Chapter 131: Naruto's Victory! Whitebeard: Who is this cataract girl?

Iruka never thought that death would be so close to him.

The last time he had a similar feeling was during the Chunin exam.

The invisible wind blade was hard to see with the naked eye.

But the whistling sharp wind sound, and a premonition of death emerging in his heart, made Iruka sure that he couldn't take it.

He also knew that he didn't know how to dodge.


At this moment, Iruka's scalp suddenly cooled, he instinctively squatted down, and found that the invisible wind blade did not cut off his head.

But when Iruka reached out to touch his head, he was shocked to find that a patch of hair on his head had been cut off.

The hair on the top of his head was cut into a flat top by the wind blade.


The Konohagakure forehead protector on his forehead, he didn't know when, that strip of cloth had also been cut off.

It fell straight to the ground.

The polished Konohagakure forehead protector just reflected Iruka's lingering fear and unsettled expression.

Iruka stiffly turned his head back, only to see some decorative trees planted on the edge of the small exercise field, all cut off at the waist.

"Hehe!" A sly laugh sounded from the side: "Iruka-sensei, I've got this chalk. And, I guess this counts as defeating you, right?"

"Although it's a bit of a cheap victory, after all, you've fought with many people before, this is not your peak state."

Naruto didn't know when he stood next to Iruka.

He didn't know when he took the chalk from his pocket.

"But...."Naruto laughed: "Iruka-sensei, you promised to treat the winning team to Ichiraku Ramen. It doesn't matter if it's a cheap victory if I can eat Ichiraku Ramen for free."

The phrase "cheap victory" that Naruto said was something he heard from Pops, and he was using it on the spot.

"I didn't expect to lose to my own student."

Iruka's complex expression quickly turned into a carefree smile.

He himself is not a very talented ninja.

If he gets depressed every time he sees a genius.

Then he would have been depressed enough to jump off the Hokage Rock.

"You're amazing, Naruto!" Iruka picked up his Konohagakure forehead protector and put it back on his head. The standing him looked at Naruto with a lot of emotion: "You remind me of a genius named Uchiha Shisui, he's my junior! At your age, he also defeated a ninja school teacher."

Iruka, who said this, has already admitted that he is not Naruto's opponent. At least, he is not an opponent in this state.

But Iruka soon found out that his head was too cold, and he silently moved the Konohagakure forehead protector to the top of his head.

In this way, others can't see his flat top.

"Iruka-sensei, so when are you going to treat us to the promised Ichiraku Ramen?"

Naruto is obviously more interested in Ichiraku Ramen.

"In the evening after school!" Iruka's face was full of emotion, he answered: "Tonight, I will treat you, Sasuke, and Hyuga Hinata, to Ichiraku Ramen. I'm treating, you three can order whatever you want, no matter how expensive."

In Iruka's eyes, they are just three kids, even if they eat a lot, it doesn't matter.

As a Chunin teacher at the Ninja Academy, he is considered a high-income talent in Konohagakure village

Can three little kid make him poor?

Perhaps, he can also take the opportunity to invite Naruto to eat a bowl of ramen, which can eliminate some of the thorns in his heart.

The "thorn" in Iruka's heart

Naturally, it's because of the Nine-Tails chaos.

"Good! Naruto immediately showed a very bright smile, the smile was very sunny, and quite infectious. At this time, Naruto also turned his head and looked back at Sasuke and Hinata: "Sasuke, Hinata! Today's dinner, it's Iruka-sensei's treat!"

"Naruto, he actually won against a Chunin unscathed." Sasuke is not very interested in Ichiraku Ramen.

He is still immersed in the shock of Naruto defeating Iruka.

Naruto's vigorous Taijutsu, and the exaggerated power of Wind Release Ninjutsu, all made Sasuke a little dizzy.

Is it my surname Uchiha?

Or is Naruto's surname Uchiha?

Didn't my father always tell me that the Uchiha clan is the most excellent clan in Konohagakure village? Didn't my father say that no one in the entire Konohagakure village will be better than Uchiha?

Sasuke is a bit skeptical about life.

"Naruto...." Sasuke turned his head, but his eyes couldn't help but glance at Naruto, he asked a little shyly: "You, how did you become so powerful?"

"Ah? Me!" Naruto gave Sasuke a thumbs up, he was unreserved about his friends: 

"That's naturally because of the teachings of Pops and Uncle Kakashi!"

"Pops? Kakashi?" Sasuke has never heard of the famous name of Kakashi, after all, he is a child.

But he knew that the Pops in Naruto's mouth referred to Whitebeard.

"Iruka-sensei invites us to eat ramen....."

Hinata is struggling whether or not to eat a meal openly?

If she eats openly, will her amazing appetite scare Naruto?


"Chouji! Ino! Sakura! My waist is about to be crushed! You three, get up from me quickly!" Shikamaru on the other side was almost suffocated by these three people. His face was red and purple, and he couldn't breathe at all.

He saw that there was an Akimichi Chouji on his body.

Then there was a Haruno Sakura on Chouji.

Sakura had a Yamanaka Ino on her.

"Ah! Yes! Sorry!" Sakura hurriedly wanted to struggle to get up, she accidentally overturned Ino on her body, and Ino "rolled" to the ground.

"Ouch! It hurts!" Ino rubbed her slender waist, looking at the training ground with lingering fear: "Is this really a battle between students and teachers?"

In Ino's sight, she could see the embarrassed Sasuke, the overwhelmed Hinata, the slightly injured Iruka.

And the unscathed Uzumaki Naruto.

As a member of the Yamanaka clan, Ino naturally heard of Naruto, but she didn't have any discriminatory views on Naruto.

For Naruto to show such amazing strength.

Ino is shocked.

"He... he's even more formidable than Haku!" Ino couldn't help but marvel, and then she couldn't help but mutter in a low voice, "But, from this angle, this Naruto seems doesn't look bad"

In fact, Naruto, who had been following Whitebeard for a full year, was no longer in a state of malnutrition.

Naruto's height was not as short as before. In Class 1, he was second only to Haku in height, and he was several centimeters taller than Sasuke.

He wasn't as tall as Haku because Haku was three years older than him.

"Aren't you like that guy called Haku?" Sakura looked at her best friend helplessly, she couldn't help but retort, "Your speed of moving on is too fast, isn't it?"

"Cough! Don't talk nonsense!" Ino immediately corrected, "My love for Haku is eternal!"

Although she thought Naruto was also a bit good-looking.

But compared to Haku, there was no comparison.

Sakura: "....."

Sakura looked at Naruto in the field.

At the gate of the Ninja School, she thought Uchiha Sasuke was the most dazzling person among the freshmen. But at this moment, she suddenly realized that the most dazzling one was Uzumaki Naruto.

"Can I become a formidable ninja like Naruto?" Sakura suddenly had such a thought in her heart.

Haruno Sakura at this age...

She knew nothing about "cheating".

"Shikamaru! Shikamaru!" Chouji moved away from Shikamaru, he was more excited and thrilled than anyone else in the field, "Naruto defeated Iruka-sensei! He is a Chunin! Shikamaru, did you see? Naruto defeated a Chunin from Konohagakure Village all by himself!"

Finally able to catch his breath, Shikamaru let out a sigh of relief.

He rolled his eyes and said, "I'm not blind."

Shikamaru's gaze fell on Naruto's back.

"Naruto, this guy... is full of surprises!" Shikamaru's bored face showed a hint of a smile.

He finally understood why Naruto had the confidence to say that he wanted to become the Hokage of Konohagakure and surpass the Third Hokage of Konohagakure.

He also understood that when Naruto said those words...

It wasn't just empty talk.

Naruto was serious.

Naruto also had the confidence.

"What a drag!" Shikamaru put his hands behind his head, "To become friends with such a troublesome guy, can I still lie down carefree and do nothing in the future?"

"And... Naruto's two family members are also very strong!" Shikamaru didn't know why, but he suddenly had the idea that he didn't want to drag Naruto down.

Shikamaru was shocked to find that he, as a person.

There was a spark of fighting spirit in his heart!

Even if this fighting spirit was just a little bit, it was enough to make him doubt his life, doubt whether he was still Nara Shikamaru?

"Tsk! Damn it! Why are they all so strong?" Inuzuka Kiba, holding Akamaru in his arms, had just been swept away by the strong wind and had just gotten up.

"Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Karin, Haku, Uzumaki Naruto."

Kiba found that if he wanted to become the top of the class

There are a lot of people he needs to surpass.

Aburame Shino rubbed his swollen forehead.

Picking up the scattered sunglasses.

He remained silent.

"They actually don't know that this is not Naruto's full strength." Haku took all the reactions of the newcomers into his eyes.

He doesn't envy Naruto, but is very happy for Naruto: "But showing a little strength in a place like the Ninja Academy is enough to shock these people."

Haku had witnessed Naruto's battle with Kisame, and Naruto was able to use the power from the Tailed Beast at that time!

Haku knew... When Naruto use the power of the Tailed Beast + use Observation Haki + combine his own Ninjutsu + Taijutsu.....

This is his strongest state!



The pipe that Sarutobi Hiruzen was holding fell on the desk. The burning tobacco burned a hole in a policy document, but Sarutobi Hiruzen ignored it.

"Iruka, lost." He couldn't think of it anyway, the dignified Chunin of Konohagakure village would lose to a child.

Even if, this child is the Jinchuriki of their Konohagakure village, a very special child.

But it shouldn't be like this!

The key is that Naruto had never been exposed to any training before meeting Whitebeard.

What did Whitebeard do?

How did Naruto progress so fast?

In one year, from nothing to something, he defeated the Chunin of Konohagakure village.

Such talent....

How exaggerated?

"Naruto, you really gave me a 'big surprise'!" Sarutobi Hiruzen's face was quite uncertain.

Naruto's growth so fast is not a good thing for him.

If Naruto can grow to be independent.....

Then how can he establish a bond with him?

After all, by then, once something happens to Naruto, he can solve it by himself, and he doesn't need him, this "Grandpa Hokage", because"Grandpa Hokage" is useless at that point.

The initiator of all this....

It's all that Whitebeard!

And Kakashi!


In the case of large emotional fluctuations, Sarutobi Hiruzen's crystal ball used to monitor Naruto suddenly cracked.

The picture in the telescope technique gradually became blurred.

Finally, it became pitch black.

The technique was interrupted.


Time, soon it was time to leave school in the evening.

"Ramen! Ramen!" Naruto's energy seemed inexhaustible, he walked in the front of the four people, with an excited expression on his face: "Yesterday Uncle Kakashi invited me to eat ramen, and today Iruka-sensei invited me to eat ramen again. Hahaha, Ichiraku Ramen! I am here again!"

Behind Naruto, Iruka, Sasuke, and Hinata followed one after another.

Iruka had his hands in his pockets, his legs and feet were all wrapped in bandages, and there was a faint smell of iodine on his body.

It's not very convenient to walk, it's a bit limping.

He looked at Naruto's back.

"Naruto, why are you so happy?" Iruka was a bit puzzled, he said, "Today, when the Ninja Academy started, many people were talking behind your back, right? Hearing those bad comments, why can you still maintain such an attitude?"

"Haha! Well...." Naruto laughed carelessly, "Of course, it's because I am Uzumaki Naruto, I will definitely become the Hokage of Konohagakure Village. Why Hokage should care about other people's comments? As long as they're not talking about my family, I don't care what they say."


Naruto's smile faded a bit, his tone became serious, "I want to let everyone in Konohagakure Village see, the Uzumaki Naruto they hated, become the Fifth Hokage of Konohagakure!"

"Whether they hate me or discriminate against me, it doesn't matter. At that time, I will be above them."

Saying this, Naruto turned back and showed a smile.

This smile made Iruka and the other three stunned.

At this moment, Naruto didn't seem like a child. He seemed like an adult with great ambition and a clear goal.

He was more like the captain of a pirate crew.

He had a bit of a pirate's spirit.

Iruka couldn't judge whether Naruto's thoughts were right or wrong, in fact, he was just a young teacher who was not yet twenty years old.

To let him say some great truths...

It was a bit hard for him.

But Naruto's extremely firm eyes moved him.

"Then if you really become the Fifth Hokage of the village in the future, don't forget the 'Will of Fire' of Konohagakure, Naruto." At this time, Iruka also showed a bit of a smile.

"Where leaves flies, the fire is also endless."

Naruto said, "I remember it very clearly! Pops told me that there's no problem with Konohagakure's 'Will of Fire'. It's just that some people talk about the 'Will of Fire' but what they do is completely different from the 'Will of Fire'."

"Once I become the Fifth Hokage of Konohagakure..."

"I will kick all those people out of Konohagakure."

Naruto thought of Shimura Danzo, Shimura Kizuki, and the Root ninjas.

These were people Naruto didn't like.

Their Will of Fire was not pure.

But Naruto didn't say one more thing... in his heart, the will of the Whitebeard Pirates was above the Will of Fire.

"Naruto....." Sasuke was staring blankly at Naruto's back. The words Naruto said were quite shocking to him.

It turns out that Naruto had thought so much and matured so much at this time.

And what about himself as a peer?

This morning, he was a little depressed because his brother didn't take him to school.

Sasuke's face was a bit hot.

Compared with Naruto.....

He was so childish!

"We're here!" Naruto's voice interrupted Sasuke's thoughts. The storefront of Ichiraku Ramen appeared in front of everyone. Naruto pushed open the door without hesitation, but as soon as he walked in, he was taken aback, "Huh? Eh? Pops? You're here too?!"

Naruto, who entered Ichiraku Ramen, saw a very large figure at a glance, like a wall.

Whitebeard's white cloak was very eye-catching.

The symbol of the Whitebeard Pirates was embroidered on the cloak.

"When Naruto shouted the word 'Pops', Iruka, who was following behind, realized that something was wrong.

But he had promised to treat him today.

Now he can only go in with a stiff scalp.

When Iruka also saw the figure of Whitebeard.....

His whole person almost stopped breathing.

"Gulp...." Iruka couldn't help swallowing his saliva, the instinct of fear in his body urged him to greet Whitebeard: "And....and meet again, Whitebeard."

"Oh?" Whitebeard, who was eating ramen, turned his head back.

The two crescent-shaped beards trembled up and down.

"Gurararararara!" Whitebeard showed a few laughs on his face, his laughter was so hearty that even the lights hanging from the ceiling were slightly swaying with the sound waves of laughter.

"The owner of the ramen shop has specially renovated the shop so that I can go in and eat, how can I not come here to support it?"

There is no chair suitable for Whitebeard in the ramen shop, so he just sat directly on the ground.

For such insignificant details.

Whitebeard doesn't care.

What's even more surprising is that there is actually a ridiculously large bowl in front of Whitebeard, so large that people can use it as a bathtub.

Obviously, this is also a large bowl custom-made by the owner, Teuchi, for Whitebeard.

At that time, the owner, Teuchi, didn't think so much, he just felt that if such a guest came next time, this super-large bowl might come in handy.

and it become reality

"Stupid son, why did you come?"

Whitebeard glanced at Iruka and others: "And two familiar little kid! This Konohagakure little kid, I remembers seeing him a few days ago, this little kid who looks like a woman..... is called Uchiha Sasuke, right? Hmm? Who is this little kid with cataract?"

Hinata's eyes were noticed by Whitebeard.




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