!"


Whitebeard smirked: "Then I'll punish you, my stupid son, by having you replant the pirate flags all over this town!"

Kisame was stunned.

If he was in Kirigakure Village and failed the mission, the punishment he would need to accept would not be limited to this.

But in the Whitebeard Pirates, if the mission failed.

The punishment was surprisingly light.

Without comparison, it's okay, but once compared, the gap between the two sides appears.

It seems...

Joining Whitebeard was the right choice.

"Lord Whitebeard!" Suddenly, a voice came from afar, it was Kakashi who had rushed over: "You walked too fast, can you slow down a bit... huh? What is this?!"

A corpse on the ground made Kakashi's pupils shrink.

Because the dress of that corpse was exactly the same as Kakashi's.

"A Konohagakure ninja?!"




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