Chapter 134: Two Conqueror's Haki Shocks! If you have the ability, take your daughter back!

Whitebeard's words were shocking.

Hyuga Hiashi's eyes widened a bit, he couldn't help but look at Hinata next to Whitebeard, then at Whitebeard.

Whitebeard's words plunged his mind into chaos.

He obviously didn't expect Whitebeard would said that.

On the contrary, an older Hyuga clan elder was the first to react. The Hyuga elder who was leaning on a cane immediately said angrily, "Impossible! Hinata is the eldest daughter of the Hyuga main family, how could she be adopted into a pirate group?"

This Hyuga elder's voice was very low.

A bit of confidence, but not enough confidence.

Especially contradictory.

It's not clear whether he was speaking to Whitebeard or to Hyuga Hiashi next to him.

It wasn't until this elder spoke that Hyuga Hiashi reacted.

Whitebeard wants to adopt his daughter as his daughter!

And he criticized him for being an unqualified father!


Hyuga Hiashi gritted his teeth slightly.

Hadn't he warned Hinata not to get close to Naruto?

Just in school, she teamed up with Naruto to fight Iruka, and she was on Naruto's side?

The key is that she is also on Whitebeard's side!

Hyuga Hiashi had heard of Whitebeard's habit of adopting sons and daughters.

He didn't expect that Whitebeard would come to him.

Hinata is not an orphan!

She has a father and a mother!

Whitebeard-dono, you... this joke is not funny. "Hyuga Hiashi, as the head of the clan, said with some firmness, "Hinata has the opportunity to inherit the Hyuga main family in the future and become the new head of the family. She can't be adopted!"

"....Even if Hinata is not qualified to inherit the position of the head of the family, the bloodline of the Hyuga clan can never be lost outside."

Even if he took a step back, not to adopt Hinata, but to let Hinata recognize Whitebeard as her adoptive father, Hyuga Hiashi could not agree.

The child of the prestigious Hyuga main family, recognizing a pirate as an adoptive father?

What a disgrace! This is an insult to their ancestors.

The Hyuga clan is the most traditional ninja clan in the entire Konohagakure village.

Even the Uchiha clan is not as good as them.

"Hinata, what are you still standing there for?" Hyuga Hiashi said coldly, "Come here quickly!"

Hinata fell into unprecedented confusion. She blurted out her current situation in the Ichiraku Ramen shop, and then listened to Naruto and others criticize her father.

She was also invited into the Whitebeard Pirates by Naruto, and now she is standing on the opposite side of her father.

On one side is her own father.

On the other side is Naruto.

For Hinata, this is an unprecedented rebellion.

But for her, the family atmosphere of the Whitebeard Pirates also made Hinata yearn for it.

Naruto is so sunny and cheerful, so considerate of others, he must have a good father to teach him, right?

This father should be Whitebeard, right?

Hinata tried hard to recall the good things her father had done for her, but all she could recall were the repeated reprimands from her father and the repeated disappointments.

...."Hinata, you have to become the heir of the Hyuga clan, you can't slack off! You have to surpass Neji, your life's purpose is to guard the Hyuga main family, you absolutely can't let outsiders surpass the main family."

....."Hinata, what are you doing? When you're practicing with Neji, you don't even dare to use Gentle Fist? Are you scared? Hinata... You disappoint me so much. I can't believe I... Sigh, you should practice more tomorrow."

...."Birthday? When you can be half as good as Neji, I'll celebrate your birthday once. If you're not half as good as Neji, then you should go practice hard right now."

....."Hinata, don't get close to Naruto!"

When Hinata recalled the words her father had said, a sudden voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Hinata, don't go there." Naruto said with a frown, "What main family, what bloodline... Your father is not a qualified father at all. His primary concern is not your safety, but the bloodline in your body, the inheritance of your family."

Naruto doesn't understand much, he only knows that Hyuga Hiashi, this father, doesn't really care about Hinata.

He could clearly see that when Hyuga Hiashi looked at Hinata, there was deep disappointment in his eyes.

What kind of father... would be so disappointed in his own daughter?

Did Hinata do something terribly wrong?

Naruto thinks Hinata did nothing wrong.

"Hinata, do you really want to walk this path?" Naruto asked Hinata seriously, "If you really want to follow the path your unqualified father said, then I and Pops can leave your Hyuga clan now."

"Do you really want to walk that path? The expectations your unqualified father has for you, do you really want to achieve them? Pops told me that if you want to become a strong person on the sea, you have to first see clearly what path you want to walk."

"Hinata, what I mean is... you must take your own path, not the path others want you to walk." In order to make the Whitebeard Pirates stronger, Naruto's eloquence reached a peak.

Just as Whitebeard would adopt people he liked as his children.

Naruto would also help Pops adopt family members he thought were pleasing to the eye.

Only in this way can the Whitebeard Pirates become stronger.

Naruto has always been thinking about the number "1600".

This is the number of core members of the Whitebeard Pirates.

And Naruto's repeated use of the term "unqualified father" made Hiashi, who was not far away, turn a little blue.

"Hinata, come here!" Hiashi didn't say much to Naruto, because Naruto's identity was special.

Naruto still had a Whitebeard standing behind him.

He still said to Hinata, "You are the main family of the Hyuga clan, I am your father, you are the eldest daughter of the main family! Don't forget, what you carry is my expectation of you."

"Do you want to disappoint me? Do you want to disappoint the family?" Hiashi continued, "Hinata, come here!"

In Hiashi's memory, Hinata was a very weak person, as long as he spoke harshly, she would listen to him.

His eldest daughter was also a person who was submissive.


What Hiashi didn't expect was.

Hinata didn't move at all!

"Father..... Father..." Hinata said weakly, "I... Naruto is right, I actually don't... don't want to be the heir of the Hyuga clan, I don't want to bear the responsibility of the main family, and don't want to stand against Brother Neji... This is not the path I want to walk."

Hiashi was stunned.

Hinata's voice was indeed very small, but at this distance, if he couldn't hear it, he would be deaf.

"I... I don't know why there should be a main family and a branch family. I also don't know why the main family can't be surpassed by the branch family. I... I only know that the expectations you have for me are not the path I want to walk..."

When she said this, Hinata didn't continue.

Because to say this, she had already mustered up the greatest courage.

Even Hinata didn't expect herself to be so brave.

Here isPerhaps...

It was the words Naruto said to her.....

That gave her a lot of courage.

"Hiashi, how do you teach the younger generation?" An elder of the Hyuga clan said with disappointment, "Have you really instilled the positive thinking of the Hyuga clan in your daughter? Hiashi, Hinata absolutely cannot leave the Hyuga clan, her forehead... doesn't have that mark!"

"Once the bloodline of the Hyuga clan leaks out, our Hyuga clan will no longer have any advantage in the ninja world." The Hyuga elder said somewhat excitedly, coughing a few times, "You have to remember, the the Byakugan is the most important!"

Hyuga Hiashi: "....."

Who would have thought that in just one day, his daughter would be swayed.

This child named Uzumaki Naruto, this old man named Whitebeard, are their personalities so attractive?

"Hinata..." Seeing his daughter's slightly stubborn look, Hiashi felt a bit soft.

Hiashi didn't say much to Naruto, actually because he didn't know how to refute Naruto.

In terms of the "patriarch" identity of the Hyuga clan

Hiashi thinks he's doing pretty well, although not meritorious, at least he's not wrong

But in terms of the "father" identity of Hinata

He really didn't do all the care and love a father should do, he only transmitted the concept of the family to Hinata, and would suppress some of Hinata's ideas that are not very beneficial to the family

He want to train Hinata to be the heir of the main family.

To put it nicely, it's the heir of the main family, to put it bluntly, she is a tool to run the family.


The elders are even more right.

The bloodline of their Hyuga clan absolutely cannot be spread out. Especially Hinata's forehead, there is no cage bird mark.


"White-eyed brat." Whitebeard was already a bit impatient, for such an unqualified father, Whitebeard didn't bother to argue with him about anything.

He looked disdainful and contemptuous, and directly interrupted, "Tsk, it seems that your refusal of my courage is not based on your paternal love for your daughter, but on this stupid and decayed thing. It seems that I already know what I want to know."

"Whitebeard-dono, this is not..."

"Gurararararara!" Whitebeard didn't want to hear what he had to say at all, he gently lifted Murakumogiri, and then slammed it down heavily.


The entire residence of the Hyuga clan seemed to tremble for a while.

This loud noise..... also made all the elders of the Hyuga clan, Jonin, including the clan leader Hyuga Hiashi, their faces changed dramatically.

Facing a man like Whitebeard, they would be lying if they said they were not panicked.

Although the Hyuga clan is very strong, and it is one of the top ninja clans in Konohagakure village.

And they also have a very complete inheritance.

No one dares to provoke the Hyuga clan.

But Whitebeard is even more fierce!

"Any objections?" Whitebeard's gaze swept over the dozen or so "cataracts" in front of him, and he sharply criticized, "A guy who doesn't even want to support his daughter's path is really a lousy little devil to the extreme. Your Konohagakure village, from the Hokage to the clan, is really disgusting."

"Gurararararara!" Whitebeard laughed heartily, his laughter gave Hinata the greatest confidence, "I am Whitebeard! Today I'll leave my words here, Hyuga Hinata is my daughter, she is already a new member of the Whitebeard Pirates!"

'You White eyed brats of the Hyuga clan....."

Whitebeard squinted his eyes, and the invisible Conqueror's Haki spread out. Although the Conqueror's Haki was not fully unleashed, it could still give people an extreme sense of oppression.

Almost everyone present could feel it, as if a thousand-pound boulder was pressing on their hearts.

The gravel on the ground was trembling slightly.

The leaves of the trees by the road were shaking.

Hyuga Hiashi, Hyuga elders, Hyuga Jonin... This group of people, under the slight influence of the Conqueror's Haki, were all sweating profusely.

"If you have any objections..." Whitebeard looked down at these people, carrying Murakumogiri on his shoulder. The smile on his face was somewhat wicked:

"Then take action to take back what you want!"

If Hyuga Hiashi really dared to take Hinata back, Whitebeard would consider him a qualified father

At least he dares to protect his own daughter

In that case, Whitebeard would return Hinata to Hyuga Hiashi. A barely passing father is enough to get his approval.


Facing Whitebeard, none of these Hyuga people dared to step forward, because they all knew very well what earth-shattering things Whitebeard had done. Even the Hokage in their Konohagakure village and the Mizukage of Kirigakure Village are not Whitebeard's opponents.

Even if this group of people were to go together...

Could they be Whitebeard's opponents?

If they really want to take Hinata back, it would be to start a suicidal war with the Whitebeard Pirates.

Is it worth it?

The first reaction of the elders of the Hyuga clan was that it was not worth it.

The eldest daughter of the main family is indeed very important, but compared to it, the safety of the entire clan is more important.


Doesn't Hiashi still have another daughter?

"Hiashi." Just as Hyuga Hiashi wanted to take a step forward, suddenly a Hyuga elder immediately grabbed his arm and said in a low voice to Hiashi, "Don't conflict with Whitebeard for Hinata, don't forget you still have another daughter"

Hiashi hasn't softened yet, the elders in the clan have softened.

This also made Hiashi start to hesitate.

"Yes! Hiashi." Another elder also advised, their attitude was firm, and it lasted for less than a few minutes: "Hinata is indeed very important, but the safety of the family is more important."

Hiashi began to waver, originally he wanted to stand on the perspective of a father, to argue with Whitebeard.

However, the successive "advice" from these elders...

Made Hiashi couldn't help but weigh the pros and cons.

His thinking also began to stand on the side of the family.

"Hiashi.....find an put the cage bird on Hinata." An elder of the Hyuga clan with a blue face said in a voice that only Hiashi could hear, behind Hiashi.

Hiashi was stunned on the spot.

"Hinata..." Hiashi looked at his own daughter, and the expression on his face gradually became more determined.

Hiashi said, "Since you no longer want to be for Hyuga, then from today... I will train your sister, that is, Hanabi, to become the heir of the Hyuga clan."

Saying this also showed his attitude.

In Hiashi's heart, the Hyuga clan is above the family.

After experiencing various things, Hyuga Hiashi might be different.

For example, seeing Hinata's courage burst out during the Chunin exam, Neji tearing open the Hyuga clan's veil... and various other things.

However, Whitebeard's intrusion prevented all this from happening.

At this stage, Hiashi is indeed like this.

"I agree to you becoming Whitebeard's adopted daughter."

Hyuga Hiashi's attitude gradually became indifferent: "I also agree that you no longer need to follow the path I designated for you; I agree with your view that I am not a qualified father."

"Father..." Hinata's last shred of paternal illusion towards Hiashi also shattered. She didn't expect that at this time, her father was still full of words about the clan and inheritance.

As long as her father said a word of "retention", even half a sentence, Hinata would continue to return to her previous life.

However, her father did not say.

"Hinata, follow Whitebeard!" Hiashi opened his mouth: "Since this is your choice, then I will not stop you. Because now you are of no use to the clan."

Drip, drip...

The cold words made tears well up in Hinata's eyes, and the crystal clear tears fell to the ground.

In just one day, Hinata experienced too much.

The start of ninja school, fighting the teacher, getting to know Naruto....

Until she heard her father say such hurtful words.

All these things happened in one day.

"I understand." Hinata lowered her head: "Yes, father."

Although Hiashi did not say that she could not live at home, she did not choose to return to her own home.

Instead, she turned her head and left in a daze.

The more she walked, the more wronged she felt.

And the faster she walked.

Until she ran out of the Hyuga clan's residence while crying.

"Eh? Hinata?" Naruto hurriedly followed.

Hiashi looked at the two little figures with an expressionless face.

Just the slightly trembling fingers

Indicate that his mood is not calm.

'Run! Run as far as you can, run as fast as you can, it's best to stay away from Hyuga. In this way, you can stay away from the curse of the caged bird. I'm sorry, Hinata, as a father, I can't give up the will of the family.'

"The farce is over. This is a family scandal, I'm sorry for making such a scene, everyone go back!"

Hiashi said the first sentence in his heart, and the second sentence was said to a group of elders and Hyuga Jonin behind him.

He thought for a while, and wanted to raise his head to say something to Whitebeard.

But he found that Whitebeard completely ignored their Hyuga clan.

At this time, he could only see Whitebeard's back.

Hiashi couldn't help but show a bitter smile, perhaps the farce of the Hyuga clan... in Whitebeard's eyes, it didn't count at all.

"Hiashi, what about Hinata's caged bird?" An old Hyuga elder couldn't help but ask: "Since you gave up on her, you should give her the caged bird! In this way, our Hyuga clan's bloodline will not be passed on! Why didn't you give Hinata the caged bird just now?"

"She is a member of the main family! Once the Whitebeard Pirate Group wants to use her bloodline to create a large army of Byakugan, Hinata, who has not been given the caged bird, will become the beginning of Hyuga's decline!"

The Hyuga elder became more and more excited as he spoke.

Hiashi turned his head and said: "If you have the ability, you can carve the caged bird for Hinata in front of Whitebeard."

This sentence made a group of Hyuga elders suddenly speechless

Let them do this in front of Whitebeard?

Who has the guts?!

"Also..." Suddenly, the whitebeard, which was only a small figure in the distance, 

echoed throughout the Hyuga clan's residence: "The Emperor of the Sea... can't tolerate a group of little devils peeking with those broken eyes! A group of white-eyed little devils!"


As soon as the voice fell, the Conqueror's Haki, which was stronger than before, enveloped the entire Hyuga clan's residence.

Black thunder flickered in the air.

It seemed as if a gust of wind swept past.

One by one, the people of the Hyuga clan were shocked on the spot, their Byakugan turned over, and they all fell to the ground.

Several old and frail Hyuga elders also foamed at the mouth.

They fell heavily to the ground.

Hyuga Hiashi's expression changed abruptly, his back was soaked with cold sweat, and his legs seemed to soften for a moment, almost kneeling down.

"What is... this?"

His expression was very horrified.

There was a bit of fear.




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